Only Love Can Make You That Crazy

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Only Love Can Make You That Crazy

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Only Love Can Make You That Crazy

IT ALL HAPPENED SO FAST, She couldn't tell where they were coming from, it was like she was blindsided by each explosion and movement that came from her moving the plane. She yelp's as she break's left hard from the incoming missile. 

"Break left Daredevil!" Red Wing shouts, she grunts as she pulls herself hard right, she pant's looking all around her, so much was happening she couldn't tell where everyone else was. 

"Dagger Five defending popping flares." Brandy shouts as she smashes her fist against the red button, the sound of her flare's popping from her plane are heard as she turns hard again. 

 "Negative Contact!" She shouts seeing them still after her, her eye's widen as she see's another SAM coming after her wingman. 

"SAM on your seven, Redwing!" She yells out, the dark haired girl pulls out hard as she turn right, Ajax looks around him desperately trying to help out his Wingman. "Talk to me Ajax!" 

"Six O'clock, Six O'clock, Break right Daredevil!" He order's them, all of them were yelling out orders left and right that she couldn't tell what was happening with everyone else, she was only focusing on the safety of both her wingman and herself, she yelp's in surprise as another explodes behind her. 

"Daredevil, Sam on your Six!" Red Wing shouts, she screams in frustration as she turns herself in every direction trying to evade and get away from the missile designed to kill her. With her balled fist she smacks her red button's releasing more flares into the sky. 

All of the radio's of the crew start to overlap as they all fought off the weapon's, Dogfights were what she was best in, these things were more deadly than what they were made out to be, she wasn't even aware of her surroundings, only one thing made sense, Evade, watch out, keep yourself alive. Brandy pant's as she watche's the missle explode with the contact from her flare's 

"Son of a bitch!" She exclaims fearfully missing another one. "Dagger Two defending." Rooster announces, he grunts hitting his flare's only for a clicking sound to be heard, his brown eyes widen with fear. 

" Shit, I'm out of flares!" Rooster shouts, her heart drops in her stomach, she doesn't even see where he is and knows he is in trouble. 

"Rooster, Evade evade!" Maverick shouts to him, he grunts as he does he is told, none of them leaving him as he did. "I can't shake them!" 

"They're on me! They're on me!" Rooster yells frantic.

Brandy's jaw drop's agape as her heart raced in her ears. Her eye's follow to a plane in front of her, the flare's exit the bottom hatch of the plane as he raises above Rooster, The missile explode under the fire only catching the back engine of the plane, it breaks off in a fiery explosion falling below to the valley. Her eyes widen fearful. 

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