Chapter 172: Mountain Barbarian Settlement

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On the 5th day of the 6th month, Shanhai County had finally ended their raider operation.

The 10 day raider operation started by the mixed regiment had obtained great rewards. It earned a total of 2500 gold and 3000 prisoners, as well as large amounts of grain and equipment.

As for special items, apart from that heavy armored infantry token, they also obtained a territory specially scroll.

Territory specialty scroll (3): After use, agriculture production increases by 10%.

There were a total of 6 territory specialty scrolls. Shanhai County had already obtained the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ones, and only hadn't got the 1st, 5th, and 6th ones.

Out of which, the first raised the refugee attraction rate, the 5th raised the levelling speed, and the last one raised the chances of talents breaking the bottleneck, all of which were very important.

The gold earned was basically the cost of the military expansion. Of course, the large amounts of payments were due to the salaries from expanding the army.

In the current Shanhai County, the vanguard unit's salary was born by Friendship Town, the Beihai naval fleet by Beihai Town, and Langshan protection unit didn't have any salary. Hence the city only needed to provide salaries to the mixed regiment, the city protection unit, and the god machine unit.

Even so, Shanhai County's monthly expenditure still reached 2000 gold.

3000 prisoners, 250 of which were water bandits which were sent to Beihai Town, and sent to be reserves for the Beihai Naval fleet. With this, the reserve squad of the third squadron of the Beihai naval fleet had reached max members. The moment Beihai Town upgraded to Beihai County, these reserve troops would change class to form the 3rd unit.

The remaining prisoners, apart from a minority who were chosen by the Military Affairs Department and sent into the reserve troops, were sent to build the 2nd city wall. Once the project ended, they would be sent to either the brick kiln or the pottery workshop.

After the raider operation had ended, the selection for the lord manor Guards had officially started. Before it began, Ouyang Shuo had spread that the salary of the Guards would be twice that of any other.

Honor and money. These two temptations weren't things any good man could resist.

Ouyang Shuo specially arranged Wang Feng to pick some high rank elites who didn't want to change class to basic general. Based on his understanding, if the rank 9 elite soldier didn't choose to change class, then there was a chance they could upgrade to a war elite.

In the afternoon while Ouyang Shuo was reading, the director of Internal Affairs Tian Wenjing, who had got on the job not long ago, walked in.

"Sire, congratulations!" Tian Wenjing couldn't hide his happiness.

"Oh, what good news?" It wasn't often he saw this director happy, making Ouyang Shuo very curious.

"There was news from Xuanniao tribe that a small sized tribe was willing to come down the mountains and build a settlement in our territory." Tian Wenjing laughed.

Ever since the Jifeng tribe was destroyed, Tian Wenjing was appointed as the territory ambassador and put in charge of matters regarding the mountain barbarians.

The newly set up Internal Affairs Department and changing the director of the Material Reserves department. He didn't hand over this job regarding the mountain barbarians to the new Material Reserves Department. Instead, Tian Wenjing was still in charge.

Ouyang Shuo considered that firstly it wasn't easy for Tian Wenjing to get close to the mountain barbarians, and changing someone halfway would mean starting over. Secondly, this fell nicely in the role of the Internal Affairs Department, which was suppose to deal with population control.

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