↳iii. Friday night dinner

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It was now the morning, and Devyn did not want to get up.

'You have to get up now. You're going to be late for school.' Rory said, shaking her sisters shoulder, trying to wake her from her sleep.

'Screw school.' Devyn mumbled into her pillow. Rory sighed.

'I see someones in a bad mood. What happened now?'

Devyns mind flashed to last evening. She remembered the prank outside Doose's and suddenly jumped out of bed.

'Woah calm down, Dev.' Rory said jumping back slightly, a shocked look taking over her features. Devyn apologized whilst picking out her outfit for the day. Dark blue skinny jeans and a red shirt.

Rory left the room giving her sister the space to change and get ready.

After Devyn put her outfit on she picked up a couple of bracelets to put around her wrist so they didnt look so bare. She grabbed her bag stuffing a book in there for her to read later.

'Ok, i'm going to Luke's. Bye mom, Bye Rory.' Devyn yelled out. Lorelai and Rory both said there goodbyes in reply.

✧ ✧ ✧

Jess was leaning up against a lamp post, watching all the commotion outside of Doose's market.

Devyn strolled over to where he was asking in a tone filled with fake curiosity, 'And what is going on over there?'

Jess jumped slightly not expecting her to be there. He quickly regained himself before replying, 'I don't know. A murder maybe.'

'Oh no, I wonder how that could've happened.' Devyn laughed. Jess joined in her laughter after a moment.

After a minute Jess nudged Devyns shoulder, 'I think your sister knows.' He nodded his head over to Rory's direction. Devyn turned to look and sighed.

'She better not tell mom.'

The couple started to walk over to Luke's.

'Hey uh do you wanna maybe hang out later or something?' Jess asked Devyn, as he opened the door at Luke's for her.

'Ye- Oh wait I can't, I have dinner at my grandparents house. We do every friday.' Devyn said, walking over to her usual spot at the bar.

Jess leaned on the counter opposite her, 'Why?'

'Why what?'

'Why do you have to go every friday?'

'Because my grandparents are giving my mom money for Rory to go to Chilton, and in return us three go to have dinner at their house every friday. I'm not sure why I have to go as i'm not the one going to Chilton, but it is fun seeing my grandparents more often.' Devyn explained. Jess nodded.

'Well I'll keep that in mind.'

✧ ✧ ✧

'Dev if you dont hurry up we are going with out you!' Lorelai shouted. Devyn rushed out of her and Rory's room at that moment, securing a bracelet on her wrist.

'You can gladly leave with out me.' She wasn't in the mood for a her mom and grandmother fighting. She had a bad day at school.

'Nope. If I have to go see my parents, you will too.' Lorelai said opening the door and pushing her children.

The trio got into Lorelai's jeep. Lorelai started the car and they began their journey to Emily and Richards house.

✧ ✧ ✧

'Ring the bell.' Lorelai whispered.

'No you.' Rory whispered back.

'No. Dev you do it.'

'Uh, fine.' Devyn pressed her finger to the doorbell, hearing the familiar noise after pressing it.

The door opened and a maid greeted them. Taking their coats and telling the trio that Emily and Richard where in the living room.

'Ah Lorelai, Rory, Devyn. Your here.' Emily exclaimed standing up to greet them. 'Drink?'

'A martini for me and soda for these two.' Lorelai replied. Sitting down on the sofa, Devyn and Rory following her actions. 'Hi dad.'

'Ah Lorelai hello.' Richard said, looking up from a newspaper. 'Rory. Devyn. Its good to see you again.'

'Same to you grandpa.' Rory replied. Devyn nodded aswell.

'Here are your drinks.' Emily said, handing them to the trio. They all muttered their thanks.

'So Rory, how is Chilton for you this week.' Richard said, putting down the newspaper.

'Oh uh well, I did get an A on my recent test.' Rory replied, glancing at Devyn warily.

'Oh that is very good.'

Devyn sunk into the sofa slightly, feeling like she was being left out as always. Her grandparents never really asked about how she was doing in school. It was a good thing they never asked about if she wanted to go to college as she wasn't sure.

Devyn wanted to live in New York, start her own shop, filled with books, things that people might need for pranks and a cafe. She decided that was her dream at the age of 12, wanting to be independent in the future.

Lorelai had noticed her youngest daughter deep in thoughts and nudged her arm slightly. 'You ok?' Devyn nodded, smiling reassuringly.

At that moment a maid came out to tell them dinner was ready.

'Right, of to the dinning room.'

✧ ✧ ✧

After eating Lorelai, Devyn and Rory were all ready to leave. They put on there coats that the maid had handed them.

'Goodbye mom, dad.' Lorelai said.

'Bye grandma and grandpa.' Devyn and Rory said in unison. They looked at eachother and giggled.

Emily and Richard gave both the twins a hug, bidding them a goodnight.

Lorelai, Devyn and Rory all clambered into the jeep, all tired from their evening out.

After getting home, Devyn flopped down on her bed, falling asleep immediately.

Authors notes

Pretty chill chapter.
More Jess and Dev chapters coming
Also I will be adding Paris soon, yay,
as I think that her and Devyn
would be close friends.
love you :)

- J

(Chapter edited 14/8/2023)
(Chapter edited 21/2/2024)
word count: 956

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