Chapter 14

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I was about to say goodbye to them but I didn't continue it.They suddenly became silent when they saw us..they were just stunned by us so I was surprised.I put Khlyde down and looked for Khyle who was still being held by Zee until now.

" Are you two made up already?"

" No!!"

" Yes"

" Aishhhh!! I don't even know you!!" you kissed him earlier Nunew and now you're pretending that you don't know him.

" But you just kissed me earlier."

" N-no, I did n-- " he cutted my words.

" Yes, you did."

" You even bite it that why I got some little wound here in my lips." I just looked at him angrily while the other boys who's watching the two of us is busy giggling.

" That was good."

" Bro, you better fight him, too."

" Or else he will get more wilder than you."

Suddenly, a camera flash again so I looked to see who it was.

" P'aof we're going home.Dad and Mom are already calling me."

" Already? " he said sadly and came closer to us.

" We'll take you outside."

It's already quite dark outside and we still have a long way to go.Yazher is not there to visit us here.

I sent my children first because they might get cold.I also put them in thick jackets so they don't get cold on the way..I'll just turn down the air conditioner in the car later.

" Thank you for all today.This will make us angry by my Mom." I joked and bowed to them.

" Thank you for coming.Come back again." we all waved to each other before I got into the car.


Zee's POV

" Ahhhhh!!! " Zef suddenly shouted with matching jumps.

The others with us entered after seeing that their car was already far away..we were the only two left here.

" He's so handsome!!" like a worm she picked up and hugged her cellphone which was full of Nunew's photos taken just today.

" Aren't you going home yet?" her smile disappeared and she threatened me with a punch.

It was really painful when he squeezed my arm earlier when we saw Nhuu..she poured her teeth on me because she couldn't approach him yet.

He didn't want to let go of me earlier so maybe Nhuu mistakenly thought that we were in a relationship.It's unlikely to happen and it will never happen because I only want Nhuu and.. Zef also likes him.

" If only I could kidnap him..I would have done it a while ago."

" Tch!! Go home.You've been daydreaming too much." I yelled at her before going inside.

I held my lips as I remembered what Nhuu did to me earlier.He is more aggressive than before.There is a change in him as well as how he acts. He is more masculine now and his styles suit him.

I went back to the room with a smile on my face and then lay down on my bed. My eyes went to the jewelry we bought earlier.We were supposed to give it to him but I couldn't because I fell asleep.

" I didn't expect that to happen." I whispered in the air and buried my face in the pillow.

" He even kissed me on my lips!! " I was crazy excited about it.I waited for a long time and then what happened was much more than I expected.

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