Chapter 175: Beihai County

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Three days later, it was the 9th day of the 6th month, and Fallen Phoenix Town had successfully upgraded to Fallen Phoenix County, becoming the 3rd grade 1 county in the Chinese region.

On the 11th day of the 6th month, The moment Ouyang Shuo went online, a system notification sounded in his ear.

"System notification: Congratulations player Zhan Lang for becoming the 4th lord in china to upgrade to grade 1 county, rewarded 1600 merit points!"

"System notification: Congratulations player Zhan Lang for becoming the 4th lord in china..."

"System notification: Congratulations player Zhan Lang..."

As expected, Blood Red Town, which was supported by the military, had suddenly showed their strength and succeeded in upgrading.

Being provoked by Zhan Lang, Bai Hua couldn't resist and decided to apply 3 days earlier, which meant that Fallen Phoenix Town would welcome the raider attack on the 6th month 13th day.

Which meant that Wang Yuanfeng, who had just returned from Fallen Phoenix County was sent to Consonance Town to help arrange and teach them how to use the bed crossbows.

The Four Seas Bank at Mulan Town had officially opened yesterday. Mu Lanyue directly borrowed 1000 gold in the name of Mulan Town to use to expand the military and build the city wall. The remaining 1000 gold was left for the various individuals in the town for their shops and workshops.

On the same day, Beihai Town had reached the max population of 10 thousand people, and officially upgraded to Beihai County. The upgrading of affiliate villages didn't need to take the system test. As long as they met the requirements, they could automatically upgrade.

After Beihai County's upgrade, Ouyang Shuo imemedately appointed Gu Xiuwen as the Beihai county magistrate. At the same time, he ordered that his administrative level would be equal to the directors of the main camp.

Before the upgrade, the various heads of the affiliate villages didn't have titles, what they were called weren't fixed, and their administrative powers also weren't confirmed.

Using the chance, Ouyang Shuo shaped the management of the affiliate territories, while also letting go of some authority. The various directors and the county magistrates of the grade 1 counties were all under the direct charge of the lord. The lord would not interfere in the country magistrate's affiliate territory, and he would report everything to the Administration Department in the main camp.

The administrative powers of the affiliate territories were one level lower than that of the main camp. This meant that the 4 directors of the affiliate counties would be equal to the secretary of the main camp, and their secretaries would be similar to Shanhai's vice secretaries. Their salaries would also be based on their administrative powers and not their position.

At the same time, Ouyang Shuo also drew a clear line at their administration structure. The affiliate county didn't have a Military Affairs Department and only had a Combat Logistics Division; their bank was directly controlled by the main branch of Four Seas Bank; their Material Reserves Department didn't have a Saltpan Division. The Combat Logistics Division was drafted under the jurisdiction of the Material Reserves Department.

After Beihai county upgraded, the Beihai naval fleet expanded and officially build a third unit with Lihai as the 3rd major. At the same time, Ouyang Shuo sent Pei Donglai a letter to hold selections for the 4th unit. When the time came, he would immediately send the 4th unit.

Once the Beihai naval fleet had expanded to 4 units and a total of 2000 men, they would officially attack Yueer Island and Black Shark to pull out these poisonous teeth.

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