26: Apartment finding

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It had been a whole week since Devyn had moved to New York. She missed her mom and sister very much. She also missed Jess.

She hadn't heard a word from him ever since they kissed in Luke's apartment.

Devyn was tempted to call him but she wasn't sure.

She knew he knew where she lived so if he desperately wanted to see her, he would.


Jess had gone back to New York. He had been back for about a week.

He also knew that Devyn was in New York, living not that far away from him.

He really wanted to see her but he didn't know if she wanted to see him. So he put of going to her apartment and just hoped that they would randomly bump into eachother.

But it was a new week and Jess didn't really want to wait. He gathered that they where never going to accidentally bump into eachother.

Jess had made his way out of his apartment and into the streets of New York. He walked onto the road where he knew Devyns apartment was.

Someone had just walked out of the apartment building so he slipped in as the door was shutting.

That's when Jess realised he didn't know what number Devyn lived at.

He decided to just go for a random apartment and see if anyone knew of her.

He ended up trying the third floor first as he knew that Devyns favourite number was three. He walked over to apartment 301 and knocked in the door.

A man that looked around 25 opened the door. 'Can I help you?'

'Just wondering if you knew anyone called Devyn Gilmore?' Jess asked.

'Oh yeah.' The guy said, 'She's my neighbour. Lovely girl. Her place is right there 302.'

Jess grinned to himself. 'Thanks.' He walked away from the guy and over to Devyns apartment.

He knocked on the door and heard her shout 'One minute.'


Devyn had just sat down in her sofa to read when she heard someone knock at her door. 'One minute.' She yelled.

She straighted her jumper as she got up and walked over to the door.

She gasped as she saw Jess there. He was leaning against the side of the door frame smirking at her.

'Hey.' He said.

'Hey.' Devyn replied. 'Come in.'

Jess walked in and admired her apartment. 'Pretty cool place you got.' He said.

'Thank you.' Devyn replied. 'You want a drink?'

'No.' Jess said, 'Thanks.' he quickly added at the look on her face.

Devyn made herself some coffee and pulled Jess arm to sit with her on the sofa. 'So, why you here?' She asked.

'Because.' He said, 'I wanted to see you.'

'Aren't you sweet.'

'Shut up.'

'The sweetest person i've ever met.' Devyn continued.

'Shut up.' Jess said again. Devyn just grinned at him. 'You're so annoying.'

Devyn laughed. She loved moments like these. She loved hang out with him whenever she got a chance to. She loved making fun of him. She just loved him.


Devyn stopped laughing.

She loved him?

Oh my god, she loved him. Devyn looked straight at Jess. He was already looking at her.

'You alright?' He asked, noticing her change of mood. Devyn didn't what to say. Should she say ''I love you''? No she didn't want to scare Jess. But she didn't want to just bottle it up. After a moment she decided to just tell him. 'Devyn?' She toke a deep breath in.

'I love you.'

Authors notes

Devyn making the first move in
the 'i love you' stage.
Anyways sorry I kinda just stopped
posting everyday.
I've just been getting unmotivated
but i'll try to post this story
as much as i can.
That is untill it is finished.
I mean not long left of it untill book 2.
How exciting.


(Chapter not edited)

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 • j.mWhere stories live. Discover now