Chapter 7: In a Lonely Place (Part 4)

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           - - - - SUNNYSIDE TRAILER PARK - - -  -    Later that same night, F

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Later that same night, F.P is knocked out on the couch, drunk, when he hears pounding. He immediately jumps and wonders what the hell was that. He gets up from his couch and slowly approaches the door but once he pulls the door curtains away, he sees May Parker standing at his door. Suddenly F.P fear shift from confusion as to why was May at his door at this night.

FP: May, hey. How are you...

May Parker: Save it, FP. Look, whatever problem or beef you had with Ben was between you and him and that's fine. But if you ever, and I mean EVER, say anything bad about him in front of Peter, ever again, I'll beat you so bad that  you wished you died as a child. And you should know, I keep my word.

   F.P is taken aback by Mays threat. He honestly doesn't even remember what he said to Peter or why she would be so mad at him.

F.P: May, I...

May Parker: Just stay away from Peter, alright?

  As quickly she came, she quickly stepped off his porch and and went straight to car. F.P still stood at his front doorway at a lost as to what could've set May off like that.

- - - - RIVERDALE HIGH - - - -
The next day, at school, as Peter and Gwen are walking into the school, they see Jughead being escorted out by Principal Weatherbee, Sheriff Keller and Deputy Sheriff Stacy, who had disturbed look on his face as he walked past his daughter.

Gwen: Daddy?

Sheriff Stacy: Not now, Gwen.

   Once the officers escort Jughead out of the building, Peter and Gwen run into Betty and Archie, who are just as dumbfounded as they were.

Peter: What the hell happened? Why was Jughead being taken away.

Betty: I don't know.

Gwen: Did he say anything?

Archie: Yeah,  he said was to call his Dad.

Peter: Damnit.

Betty: What do we do now?

Peter: Do what he says, call his Dad.

                  - - - - SHERIFF STATION - - - -
   A few short hours later, after Jughead has been interrogated, May Parker is laying into Stacy and Keller about them arresting Jughead.

May Parker: Damnit George, you know good and damn well that Jughead doesn't have a murderous bone in his entire body.

Deputy Sheriff George Stacy: That may be true, but it's, honestly, not looking good for him. You didn't see what we saw at the Blue and Gold.

Sheriff Keller: Besides, Jughead's not helping himself in there. I asked him for an alibi, and he just gave me lip.

Fred Andrews: He was working for me.

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