Chapter 2: A Touch of Evil (Part 3)

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    - - - - PHAT GUY MECHANICS/BACK ROOM - - - -     Back on the Southside, at Phat Guy Mechanics, Wilson Fisk A

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    - - - - PHAT GUY MECHANICS/BACK ROOM - - - -
Back on the Southside, at Phat Guy Mechanics, Wilson Fisk A.K.A The Kingpin is holding a meeting at an undisclosed area of the mechanic shop. As he sits behind the desk, smoking a cigarette, The Enforcers all stand in front of him, recounting what went down last night.

The Kingpin: Explain it to me, one more time.

Montana: Ok, so the three of us were doing our usual shakedown. When out of nowhere, some asshole in red and blue pajamas showed up and interfered with what we were doing.

The Kingpin: Did he take the money?

Fancy Dan: Nah, boss. He was more focused on trying to stop us, than taking the money.

  Kingpin then leans back in his chair and takes all this information in. The Enforcers notice something unusual with The Kingpins attitude toward this and, for some reason, he seems un-characteristically calmed when hearing this. Kingpins calmness intimidated The Enforcers even more than his anger.

Fancy Dan[cont.]: What do we do about this, boss?

The Kingpin: Nothing. As of now, consider it a minor inconvenience. But, if our friend decides to pop his up again... pop it off. Understood?

Fancy Dan: Yes sir, Mr. Kingpin.

The Kingpin: Good. With the Blossoms currently being "distracted". We can take this town over and give it a new king. Now, try and do your jobs and No. More. Mistakes. Understood?

The Enforcers: Yes sir.

   Once the meeting concludes The Enforcers leave the meeting, leaving Kingpin to further think about his future plans, for the town.

After School, Peter drops by POP's to check on his Aunt May at work. Although he is Spider-Man, going to school and being a normal teenager was the most exhausting part of Peter's life. Peter walks through the door, that chimes after he walks in and is greeted by Aunt May.

Aunt May: Hey Peter, what are you doing here?

Peter: No reason. Just wanted to greet you, during the working hours.

Aunt May: Is it that, or did you forget your keys again?

Peter: A bit of column A and column B

Aunt May: [chuckles] Well, I'll be done in an hour. Just take a seat and, if you want, get started on your homework.

   Following May, Peter takes a seat at the Diner Counter and begins to do his homework. He also is, secretly, drawing other designs for his Spider-Man suit. While Peter is sitting at the counter Hermione Lodge, now dressed in a POP's waitress uniform, comes up to Peter ready to take his order.

Hermione Lodge: What can I get you, hun?

Peter: Uhh, well...

Aunt May: Oh, I almost forgot. Hermione, this is my nephew Peter. Peter, this Hermione Lodge. Me and her went to High School, together.

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