Chapter 5: The Dream Becomes Reality

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NuNew felt an arm around his waist and a leg thrown over his. He pulled himself awake. He opened his eyes, and Zee Pruk Panich's body was wrapped around his.

It wasn't a dream!

He didn't want to move. He wanted to watch him sleep for hours but knew he needed to get up. He did not intend to fall asleep, but who wouldn't after the emotional, mind-blowing sex in his doctor's mess?

Not him. No one ever used his office beds, and he was glad for it now. After one last look at Zee, he knew he had indulged long enough.

He tried to pull away, but Zee tightened his arms around him and murmured, "No, you can't disappear yet. I am not ready, not again."

"You thought we were a dream, too?" NuNew whispered against Zee's ear.

Instead of trying to get away from Zee this time, he pushed his body closer. He took Zee's earlobe into his mouth, suckling it, smiling, waiting, and watching. Zee's body went rigid, and he slowly opened his eyes.

He could feel Zee's heart pounding so fast that he placed his hand over his heart, hoping it would slow it down. Knowing his was beating just as quickly, it was a lost cause.

"Nu, you are real. You are not just a dream sent to torture me."

NuNew climbed on top of Zee and looked down at him, kissing his nose and pecking his lips.

No, Zee. I am not a dream; you are not a dream. We are here together right now," Nu gave him a shy smile and continued to stare at him.

"I need to get up, we fell asleep for two hours, and I need to take care of some last-minute details at the hospital," Nu touched his face, trying to show him he didn't want to leave his side but had to.

Zee moved and groaned, his shoulder hurting worse now that the pain medicine had worn off. NuNew immediately got off him and helped him sit.

"I need to check your shoulder. That is why you came to see me, not all of this," NuNew moved his finger back and forth, pointing at Zee, then at him.

Zee smiled at him and let him help him off the bed and into a chair where he could get a better look. A bruise had already begun to form.

After he examined Zee, he was relieved he only had a severely bruised muscle. Their actions in the office would not cause lasting damage as he feared.

He would have felt very guilty if they had. NuNew looked down and saw Zee staring up at him.

"Babe, I want to get a wrap and ice for your shoulder; I know it hurts, but you are beginning to swell, and inflammation is setting in. It would help if you were more careful. Your clumsiness will give me nightmares again. I will be right back."

NuNew stepped out of the office to get a sling, wrap, and ice, leaving Zee to wonder how he knew that about him.

"What the hell is going on? Is this the twilight zone," Zee whispered. How the hell does he know that I am a klutz? It's not like a doctor watches YouTube or anything like that.

When NuNew returned, he had decided to flip the switch to professional. He needed to keep some emotional distance.

What if this meant more to him than it did to Zee? He decided keeping a doctor's tone of voice would be best to ensure that he had that separation.

"The injury is going to take four to six weeks to heal. I hope you are not currently working. You will need some time off to heal

Ice every 4 hours for the first couple of days to help with inflammation. Here is your prescription for the pain. There is enough for five days. Then take an over-the-counter pain reliever. You should take one every four to six hours for two days and then as needed. If it's not helping, see your doctor or return to the hospital. Do you have someone to stay with you? Do you have any questions I can answer for you?"

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