Chapter 5: Chloe

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We all rode back on the bus. I sat next to Kai. We both stayed silent, much like everyone else. I felt like I should say something to him. But I know that he probably doesn't want to be reminded that I'm leaving. The last time we spoke, he was rejecting me.

We finally arrived at the school. It was a large building that stretched for miles. It was for all of the bodyguards between the ages of 8 and 18. We all got off the bus and walked in a single-file line to the door.

Our teacher, Coja, led us to the dorms before letting us go off on our own. Kai and I silently walked to our dorm, only to be met with an open door. We both looked at each other, confused, but then we saw someone walk out. It was a man with green eyes. The same one that brought new students to their dorm. We're getting a roommate. Cal is getting replaced. And soon I will be too.

We both walked in and saw an 8-year-old boy making his bed right where Cal used to sleep. He turned around and smiled. He had blonde, curly hair with loads of freckles. But when he opened his eyes, they were black, like you'd expect.

Kai waved back, minus the smile. I didn't do anything other than sit down on my bed and open a book that I had set on my nightstand, Kai sitting on his bed next to me. The dorm room was medium-sized. It had a door on the right side of the front wall, and on the right wall, it has three dressers, and on the left, three wardrobes. Next to the wardrobes, is a door that leads to the small bathroom with a toilet and sink. The door is next to the entry door, but it's on a different wall. We shower in a different room. At the back, there were three beds next to each other, spaced evenly. The headboards touched the wall and our nightstands were on the right side when you are looking at it from the door. Cal would lie on the left, Kai in the middle, and me on the right.

I pretended like I was reading my book, but honestly, I couldn't even focus on it. It did get my attention when someone knocked on the door and asked for Kai. But after he was out of the room, I kept trying to focus on my book. But before I even started reading, I heard the kid speak.

"My name's Henry. What's yours?"

I looked at him silently and then looked back at my book. I didn't want to get close to him because I would only be leaving in a few days. And it's not like I'm very fond of him. He's basically replacing Cal. "I know you don't like me. That much is obvious. I hope you don't think that I'm replacing your friend."

I took a deep breath and flipped the page as if I was reading the book, which I'm not. But he continued talking. "I know that you're both leaving soon. I just want the rest of your time here to be as nice as possible. I don't want me to make you feel uncomfortable."

I slammed the book closed and got up to walk to the bathroom. I didn't do anything in there. I just stood by the mirror, looking at it. I was scared. I didn't even know what was going to happen to me. I didn't know if I would pass the exam, and if I didn't, I would be executed. I have already failed the first two. The second time, I thought about what was going to happen to me if I failed again. Cal warned me and I didn't want to pay attention. And now, every year, I'm afraid of what will happen to me.

I looked into my eyes, taking in the black void. It seemed as if they were sparkling when you really looked at them. From afar, they don't look like much. But when you focus on what they look like, you can see the magic that was put into them when Sarah created us. You can see exactly what we are.

I looked at the rest of my face. I looked at my clear skin. People always called me beautiful. And I knew that they were right. I was a very pretty girl ever since I was born. But I would much rather have green eyes than be pretty. I want to have a choice in life. Maybe I would even want a rainbow. But even thinking something like that could get me executed if anyone found out.

I sighed and flushed the toilet as if I was just getting finished. I turned the water on for a few seconds and then turned it back off after swiping my hand underneath it, getting them wet. I walked out of the bathroom, wiping my hands on my shirt. I looked over at Henry to see him rolled over on his side, looking at the wall. I stood there silently, thinking that maybe I shouldn't be so mean to him.

But as I thought that, Kai came back. I looked at him. My eyes widened when I saw him finally look back. But then he looked away again. As he did, I heard the familiar chime that reminded us that we had to be in bed in 10 minutes. I walked over to my dresser and Kai did the same. Henry looked confused, obviously not being told about this.

I opened my top drawer and grabbed a shirt and then some sweatpants out of the bottom. I took my shirt off, ignoring Kai getting dressed next to me, and put the clean shirt on. I took my pants off and switched them with clean ones. Then I grabbed the dirty ones and put them in the hamper next to the door to be picked up by the blue-eyes, also known as the slaves.

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