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"Um, how to say...." Naruko said.

Then a little smoke appeared on Naruko's shoulder, to reveal a tiny Kurama.

"Just tell him kit!" Kurama said.

"Tell me what? And how the foxes can talk?!" Hashirama asks.

Naruko and Kurama looked at each other.

"I'm from the future. Basically, I'm from the Leaf." Naruko said.

Hashirama looked even shocked.

"From, the future?" He said.

Naruko was sweating a lot.

"But wait! How you came here? Because I found you injured in the forest!" Hashirama said.

"I'm not sure, maybe I teleported after...." Naruko tightly held her bandaged hand on the white hospital robe on her chest.

"Don't say if you feel uncomfortable with it," Hahirama said.

Naruko did not say a word. "Um, do you mind living here for a while?" He asks.

Naruko looked up. "Live here?" Naruko asks.

"Yea, I can give you more time. I mean, I don't say to leave but-" "I wouldn't mind living this timeline." Naruko said.

Hashirama looked shocked at her.

"You sure?" He asks. Naruko just nodded. "I just, have destructive memories in my timeline. Especially, I'm not sure how everyone will react to seeing me after...." Naruko stopped.

Hashirama carefully laid his hand on her arm.

"It's ok. I can maybe help you to find a place to live."He said.

Naruko just smiled.

'Maybe he did some stupid stuff that I was disappointed in him as a Hokage....' Naruko thought as she got flashbacks to her stealing the Leaf's code scrolls.

'But...' Naruko looked at him.

'He's nice as a person....' Naruko thought.

2 days later

Hashirama's place

"My name is Mito Senju! Nice to meet you!" A red-haired woman said.

Naruko nervously smiled. She's a bit uncomfortable with new people.

"Hm? The hospital robe, and, Hashirama's jacket?" Mito asks.

"I didn't want her to keep the ripped clothes..." Hashirama said.

"Oh..." The only thing Mito said.

"On his place, I would do the same thing," Naruko said.

"Alright. That's fair, I think...." Mito said.

'Hm, in the clan's book, there didn't mention a word about this woman. Not even her name in the lists of clan members...' Naruko thought.

"Well, have a good time together, I have work now...." Hashirama mumbled at last.

After Hashirama closed the door and left the house. Mito stared at Naruko with a smile.

'I'm now afraid....' Naruko thought.

Come back to life, but in the Past! | Rewrite | Third TimeWhere stories live. Discover now