Chapter 7: In a Lonely Place (Part 3)

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          - - - - ANDREWS CONSTRUCTION- - - -

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Later that same day Peter, Jughead, and Archie were at Andrews Construction, in Archies Dad office, relaxing and goofing off, when Fred and FP walk into Fred office to meet the three boys.

Jughead: Oh, how was your first day back?

Fred Andrews: Oh, it was great.Your dad is the hardest-working guy on the crew, as always.

While Fred is talking about how great FP was, at work, FP notices Peter, who doesn't recognize at first.

FP: Hold up, is that little Peter Parker?! Damn, kid. Hardly didn't recognize you, without your glasses.

Peter: Nice to see you, again, Mr. Jones.

FP: How's your Aunt doing?

Peter: She's doing good. She's actually got a job, at Pop's.

Jughead: Y'know, Speaking of Pops, why don't we all celebrate?

Archie: Yeah, the three of us were actually thinking the we should all have dinner or something.

Fred Andrews: Uh, tonight? I don't know...

FP: I'm game if you're game. On me.

- - - - POP'S CHOCK'LIT SHOPPE - - - -
A shirt moment later the three boys, joined by Fred and FP, are all sitting together at a booth in Pops. Peter, Jughead, and Archie are sitting on one side while Fred and FP are sitting on the other side reminiscing about their teen years, in the small town.

FP: Anyway... Me, Fred, and Ben spent the whole summer fixing up that old VW bus Remember what the three of us called it, Fred?

BOTH: The Shaggin' Wagon.

FP: This was before your dad had game. Senior Year, he started a band, and then the girls were all over him.

Fred Andrews: We were awful.

FP: Yeah, yeah, we were. Oh. But it was great. Best time of my life. Y'know, Pete, your dad and uncle were the most popular kids in school.

Peter: Really?

FP: I'd say. Kid, your dad and uncle practically ran that school. While Ben was captain of the football team, your dad was student body President. What was that nickname we called them, back in the day?

Fred Andrews: Oh, man. We called them The Amazing Parker Brothers.

They all laugh at the ridiculous nature of the nickname but Peter was hooked. He never knew much about his parents and, he didn't wanna tell anyone, but the older he got, the more harder it was to remember their faces so any story about his parents was a gift to Peter.

Peter: I never knew any of this. To be honest I don't know a whole lot, about my parents.

Fred Andrews: Your parents were great. Some of the best people I've ever known. Your Dad was also popular too, Jughead. He was commonly known as a BMOC, Jughead.

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