Chapter 4: Della

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I watched as Elliott waved over a bodyguard that was talking to Cal. She had white hair that parted in the middle and hung below her neck. She walked over, scared. When she got next to Elliott, she got on one knee and hung her head low. "My Great One."

When she did this, Elliott grabbed her hair and yanked her up. She yelped but shut herself up after she was standing up straight. She looked down. Elliott put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at me.

"This is my new bodyguard. She's coming to live with me in 5 days. Of course, I will be treating her differently than my other ones. I asked specifically for a girl."

I looked at her face. It was filled with horror as he said that. He stepped behind her and held her at her waist, pulling her closer to him and digging his face into the crook of her neck. He lifted his face a little and smiled while looking at her exposed shoulder. "I'm satisfied with the one they chose."

I saw Chloe clench her fists. "I like how this dress looks on her body too." It was a tight, black dress that was very short. It had a strap from the right side to the left side of her neck, holding it up.

Elliott let go of her and walked around with his hands behind his back, stopping in front of her, staring at her. Then he waved her away, ordering her out of his presence. He turned back to me and continued talking. "So, how many bodyguards do you have?"

I looked back at Cal. "I have one. He's over there." I pointed towards him, letting Elliott look back at him.

His eyes widened. "Only one?!" He looked back at me. "Della! If you wanna be more like Yan, which you should, then you should have at least close to as many as she did!"

I shook my head. "I don't want 75 bodyguards. One is enough."

Elliott closed his eyes and sighed with his hands on his hips. "Gods, Della. You don't know how to be a Great One, do you?" He looked back at me. "There are so many people who would want to kill you, and all you have is one bodyguard? What if it's the bodyguard that wants to kill you?!"

I took a deep breath, thinking about his words. But then I shook my head and turned. "I'm done with this conversation. Goodbye, Elliott." And then I walked away.

I walked toward Cal, who was staring at the people dancing. I went behind him and stood with my hands together in front of me. I smiled. "Cal, let's dance."

He quickly turned around and looked at me. He fixed his posture and saluted, lifting his arms to make the top of a tall triangle, placing his middle fingers together perfectly. "Yes, my Great One."

He walked up to me and put his arm out. I wrapped mine around and walked to the dance floor. We both got into position, his right hand on my hip and my left on his shoulder. Our other hands met at our side and we intertwined our fingers. We first started by moving to the side in sync. We turned back and then to the side.

We both stared into each other's eyes, dancing to the music. He kept a straight face, but I could tell he was relaxing more. I even noticed a small smile on his lips toward the end. But when we were done, he fixed his posture again and stood with his hands behind his back. I motioned for him to follow me while I went to get some food.

I went to a different room that was quiet compared to the other one. It had a large table with a bunch of pastries. Cal stood by my side while I grabbed a plate and cut a slice of cake for myself. I looked at Cal. "Feel free to grab whatever you want." He didn't answer. And he didn't grab anything.

I sighed softly and sat on one of the chairs, not feeling like going anywhere else. I grabbed the fork on my plate and took a bite of my cake. I chewed slowly, thinking about the conversation that I had with Elliott. Is he right? Should I get a new bodyguard? At least one.

I looked at Cal. Could he possibly want to kill me? I mean, it's possible, especially with what happened with Yan.

I saw Cal glance over at the pastries. I smiled a little. "Cal, if you want to get some food, you can."

He nodded. "Thank you, my Great One." He turned and walked to the table and grabbed a plate and chocolate-covered croissant. He took a bite of the pastry, smiling a little after he started chewing. I smiled at how he looked. It was nice to have someone act human around me instead of acting terribly like Elliott, or like a robot.

I took another bite of my cake, now looking down at my feet.

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