Fly like You Stole It!!

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Fly Like You Stole It!!

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Fly Like You Stole It!!

THE PRESSURE OF THE PLANE was all over her body, she grunts as she relines herself along the navigation system, Brandy pants trying to catch her breath looking down seeing her time of two minutes and fifty seconds, running only a few seconds by as she continues to along her set path.

"We're making good time, Fellas." Brandy says over the coms to Payback and Fanboy she turns left hard as they follow after her, it was her day to work with different pilots that aren't Ajax and Redwing, she grunts feeling herself getting more and more fatigued.
"Daredevil, decrease your speed." Payback orders her.

"Copy."Brandy says to him, she grunts turning through her navigation, she pants as she aligns herself. 

"How we feeling we good?" Brandy asks sarcastically she can hear one of them chuckle at her remarks, she looks down at her simulation seeing the time turn to one minute, she looks over her shoulder at the two men behind her. 

"I might have to retract what I said about making good time." Brandy states gritting through her teeth to the two of them as they continue along the set course, the feeling of the plane moving and the weight of the machine was all beginning to take its toll on her as it begin to feel as if someone was crushing her. 

"We're alive but we're late." Fanboy says to her, she laughs softly at his remark. "So that's good." 

"Not if you wanna be spotted by the SAMS ." Payback points out to her, she hisses through her teeth. "Fair point." Brandy says in defeat, she looks down once more at her navigation. 

"Increasing speed, Payback." She shouts as she grips the gear as the jet begin to fly along, she can hear him repeat her order over the radio, she grits through the weight seeing that only a minute away from their objective. 

"Come on, Come on." She whispers to herself, it didn't help her, all she could think about was getting to her target, that thought only getting more and more hard to focus as she begin to feel her vision fall in out with every turn of the canyon simulation. 

"Daredevil, we are a minute and twenty seconds to target." Fanboy speaks, she nods her head even though he couldn't see, she chuckles through the pain. "Fucking A boys." 

"Not out of the woods yet, we are still a mile out." Fanboy says to her, she rolls her eyes in annoyance, she curses under breath continuing through her simulation she pants as she is thrust to to her left blinded by the sun, she lets yelp as she riligns. 

"You good Daredevil?" Payback asks her, she scoffs.  "Fantastic! Let's go dancing." She remarks, humor being something she came by in her family, no surprise it never left her when she was flying. 

"Guys, we are one minute out, you gotta keep up!." She announces to them, she can hear fanboy order her, her eyes dart between the outside of her aircraft and the navigation, she can hear breathing and the sounds of her heart beating out of her chest louder then she had ever heard it from before, she couldn't tell from it whether or not it was a concern for her, was it the rush of adrenaline or is it the pressure on her body. 

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