Chapter 25: Kai

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2 days later~

Claire had been acting weird. Every time someone would mention Elliott in their private conversations, she would act weird about it. She would look at them weird and then walk away. But if she heard anyone talking about any of the other Great Ones, she wouldn't say anything.

Sometimes, when I'm on duty to watch her in her room, I'll see her sit in front of her mirror and trace her fingers across her markings. It was like they bothered her. Sometimes she would draw and color pictures of a guy with short, red hair, and his hand covering his eyes. He didn't wear any clothes but he didn't have any genitals either.

She drew that man often. And then she sometimes drew Elliott as well. But she never made drawings of anyone else. And every time that I would look at one of her books while she was gone, since I loved reading, she would cross out a bunch of words. Some of the words had stuff to do with love, and some of them were things about Epimora and the gods. The only names she didn't cross out when it came to them, was Sarah and Oden.

It was very confusing, to be honest. I did make friends with one of the bodyguards. Her name was Rema. She had wavy, red hair, eyes with long lashes, a beauty mark on her left cheek, and a sharp jawline. She's been telling me about Claire's rules. I hate to say it, but I think I'm getting over my feelings for Chloe. Speaking of Chloe, I wonder how she's doing.

Anyway, during dinner, I was standing in front of the table with 2 other guards. One of them was Rema. The other was a guy named Gianno. We all watched Claire as she ate, someone already having checked her food for poison. While she was eating, she spoke to us, as if we were supposed to respond. But Rema already told me that the last person to respond was executed.

I haven't said a word to Claire other than "Yes, my Great One." Otherwise, I might not even be here. I looked at Rema. She looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back. Claire kept talking. "I can't believe that Elliott is paying more attention to that new girl! I've been here the longest! We should be close by now!"

We both looked back at her. "And now he's looking at his own bodyguard like I want him to look at me! I've tried with him for so long!" She banged her fist on the table. "WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T?!" Our eyes widened and we stared back at Claire.

Then she looked up at me and I flinched. She frowned. She got up before walking over to me. She stood in front of me and inspected my face closely before looking into my eyes with her frowning face close to my own. "You were friends with that bodyguard, weren't you?" She spoke bitterly.

I nodded. "Y-Yes My Great One."

Her eyes flared. Her eyes widened and she grabbed my throat. I gasped, and so did Rema and Gianno. Claire screamed at me. "TELL ME, SCUM! WHAT IS IT ABOUT HER THAT HE LIKES?! HUH?!"

When she let go of my throat, I fell to the ground. I touched my fingertips to my throat, and my eyes widened. My throat had burn marks on it. How... Did she do that?

Claire then stormed out. Gianno followed her. Rema knelt down. "Kai! Are you alright?"

I nodded, still confused. She lifted up my chin. "Let me see."

Her eyes widened and then she looked away. She got up and pulled me with her. "Come on. Let's get it wrapped up."

We both walked to the first floor bathroom and she got the first aid kit out. She got a washcloth wet with water and dabbed at the burns. I flinched as she did so. It stung. Rema smiled. "Sorry, Kai."

I smiled back. "It's fine."

She put some ointment on the burns and then wrapped my neck up with bandages. When she was done, she put up the first aid kit and then looked at me. "Are you sure that you're okay, Kai?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Rema. I'm all good." I looked to the side. Then I looked back at her. "Can I ask you something?"

She nodded. "Yeah, of course!"

I looked at her beautiful hair. Then I looked into her eyes. "How long have you been Claire's bodyguard?"

Rema's eyes widened. "Oh! Um..." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked at the bathroom counter. "I was her third bodyguard. So about 40,500 years."

My eyes widened. "That long?!" Then I sighed. "There's something off about her. How did she make those burn marks on my neck?"

Rema sighed. "I would tell you. I really would. And I want to. But if I do, and she finds out about it, I'll be executed."

She looked down at our feet. "I'm sorry, Kai, but I can't tell you." She looked back up at me with a sad smile. Then she moved forward, and before I knew it, she had kissed me. It was quick. But then she turned and left the bathroom.

Later that night, I was put on duty to watch Claire as she slept. I couldn't stop thinking about Rema. It was very similar to how I felt about Chloe. But I like Rema a lot more. I hope we can end up being together.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw something unusual. Something had caught my eye. I looked up and saw Claire sleeping peacefully. But something was off. Her eyes seemed to be flickering in and out of existence.

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