↳ii. Doose's market

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It was now the evening, and a knock at the door rang out through the Gilmore house. Devyn was a bit confused, not knowing who had been previously invited to their house.

'I'll get it!' Lorelai yelled. She opened the door and made way for Luke and Jess to walk in. 'Hello, Hello.' she greeted, 'Dev, Rory get in the kitchen.'

Devyn and Rory walked out of there room and into the kitchen. Devyn glanced at Jess and Luke, surprised that they were here but she gathered that her mom invited them.

She watched as Jess grabbed a bottle of beer out of the fridge. She watched him slip out of the door and into the garden. She giggled, is he that stupid to think no one saw him?

Lorelai was just about to follow him out but Devyn stopped her. 'I'll go.' She said smiling at her mom reassuringly. Lorelai nodded in acknowledgement.

Devyn walked out the door, stepping over to Jess who was leaning against the side of the house. She pinched the beer out of his hand before he was able to open it and placed it down just outside the door.

'Hey.' Jess said as he glared at the girl.

'Sorry. Mom will kill you if she saw you drinking that.' Devyn shrugged. Lorelai already saw but she wasn't going to tell Jess.

'Like you care.' Jess mumbled turning away from Devyn. She sighed, this boy is difficult.

A silence surrounded the pare as they looked out into the dark night.

'I'm bored.' Devyn spoke suddenly. Jess turned to her and raised his eyebrow.

'And what am I supposed to do about that?' He asked.

Devyn shrugged, 'Nothing.' She turned back to look at the sky. 'I mean, we could go and do something. I've got a great idea.' She smirked at the boy.

'Alright.' Jess said, standing up straighter.

Devyn grinned up at the boy. She reached out her hand and slipped it round his arm and dragged him down the road.

✧ ✧ ✧

'Where'd you get police tap from?' Jess asked, an amused look on his face.

'Oh you know,' Devyn giggled, 'I stole it.' Jess gave her an almost alarmed look. 'I'm joking. I brought some last week. And besides i'm sure you've stolen much worse.' Devyn said.

They both stopped outside of Doose's market, looking at eachother.

'So how are we doing this?' Jess asked.

'Lie down.'


'Lie down. On the ground. Like a dead body.' Devyn said, reaching up to push his shoulders. He reluctantly lay on the floor.

After bickering to eachother about the position Jess was lying in, Devyn finally began tracing the chalk around his body. Jess stared at her, focusing on how her nose scrunched as she concentrated. He saw tiny freckles dotted around her face, clusters of them on her cheeks. He thought she was pretty.

Devyn had just his head left to but she couldn't help but feel slightly hot as she felt Jess' eyes examining her face. She looked into his eye for a moment before returning her gaze to the chalk. She was thankful for it being dark, as her cheeks were red. She hoped he didn't notice.

He, however, did.

Devyn stood up. 'There. All done.' She held out her hand for Jess to take it. He did and she pulled him up next to her.

They both stood next to eachother admiring Devyns work. 'Ok we should probably get back to mine. If anyone asks if you had anything to do with this. All you do is deny, deny, deny.' Jess nodded before stuffing his hands in his jacket.

They both walked back to the Gilmore house ignoring the feeling they both seemed to have in there stomachs.

✧ ✧ ✧

'Where have you been?' Lorelai said, hugging her daughter as her and Jess walked back into the kitchen. 'I went to check on you two, but all I found was a bottle of beer.'

'Sorry mom, we uh..'

'Went on a walk.'

'Went on a walk?' Lorelai questioned.

Jess shrugged before walking further into the room.

Lorelai turned to Devyn giving her a look. 'Don't look at me.' She said defensively.

Lorelai rolled her eyes at her daughter before dragging her further into the room aswell. 'Eat. Now.'

'Sir, yes sir.'


'Sorry. Ma'am, yes ma'am.'

Authors notes

So second chapter is completed.
This was probably really bad
but eh I tried.
Also they had a little moment ah.

- J

(Chapter edited 26/2/23)
(Chapter edited 13/8/2023)

Word Count: 758

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 • j.mTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon