Chapter 2: Zee, "Where are you?"

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Zee looked in the mirror at himself and knew he needed to get moving. He was already late. With one last look in the mirror, he straightened his jacket and knew he was ready to face the world.

"Today you will find him," he murmured, picked up his keys, and hurried out the door. A ritual he performed every day, hoping that one day it would work and he would find him.

He loved his family, brothers, and best friend, P'Aof, who was always there for him but had already called two times asking where he was.

He was always on time, so they were worried. This was unlike him, but they knew what was on Zee's mind. Others have found their lifemate at DMD. But he had yet to find his.

It was tearing him apart inside, and he could only sit and wait until he found him. He didn't know how much longer he could stand the loneliness.

Every time one of his brothers brought their mate to meet him, he would celebrate with each couple and be genuinely happy they finally met their mate.

But a sadness would appear in his eyes, and he would push it away not to ruin the couple's happiness. It was wearing on him, and he didn't know how to make it easier.

Lately, the only thing he gained pleasure from was their morning DMD family breakfast at the café. His brothers, with their random talks, especially the younger ones, made him chuckle.

Zee knew that the times he laughed with his brothers eased their hearts. But what they didn't realize is that seeing them happy eased his.

His DMD family had all arrived and were sitting waiting with expectant looks. It was Zee's turn to pay, and they were waiting for their food budget, already having their orders in mind.

"We are going to celebrate. Order whatever you like today," Zee smiled.

Yim and Tutor, the newly mated pair in the group, smiled at Zee, "Thanks, Zee, we know this is your year. I feel you will find him soon," Yim said softly.

Tutor patted Yim on the head and turned to Zee, "No matter what happens, brother, you have me. Hell, you have us. We will be right by your side. You find him, I promise," Tutor said with tears in his eyes.

Zee got up, walked over to Tutor, and patted his shoulder, "You are all important to me, and I want you not to worry about me but focus on your new-found happiness. I am going to be ok. I will find him." Leaning down to hug Tutor and Yim, he stood back up and looked at the rest of his family.

Everyone cheered, and everyone got up and hugged Zee. P'Aof got up, put his arm around Zee's shoulder, and took in his family. P'Aof loved these kids, but it was time to start the DMD morning meeting.

"Now that Zee is here, we must order food and start the meeting. We have a lot on our plate. We have birthday concerts, fan meets, and three series to shoot. We are going to have a busy year," P'Aof smiled. He was happy his family was busy and thriving. That is all that P'Aof asked for.

Zee nodded as he wrote notes he wanted to have later if he had any ideas for making things easier for everyone. This is what he was good at. He would organize and plan events and deal with vendors, endorsements, and other necessary red tape they ran into.

P'Aof knew that Zee was already in work mode and formulating a plan. "Zee, today you need to deal with the office. I have left my notes on your desk. You are always good with the vendors and endorsements. I will leave that to you," P'Aof smiled at Zee.

Zee was happy that P'Aof had assigned him office duty. He didn't know if he could take care of a fan meeting today.

His head was killing him, and he needed a moment to breathe. He felt a little off balance today. He hoped P'Aof had some Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan pills on his desk too.

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