Let out

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Naruko silently opened the door in the middle of the night. 'Jeez, so much problem after being poisoned....' Naruko thought as she leaned her back to the door. Soon light appeared.

Naruko looked up to see tired Tobirama.

"Sleeping problem?" Naruko asks. "No, I mostly waited for you. The last time, when we met, you came in the middle of the night. So I thought to wait for it, to see if you do it a second time." Tobirama said.

'Oh geez, he really looks carefully at the people around him...' She thought. "Alright, and, what do you want?" Naruko asks.

"Mostly to talk. About today." He said. 'Is it about that I was tried to be poisoned 24 times...?' Naruko thought.

"About your shoulder." Naruko was confused. "Shoulder?" Naruko asks. "On your right arm," Tobirama said. Naruko was confused. But as she looked at her right shoulder, she fastly looked at Tobirama. She now knows what Tobirama was talking about on her shoulder.

'He saw my scar....' Naruko thought. "Well, what is that?" Tobirama said. "What do you care? I don't really trust you after we meet for the first time." Naruko said.

"If you explained about your situation, I wouldn't even say that. But you just overreacted." Tobirama said. 'Alright, he got me here!' She thought. She walked up and dragged Tobirama. "Come on workaholic man. Talk!" Naruko said.

Naruko's room

" *Sigh* Explain to me one thing, why you dragged me here and then ask-" "I said after I tell you!" Naruko shouted as she felt Tobirama turn around. "Alright alright, happy?" Tobirama turned around to face her back.

'Oh god, it will take for a while....' Naruko thought with annoyance.

Soon, Naruko lowered the dress from her breast area, so that it was easy to see the whole back.

"Now, you can," Naruko said. "Thank you for letting me fo turning around. Now, may I-! What, in the world.....?" Tobirama said with shock in his voice.

The whole back of Naruko's has hurtful scars with a few burn scars.

"That's the reason why I decided to live in this timeline, then in my original timeline," Naruko said.

"And, who did this to you...?" Tobirama asks. 'Anyone but parents, anyone-' "Villagers of this crappy village..." Tobirama's red eyes widen in shock.

"I was only a child, but, I was a monster in their eyes. Because I'm Jinchuriki of 9-tailed-beast. And they didn't care, if that monster was a child, they just did what made them satisfied. And, you can see what they did on my back...." Naruko said.

Tobirama was shocked to hear that. She was just a child, and she want all that hardships because she held someone, that wasn't a human being.

"Is this the reason, why you decided to stay?" Tobirama asks.

"We can say so. Some people cared for me, but, going back, will just make me feel even worse. I need to see how the villagers will treat me better, and see someone that I don't want to see, better be away from that timeline, than....." Naruko stopped.

"I think you understand what I'm on. And sorry to let this nonsense for you." Naruko said as she took on the dress and began to hide the back with scars.

"Nonsense? Do you think this is nonsense?!" Tobirama said.

"Isn't it for you?" Naruko said. Tobirama was silent.

"You went through a war in your childhood, I thought, it was nothing for you. The war is the scariest one that people can think of." Naruko said. Tobirama was silent.

"Our situation is the same. Expect, you are more luckier." Naruko was confused by what he said. Tobirama dragged his night clothes, from his chest area, to reveal a scar.

"Is, is this by a lightning....?" Naruko asks. "Can say so. This is mostly by Senju's Royal Power." Naruko's eye widen in shock.

'Senju's Royal Power.....?!' She thought. "Butsuma used his Royal Power on me, whenever he didn't like it. And I was the stressing reliever..." Tobirama said as he hid his chest.

"We aren't the same. We had different paths." Naruko said. Tobirama just looked at her.

"You chose to do the work instead of getting more allies or friends, and, you just, I don't want to say something hurtful...." Naruko said.

"Maybe we have chosen different paths, but, the situation is the same," Tobirama said. Naruko was silent.

"Good night." Tobirama left. Naruko just sighed. 'Who is this Butsuma anyway? Was he, close with Tobirama, before, he laid the scar?' Naruko thought.

Come back to life, but in the Past! | Rewrite | Third TimeWhere stories live. Discover now