Chapter 34: Della

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The last thing I saw was the marking. I remember seeing it in the books that I read when I was a kid. There were many different versions. But this one was the closest to my favorite one.

After I had seen the marking, I blacked out. I don't know what it was from.

I woke up in a completely white room. There were no shadows, and no doors. It was square. I looked around, confused. But then someone appeared in front of me. It looked like Chloe. Except she wasn't Chloe. Her facial structure was slightly different, she had no eyes, and her hair was slightly longer.

She got on her knees to get to my height. I was also on my knees. She started yelling, seemingly in fear. "Della! You need to stop him! Please! He can't kill another one of my Great Ones or else the cycle will repeat!"

She looked around, like she was worried that someone was watching her. Then she lifted her arm and slapped me across the face. "WAKE UP!"

I jolted awake, Cal shaking me. "DELLA! ARE YOU OKAY?!"

I could barely hear him, but I managed to make out what he said. It was so loud. I didn't answer him, instead, I screamed at him to move. I shoved him out of the way and felt something hot hit me. It was so hot. It burned my skin. I felt like I was going to be burnt to ash. I couldn't open my eyes.

The only thing I knew was that Cal wasn't the one who got hit by the flames that were shooting at him. Then it stopped. I realized that I was floating in the air when I hit the ground. I opened my eyes but I couldn't see. My vision was blurred with tears. I could hear Cal screaming just slightly. My ears were ringing. I couldn't make anything out at this point. I was so tired. So... so tired.

I was back. It was that room again. That guy was on the throne in front of me. But this time, he was leaning forward, yelling something at me. "WAKE UP, DELLA! WAKE UP AND FIGHT!"

I woke up again. This time, there was a strong light that was blinding me. I sat up, and as it began to dim, I realized that it was my marking. It was glowing so much more. But it didn't stop.

It was still glowing. My marking was white. I looked at Cal who was looking at it in disbelief. I looked at Oden. He didn't seem fazed. "So you've been there too, huh? Guess that means I have to kill you before he helps you."

He lifted his arm and faced his palm at me. Cal tried to cover me, but before he could, Oden screamed. Both of us looked at him in shock. He looked like he was hugging himself, but his skin was beginning to peel off. I could hear him say one more thing before he fazed out of sight. "CURSE YOU, FATHER! I ALWAYS COME BACK AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!"

And then he disappeared. It was so silent. The only thing I could hear was Cal's heavy breathing. I licked my lips and looked at him. "What just happened?"

Cal looked back at me, not saying anything. The buildings all around us were in ruins. I didn't remember him doing that. At least not the ones that were next to this neighborhood. Everything was destroyed around us. Even the neighborhoods that were 5 blocks away.

Cal had a cut on his face that went across his forehead and nose. It was dripping blood onto his left eye that he had squeezed shut. "What... happened?"


After Oden had disappeared, we tried to help the injured people. Cal told me that while I was going in and out of consciousness, Oden was attacking non-stop, trying to kill me. But Cal took most of the attacks and was trying to help the others at the same time. In frustration, Oden destroyed a lot more things. He was even more upset that I wasn't actually awake.

He told me that when I actually woke up the first time, Oden was shooting fire at him which hit me instead since I moved him out of the way. But while I was covered in flames my marking was glowing, which might have been something protecting me.

I thought back to seeing that other god. But who was she? Then I thought about who Oden called 'Father'. Was that Juda? If so, was he helping me? And how? I thought he was dead. That's what everyone was told. All of the gods are supposed to be dead now. Even Sarah.

Cal told me that even though we were confused and had no idea what was going on, we needed to stop Oden. If we didn't he could destroy everyone and everything.

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