Chapter 49: Oden

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Present Time~

I reformed, closer than before now. I felt furious as I did so. My veins were popping out of my arms as I clenched my fists. I immediately had the energy to teleport, so I did.

I immediately appeared in the town. I looked around. All of the buildings looked the same as I had left them. But I noticed an extra body. It was right next to the trainee bodyguard bunker. I walked over to it and loomed over it, examining it.

It was a young boy. He was one of the bodyguard trainees that had shown up to one the balls. I scoffed as I looked at his limp, useless body. I kicked him before I moved to the actual bunker. I looked at everyone inside it. They were all dead.

Then I went to the other closest bunker. I knocked on the steel door but didn't get an answer. I stood up all the way and morphed into a different look, creating clothes as well. I looked like Cal. I felt disgusting.

I kneeled down again and knocked harder. "Please! Open up! It's Cal Madden, Della's bodyguard. It's safe now."

I waited a few seconds before the door lifted slightly. A woman with orange eyes was staring back. I held back a smile as I realized that this was the bunker next to the care center that consisted of all the really young kids.

When the woman saw me, her eyes widened, as if she recognized me. "Oh! I remember you." She lifted the door farther. "You're the one that brought Thomas back to me!"

I smiled and nodded as if I remembered what she was talking about. "Yeah. That was me!"

I stood up straight. "You can all come out now. It's safe."

The caretaker looked around, nervous. "Are you sure? What happened to Oden?"

I smiled manipulatively. "Trust me. He's gone."

She seemed to trust me as she climbed out and brought the rest of the kids with her. One of the little boys specifically ran up to me. He hugged my legs, and when he did, I realized just how uncomfortable I was in them. When the little boy stopped hugging me, I tried to move the pants in a way to where it wasn't touching my legs too much.

The boy looked at me with sad eyes. "What's wrong?"

I smiled at him, sweating as I realized how obvious I was being. I wanted to use them. "It's nothing."

The caretaker looked at me, confused. "Are you sure you're alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

She then looked scared. I looked down at my body, wondering what she was looking at. And then I saw it and understood. My arm was bleeding. But it wasn't the regular blood that humans bleed. It was the blood of gods. White blood.

It shined as it dripped from my arm. My skin must've been fragile after I reformed. I frowned as the other's screamed and tried to run. I changed into my original form and tried to wipe the blood away as I killed everyone there. I didn't leave one person alive, instead, leaving everyone's bodies on the ground with their heads no longer intact.

When I got the blood to stop flowing, I made my way around to find the others. I specifically went to find Della and her mutt. I knew how they thought, so I knew where they would be. They would be at the edge of town at the farms. I was aware that Cal had been punished before and why. Of course he would choose a farm.

Looks like I will have to kill everyone, one by one, until I find them. I was excited to finally kill Della. I couldn't wait to carve out her marking while she writhes in pain. I couldn't wait to watch her want to scream while nothing came out. I'll make her lose the same things that Calora lost. She won't be able to scream. She won't be able to tell her partner that she loves them before she dies. And Cal will be treated like Haroa.

He will hold Della in his arms as she slowly dies. And he will sit there, awaiting his death in the meantime. But his death will never come. Because I will transfer his connection to me. And I will make him live with his desire to see her again. The desire that will never be fed. He will never be able to see Della again. Because Della is not a god. She won't be able to come back. And even if she was a god, Juda would be dead. And with Juda dead, there will be no more gods coming back. I will rule everyone and everything.

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