↳iv. The bridge

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Devyn was in a quiet mood today. All she wanted to do was sit under one of her favourite trees by the lake and read.

So that's what she did.

Picking up a book she slipped out of her house, slowly making her way to the lake. She smiled at everyone she walked past. Saying hello a few times if she was feeling particularly happy.

Finally Devyn made it to the lake. She was about to sit down but she heard two people yelling eachother.

She began to walk over there to see what the commotion was about but one of the two people got pushed into the lake.

Devyn let out a loud laugh as she walked over to the pair, well one of the two, as the other had walked away.

Just as she got there she finally saw who lake guy was.



'What the hell did you do to make Luke, i'm guessing, that mad? He pushed you in the lake.' Devyn said, placing her hands on her hips.

'Really? I had no idea.'

She rolled her eyes and placed her book down on the bridge before holding out a hand for Jess to grab onto.

'Bad idea.' He said whilst grabbing her hand and pulling so she fell in.

Once Devyn resurfaced she gasped. 'What the hell, Mariano?' She splashed lake water at him. 'Not cool. Imagine I was still holding my book. It would be wrecked and you,' she pointed a warning finger at his face, 'would have to buy me a new one.'

'It's a good thing you put it down then.' Jess laughed. Devyn looked at him, she liked his laugh, it was nice to hear it. Even if she didn't hear it that often. Snap out of it Dev, he's an annoying wannabe emo you can't be thinking like this. She turned away, grabbing onto the side of the bridge to pull herself up.

After they both got out the sat on the edge of the bridge, shoulders touching.

'Why'd he push you in?' Devyn asked.


'Why did Luke push you in? I heard a lot of yelling.' Devyn asked turning her head slightly to get a better look at him.

'It was nothing.' Jess grumbled. Shrugging his shoulders as if it really was nothing.

Devyn decided not to push it any further and switched topics. 'I haven't seen you since friday morning. I forgot to ask if anyone asked you about the crime scene prank.'

'Oh yeah no one really said anything. I got a few dirty looks though.' Jess replied.

'Sorry about that. That was probably not the best first impression of you.' Devyn said, looking down again.

'Eh. It could've been worse.'

✧ ✧ ✧

'Mom.' Devyn called out, 'You home?'

'Yes, hun, i'm ho- oh my god what happened to you. Your soaked.' Lorelai gaped at her younger daughter, who was still soaked from the 'swim' in the lake.

'Thats what she said.' Devyn said, laughing under her breathe. She stopped at the look Lorelai gave her.

'Get dry and changed and then tell me what happened.'

Devyn quickly got dressed in dryer clothes and walked back out to find her mom sitting at the table coffee in hand.

'So what you get up to?'

'Oh well I was just going to sit by the tree at the lake I really like when I saw these two people arguing.' Devyn said sitting down in the chair next to Lorelai.

'Oh who was it?' Lorelai asked, getting excited. 'Anyone we know?'

'Oh yes we know them very well.' Devyn said, tapping her fingers against the table. 'It was Jess and Luke.'



'Oh my god. Was their physical contact?' Lorelai said, excitedly.

'Yes there was. Luke pushed Jess into the lake.' Lorelai burst out laughing. Leaning on Devyn for support.

'Oh my god. I wish I could have seen that.' Lorelai said, 'Don't tell me Luke pushed you in too.'

'Well no. He walked away and I went over to Jess to help him out and he had the audacity to pull me in. I was fuming.' Lorelai laughed even louder then before.

'Oh that's the best thing i've heard all day. Thanks for making my life so much better.'

'Your welcome mom.' Devyn replied smiling.

'Oh we have to go to Luke's, I have to talk to him about this.'

And with that, on there way they went.

Authors notes

So i think we can all agree
that Luke pushing Jess in
was one of the best scenes ever.
Also cute Dev and Jess moments ahhhhhhhh.
Anyways love you.
Edit: I was editing this and a dog, i think, was making with weird barking sound. It honestly sounded like it swallowed a squeaky toy and tried barking.

- J

(Chapter edited 17/8/2023)
Word count: 811

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