Nikushima Uchiha

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"I heard from maids, that you meet Yasu," Tobirama said as he and Naruko were walking around the village, currently on the bridge. "The rumors are true. But, I think she is afraid of me now." Naruko said.

"What did you do?" He asks. "She was bad-mouthing your deceased mother!" Tobirama was shocked. "You defended my late mother?" Tobirama asks. "Well, yea. I mean, I wouldn't like someone bad-mouthing other people's mothers! Worst will be if they bad mouth mine..." Naruko said as she could imagine killing people who bad mouth her mother.

"I see, thanks. For defending my mother." Tobirama said.

"Yasu told me that, Butsuma is your father," Naruko said. Tobirama was silent. " *Sigh* I understand why you call him by his name," Naruko said.

"From a young age, he was trying to make me call him by his name. I called him 'father' before I was 15 years old." Tobirama said.

"I understand you. The person who has the same blood as you, but, he hurt you, and he doesn't deserve to be called 'father'...." Naruko said.

"Thanks for understanding," Tobirama said. Soon Naruko jumped up and stood on the fence on the bridge. "I would go on there when the ground is far down," Tobirama said.

"It's not once I've been doing that. And besides, you will save me, right?" Naruko asks. Tobirama rolled his eyes.

Soon a person came, which made Naruko loosen their balance, close to falling. If Tobirama didn't grab her dress.

"I told you," Naruko said. Tobirama just dragged her and made her fall. On the bridge.

"Oh, sorry." A male voice said. Both Naruko and Tobirama looked up.

"Did you try to kill her?!" Tobirama said. "Oh calm down. She isn't dead. And beside's, I didn't mean that." The man said.

"You could at least apologize!" Tobirama said. Naruko stood up and looked at both men fighting.

"Apologizing is for the weak ones." The man said. Soon looked up at the girl. "Even not will apologize for the weak gender." Naruko looked at the man with shock and disgust.

'Just because I am a woman, doesn't mean I am weak like other women....' Naruko thought with anger.

"Have Madara taught you with proper respect and equality?" Tobirama sad.

"Say's the one, who killed Izuna." Naruko noticed Tobirama's hands were shaking.

"I did not kill Izuna..." Tobirama said. "Oh please, your knife is the proof. See you another time." The man was walking away. Naruko carefully walked up to Tobirama and lay her fingers on his shacked hand.

Tobirama looked down to see Naruko beside him.

"Who was that man?" Naruko asks. Tobirama felt calm after Naruko's touch held his hand.

"This is Madara's only brother. Nikushima Uchiha." He said as he looked at the black-haired man walking away.

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