31: The end

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Devyn and Jess where lying in bed.

Devyn was waiting for Jess to get up so she could ask him something that had been on her mind.

Devyn absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair. She felt his arm tighten around her waist before he moved his head to look at her.

'Good morning.' Devyn said.

'Morning.' Jess mumbled back as he snuggled his head further into her neck, planting a small kiss there.

The stayed quiet for a minute, enjoying this moment.

'Uh,' Devyn said, 'I was wondering..'

Jess lifted his head so he could look at her. 'Yes.'

'Do you wanna move in with me?' Devyn asked. 'I mean you practically already do. And your apartment is such a horrible place, no offence. It would be so much better if you just lived here.'

Devyn's face started to edge into worriedness when Jess didn't answer. Maybe this was all to soon.

'Okay. I'll move in with you Angel.' Jess replied. Devyn smiled.

'Really?' Jess nodded and kissed Devyn's cheek. 'Oh that's so exciting. I can't wait. When are you going to move?'

'Somewhen this week shouldn't be such a bad idea.' Jess said.

'Okay.' Devyn said, 'Anyways, i'm going to make breakfast, what you want?'

It had been three days later and Jess had finally moved in. The two where now finally living together.

Devyn was on the phone to her mom, telling her the good news.



'You know Jess.'

'Yes, I think I do.'

'Great. He moved in with me.'

'Oh, wow. Congratulations? Is that something you say when someone moves in with you?'

'I don't know. But thanks, I'm so happy he moved in. Also, when the hell are you coming to visit, or do I have to come see you again?'

'I've been so busy lately. I'm so sorry I couldn't visit.'

'I' come down to visit you soon. When will Rory be back. I wanna see her too, oh that reminds me, I need to call her.'

'Rory should be home soon. And yes call her, she's been calling me alot and mentioned that you two haven't called eachother.'

'I'll go call her now, see you soon. I love you.'

Devyn hung up the phone and picked it up again to call Rory.

She placed the phone to her ear hearing it ring a couple if times before Rory spoke.


'Hey, it's the best twin sister her.'

'Devyn? Oh my god, it's been forever since we last called.'

'I know, that's why I called you.'

'I'm so glad you did, oh I have so much to tell you.'

'Me too. You go first though.'

Rory rambled on about everything that had happened at Yale so far. Devyn listened, adding in 'ooh's' and 'aah's' every now and then.

'..but it's been so great here. Anyways now tell me about you.'

'Well first things first, Jess moved in with me.'

'Oh wow, that's so cool now you won't have to travel to eachother's apartments.'

'Well I never went to Jess's place for long because, no offence, it was horrible. He hardly let me go there, but then again, it's not like I wanted to anyway.'

'Such a kind and thoughtful boyfriend.'

'I can hear the sarcasm in your voice.'

'Good. But on a serious note I am happy for you two.'

'Thanks Ror. Anyways, I have to go now.' Jess had walked into the apartment.

'Oh ok. See you later.'


Devyn hung up the phone and turned to Jess who was now sat down next to her.

'Lorelai?' He asked, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

'No Rory.' Devyn replied, relaxing into his side.

'You two haven't called in ages.' Jess said.

'I know its been so long.' Devyn replied. 'I'm going to see them soon.' Jess nodded in acknowledgement.

'I probably have to go to work now.' Devyn said, standing up. 'I'll see you later. I love you.' She gave him a quick kiss.

'I love you too Angel.' He said before Devyn quickly rushed out the apartment so she wasn't late for her job.

Authors notes

The end xx

Wow ok first thing I have to say
is that this is my very
first fanfiction and i'm so sorry
if it is cringe.

please ignore my writing but when
i edit it, it will hopefully
be alot less cringe. (if you see this
in 2026 and it still is
cringy then im so sorry, love you)

also, if you want, go check out
my other books im writing:))

anyways i love you all, have a good day/night.


(Chapter not edited)

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