Chapter 124: Preparation

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After Ouyang Shuo finished expanding the space of his storage bag, he started purchasing military goods.

He first spent 210 gold on 210 ordinary military tents. Since it was inappropriate for Ouyang Shuo to ask the generals to stay in the same tents as the soldiers, he had bought 10 more tents for his generals. Then, he spent another 50 gold on a fine military tent, storing it in his storage bag. The fine tent would be used as command post.

This was followed by military grain pills. With 500 gold, Ouyang Shuo bought 50,000 military grain pills, enough to sustain 1000 men for a month. Plus, these pills could be stored in his storage bag. They had no such things as an expiration date, so even if they couldn't finish them, they could still use it next time. The military grain pill had a diameter of 2 cm, so 50,000 pills took up only a small little corner of his storage bag.

After leaving the barracks, Ouyang Shuo made his way to the wood workshop.

The wood workshop had changed a lot since the last time Ouyang Shuo had come. It had expanded to 4 or 5 times larger than it was before, and had been divided into two sections. The front section was purposed to accommodate the guests and visitors, while the back section was a large space of the workshop. Hundreds of carpenters were in the workshop, busy crafting parts and manufacturing the wooden-ox horse.

As it was late in the day, Ouyang Shuo lost his intent on touring the workshop. He received the south-pointing chariot from the manager Lu Guangzhi, stored it in his storage bag, and directly returned to his manor.

Ouyang Shuo went back straight to the manor and logged off.

In the brick and mortar world, it was already the height of summer.

Ever since the last holiday trip they had, Bing'er had been more clingy than ever. Today was a Sunday, Ouyang Shuo woke up early from bed and brushed himself up. As soon as he was done, the little girl came rushing out from her bedroom, she was ready to join Ouyang Shuo for a morning jog, for this, she even omitted her favorite habit of sleeping.

"Baby, why are you so active lately? Is the Sun now rising from the west?" Ouyang Shuo teased her.

The little beauty smiled and said nothing like a proud peacock.

Bing'er wore a pink t-shirt along with pink cotton sports pants, and on her legs were a pair of white canvas sports shoes. Her appearance was exactly that of an active sports girl. Ever since she and Xiaoyue had gotten along together, Bing'er's clothing was handled by Xiaoyue. Compared with Ouyang Shuo's aesthetics, hers naturally was a few levels better. After all, in the field of fashion, most men were far behind the women.

While jogging around in the park, passersby were staring at the little beauty as though as she were a star walking on the street. Even Ouyang Shuo could enjoy the luxury of being stared at by passersby.

Even after they came back, Xiaoyue was still in bed, it seemed that she was sleeping in due to the game. Although, it was proven that when players were in-game, their human body would be in a light sleep state, but it wasn't as good as real sleep. Therefore, for some players, especially female players, if conditions permitted it, they would sleep in after logging out of the game. As the saying goes, lack of sleep is the enemy of a beauty.

After breakfast, Ouyang Shuo opened his handbrain and logged in to the game forum.

Around these 2 days, the forum had been extra lively, the focus was naturally directed towards the Battle of Zhuolu. Such a new style of a quest system with the lack of disclosed information had kept the players in suspense. However, most of the players weren't qualified for the battle and could only discuss about it in the forum.

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