chapter 5

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Minho pov.

"Wait! Are you sure?" He asked me and I looked at him weirdly. I nodded.

"But I already have mate." He said. It was now my turn to be shocked.

"It's not possible. You're my mate." I growled. Who dare to say he is my mates mate. This is ridiculous. Not possible. I will kill anyone who says that.

"No! I already have a mate. He told me that a year ago. You can ask lix! He was the first one to know that." He said and pouted.

"Baby~ you are my mate. Whoever told you you're his mate is lying. You need to believe me." I told him as I caressed his waist. He pushed me away.

"What if you're lying?" He asked me.

"Do you feel anything when you're with him? Do you feel love or a little bit of his scent?" I asked him and he shook his head. You're supposed to smell and feel something from your mate even if you're underage. Not so strong but you're really supposed to.

"Do you feel something from me right now?" I said as I stepped closer and placed my hands on his hips. He nodded his head with a blush.

"That means I'm your real mate." I whispered into his ear and he shivered. He pushed me away but I stayed still.

"I want to meet the one who told you that you're his mate." I told him and he nodded. I'm glad he believes me. All I need is my mates trust right now.

"After school, okay?" I asked him and he nodded shyly.

Jungkook pov.

I walked towards tae and he was talking with the other two boys.

"Tomorrow is your birthday tae. You're gonna be 19 and you'll finally know who your mate is! Are you excited?" One of them asked and tae nodded.

I wanted to go and talk with him but the bell rang. We went to the classroom. For the rest of the day, I didn't saw him. I'm so sad.

Felix pov.

After hyunjin treated my wound it was time for the next period. I wanted to go since it was p.e and I needed to change but hyunjin wouldn't let me go.

"You're not going anywhere." He growled as he gripped my hips. It hurts, I looked at him with questioning look.

"You cannot go and do some p.e shits. You're injured." He said still gripping on my hips. It really hurts.

"Please let go, it hurts." I told him and he quickly loosened his grip.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, it's just. I'm really not happy when you disobey." He told me and I was scared of him once again. Few minutes ago he told me he won't hurt me and now he almost ripped my hips apart. It really hurt, I'm sure it will leave a bruise.

"Okay, let's try this." I heard him mumble and he then looked at me with a smile.

"Baby, it's dangerous for you to have p.e right now. You should rest." He said with a softest tone he know and I smiled.

"Then, what should I do?" I asked him cheerfully.

"Well, we can do many things. Like, I can show you the school. We should get to know each other better." He continued to giving examples. Then, he gave an example which made me shiver and blush a deep shade of red. It was inappropriate. He also placed his hands on my waist to show me how serious he was about this one.

He too my hands and placed then on his shoulders so they would wrap around his neck. He then went back on my waist.

"You got a very feminine body. More feminine that other omegas. I like it." He whispered into my ear. He then looked at my lips and came very, very close, almost kissing me. Then he did the biggest mistake. He placed his hands on my bruised hips. I groaned in pain and he quickly let go.

"Are you okay?!" He asked both, worried and shocked.

"Yeah, it's just wjen you were gripping on my hips. You bruised them. It hurts. You got very strong arms." I told him. He looked really guilty.

"I'm so so so so sorry. I'm such a bastard. I need to be gentle with you, you're just so fragile an baby like." He told me and I giggled. He smiled at me and went closer again.

"Can I see the bruise?" He asked and I nodded. I showed him the bruise that I never saw myself. He gasped when he saw it. He again treated my wound. We both agreed with get to know each other better.

Hey luvss
So like two hours ago. I just finished my mental breakdown and couldn't sleep anymore so it's like 6 a.m. I'm really sleepy but I couldn't sleep. I'm gonnaa try now.
Please eat well and stay safe<3


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