Gently We Lay Now

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Gently We Lay Now

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Gently We Lay Now

SHE WAS NO STRANGER to death, almost everyday growing up she would see people being wheeled away in stretcher or in a body bag, when she was seven she was always worried about whether or not her father was going to come back home alive or not all. To lose someone close to her like Iceman was hard for her as she had a soft spot for the admiral, if it wasn't for him she would not be where she is today. To know that he was no longer here with them was strange to think about as it feels like she was just shaking his hand in his office as he sealed the deal on her future, She had hear stories of how he had earned his callsign, Iceman, know for his following of the rules and his cold way of flying, graduating the top of his class and going on to be awarded many medals for his service. 

Though to her she simply had lost someone she was thankful for, while to her Captain he was something more, something she could respect and understand knowing the bond between wingman and leader.
 The many sailors who had come from all over stood on as a firing squad stood in a line their arms aimed to the sky ready on command. 

"Ready, aim, fire."

The whole crew had the same expression of both grim and strictness as they paid their respects to their fallen commander, she was standing between Redwing and Rooster, they were among the many sailors that come to honor the admiral. She stares on as the firing squad fired their guns into the air while a bugler stood off the taps played through in honor. She had kept her eyes trained to the american flag draped across the casket watching as a group of soldiers pick up the flag  raising it above beginning to fold it. 

"Ready, aim, fire." 

The gunshots ring out, she remained still as they begin to fold over the flag into a perfect triangle, the blue from the flag facing up with stars of the fabric visible as it is handed off to Maverick, his brown eyes filled with tears that threatened to leave his eyes but never did as he kept strong, she didn't know whether it was for himself or for others.

The Captain hands over the flag to a woman in black, Icemans wife, he salutes her.He walks back to the casket standing in front looking down at the crafted and polished wood, his hand reaches for his black coat removing the golden wings from his left breast placing the medal on top. 

He looked on at the piece with solem and respect, she could swear for a moment in the captains eyes that she saw the past of what him and the fallen man were once before, Brothers in Arms, Wingman, Comrades,Flyers in the night, years of what could be remembered but never brought back only frozen with memorie. 

"Ready, aim, fire." 

He brings his fist down on top of the symbol pushing it deep into the wood, the sounds of the gunshots cutting with his blow, he looks to the picture of the admiral bringing his hand to salute meeting the eyes of the Admiral, he sighs heavy as the gunshots play once more into the sky ending just as the taps of the bugler finishes with the last note of the angel tune.

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