Chapter 10: Cal

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I left Della's room and walked toward Malakai's. It's not that I don't like him. I just don't trust him. I opened his door and stepped inside. I closed it behind me and looked around. It was clean. It was as if he hadn't touched anything.

I would have left the room, but I felt like looking around. It was almost identical to my room. I walked over to the bed and searched for something incriminating. There was nothing in there. I searched the rest of the room. In the drawers, behind the bed frame, under the rug, in the vase. But I didn't find anything unusual. But then I noticed something sticking out from under the bed. I kneeled and pulled out a bag. It was his luggage. I opened the bag and looked inside. He had a bunch of clothes and weapons that we were allowed to have. But then I saw something else. Poison. It was the kind of poison that you can only get a hold of from a rebel.

I felt a lump in my throat. What was he planning to do with this? I held the jar of black liquid and stood up. The door opened behind me. I turned to see Malakai. I looked at him, angry. "What were you planning to do with this?" I held up the bottle.

Malakai only frowned. "What does it matter to you? Mutt!"

I put the poison on the bed. I cracked my knuckles and walked up to him. "If you try anything..." I stood in front of his face threateningly. "I won't hesitate to execute you."

I walked back to the bed and grabbed the poison. I had to get rid of it. I walked toward the now-closed door when I heard Malakai's deep voice. "They don't care about us. The only way to truly be free is to rid the world of all of them. We would have two weeks to finish the job once our's is killed. You should join me."

I glanced at him as I opened the door. "I stand by what I said. And I don't plan on changing my mind any time soon."

Then I left without letting him get another word in. I was right to not trust him. I knew it was a bad idea.

I walked to my room, but the door to Della's room opened. I glanced over and saw her standing there. "Hey, Cal?"

I looked at her curiously. "Yes?"

She smiled. "Do you want to come with me to go to Elliott's mansion? I need to speak with him."

I lifted my eyebrows in confusion. What did she need to talk to him about? Then I nodded and smiled. "Of course. When are we going?"

She seemed relieved that I had agreed. "I was thinking about it being soon."

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