Chapter 50: Cal

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I was on the farm. It was beautiful. I was in the cornfield, putting corn in the basket that was already filled halfway with carrots and bustle sprouts. I looked back at Della who was waving to me, barefoot in her white dress and straw hat. I waved back. She was so beautiful.

I turned back to the corn and picked some more, filling my wicker basket to the brim. I walked back to the house when it was full, and washed the vegetables in the well. Della hugged me from behind as I did so. But after a few seconds, I felt myself falling.

My eyes widened and panic struck me as the world around me turned into a square, white room. I reached for Della's arms that were once around me but they were gone. I looked around in fear, realizing that the only thing in the room other than me was a whip. I grabbed it and started to do what I knew would get me food. I wanted food. I was so hungry.

I realized that my arms had shrunk. So had I. I was young again. Crack! Crack! Crack! The whip made such a loud sound and the pain got worse instead of becoming numb. It wouldn't stop. I wanted it to stop. Please stop me! Give me food. I'm so hungry.

The door opened and I stopped whipping myself. I smiled in relief as I crawled towards the only opening. I looked for the food, even trying to smell it. But there was no food. Instead, there was Della. She was standing in front of me with her eyes closed and a blank look on her face. "Della?" My voice was so weak and broken.

She stumbled before falling to the ground, a dagger in her spine. I jumped back, tears forming in my eyes. Her body changed from Della to Chloe. The memories shot through my head of how she died as I looked up at Oden. He was staring back at me with a malicious smile on his lips.

This was a dream. Wake up! Wake up! I couldn't get myself to wake up. The room around me melted, but the only person that stayed was Chloe. She sat up, her body and face morphing into Della's. She started yelling at me as she cloned until they were all sitting in a circle around me. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" They all chanted the words until finally...

I jolted awake. I was still laying down. But now I was staring up at Della, instead of many clones of her that were yelling at me. She was shaking me. I realized that it was the real Della that was telling me to wake up.

Without saying anything, I pulled her into a hug, dragging her down with me. I held her tight, tears rolling down my cheeks without me noticing until a few seconds. Della held me as well, not questioning what the dream was about.

The door opened quickly. Della and I whipped around to look at who it was. It was Maya. She was staring at us with panic in her eyes. She was breathing heavily. Della stood up. "What's wrong?"

She pointed outside, the panic still there. "He's here. He's killing everyone in the other houses one by one. He's almost here."

I didn't need to ask who she was talking about. It was Oden. He was back. And he wasn't going away. I quickly got up with Della. We grabbed the little bit of belongings that we had, and Maya tried packing her things as well. She grabbed some food and put it in a small, thick bag.

Della and I grabbed one bag each that she packed and threw it over our shoulder, letting her carry one of the smaller ones. Then we got ready to leave. But when we got outside, I looked around. The houses were all destroyed. We were on the edge of the lined up houses. I gulped. It was quiet. Too quiet.

Della and Maya had realized that something was off as well. Where was Oden? I turned around to look at Della and Maya. I motioned for them to be quiet as I put down the heavy bag I was carrying.

I slowly moved forward, careful to not let the leaves crunch under my feet. I moved back so I could see on the roof. As more of the roof had become visible, I saw that no one was there. If he wasn't on the roof, where was he?

I suddenly heard a scream. I turned around and saw Oden standing behind Maya. Della stumbled back and fell down. She was shaking her head as she tried to climb back to her feet and run. Maya had blood spraying from her neck. Her eyes were wide and she looked distraught as she stumbled before falling to the ground, her body becoming limp.

Della had finally got to her feet and grabbed my arm, dragging me away. We both left the bags that we had all dropped. We probably wouldn't need them. I knew that we couldn't kill a god. We would be running for our whole lives. However long those were.

I should have been exhausted after running for days. But I wasn't. Instead, I felt energized. I didn't know why. I looked back at Oden. He was now running at us. But he isn't using his power. But why? He could kill us right now.

I looked forward again as we ran into the ruins of the city. I could see the mansions past it. All the coverage of the buildings was gone. All that was left was rubble. I glanced back at Oden. He was closer.

We got closer to the spot where the trainee bodyguard bunker was. The Care Center bunker was right next to it. I hoped that they were all okay. Della and I tried our best to keep running. But we started to get tired. How much longer could we deal with this? How much longer could we keep running for our lives?

I was tired. I was so tired. But as we got closer to the bunkers, I saw dead bodies. There were so many of them. We had run closer to them and I saw a kid over halfway to the Care Center bunker. Kai had introduced him to me. His name was Henry. He had died with major injuries, trying to get to refuge. The rest of the bodyguards died.

And when it came to the Care Center bunker, it was even worse. All those little kids were dead. They weren't even recognizable due to their faces being gone.

Della was trying not to look. But I couldn't run anymore. Della couldn't run anymore either. We tried. We tried with everything we had. But Della stumbled before falling onto her knees. I stopped, going back to her. I grabbed her arms and tried to pull her with me, but she could barely get up.

I looked back at Oden, who was rapidly approaching. This was it. This is how we die. Isn't it? I felt my heart beating fast. It was so fast. Everything was so fast. It seemed like time was going so fast. Too fast. And then everything stopped. Not literally, but it felt like it.

Oden was so close to us. I knew that this was it. This is how we die. This is the end.

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