♥||14 : Mision Start

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| Chapter 14 |

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| Mision Start |

In the empty living room, our heavy panting were echoing and I was laying on the coach with Yoongi on top of me.

"Why?" He suddenly spoke when his breath stabled. "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you." I said. "I came here to speak to you."

Then, I told him all the matters that happened here, Jin summoned me with Jungkook. Jin lied to him cause the feelings will grow deeper. And I didn't tell him why Jin summoned me.

I just told him 'it's a close matter of Jin why he summoned me here and his matter to tell any of you about it. Trust me, it's for all your good.'

And he bought it. He also told me, when Jin told him that I lied to him, he just couldn't believe it cause he saw himself that the bullet ran through my shoulder. So it was impossible for him to buy Jin's lie.

"So, you mean, Jin hyung summoned from your Earth-87 and the reason you can't tell me but whatever the reason is, bring all of us good." He said.

"Yes." I replied.


"Then...." he trailled off. I starred at him. "What about my proposal?"

My heart skip a beat. "What?"

"I told you about my feelings. What about you?" He said.

"I... I...."

"Don't force --"

"No!" I immediately cut off. "I love you too."

His eyes went wide. "Really!!"

"But." I stopped remembering the words Jin and Jungkook shared a while ago.

"But?" He asked.

"Is it true that, keeping mates separated from each other can kill them?" I asked.

"Who told you?" He asked a bit surprised.

"Seokjin was saying about it with Jungkook." I said.

"That's true." He replied and sighed. "I feel attached to you. It shouldn't be happen right? You're from other world and I'm from here. Then why?"

"I also think like that. Why?" I said looking at him. "Am I turning a person of your world?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. His pale hands slowly made their way to mine and intertwined our fingers together. "I don't care about where you came from, who you are, what do you do. I just want to love you and will love you if you leave me here."

I starred at him. "What if I disappear suddenly when my work is done, what will you do?"

"I don't know." Then he faced me fully holding my hands tightly. "But please, let me love the remaining time I've with you."

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