Chapter 26: Cal

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When Della had gotten out of the bath, I avoided eye contact for a little bit. It was awkward, to be honest. Yeah, I had hoped that she felt the same way about me, but how was I supposed to move forward now? I couldn't let her know that I'm aware of her feelings. Then she would know that I snooped around in her room.

Della had finally gone to bed and I went into my room. I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I groaned and put my hands on my eyes. What was I supposed to do? I rolled onto my side and looked at my wall. I moved my hand up to my face and looked at it. It was the one that Della wrapped up for me.

I smiled. I felt a tug at our connection as I did so. My eyes widened. I sat up and put my hand to my heart, that was where I felt it. It felt like a string being pulled, about to snap. But every time that it gets pulled, instead of snapping, it gets thicker. I breathed heavily.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I wanted her to know, but I didn't know how to tell her. I want her to know that I felt the same way. But I don't want her to think that I'm just acting like the bodyguard in her book. I want her to know that I'm not lying to her to make her feel better. I want her to know how I really feel.

I flopped down on my bed with my hands stretched out next to me. I felt myself blushing profusely. I started thinking about the things that had happened the last few days. I remembered How I saved Della from Malakai. I remember her holding my hand while I laid my head in her lap. I thought about how she wrapped up my hand, and how I pulled her to safety during the shooting. I remembered how I took care of her every day and stood by her side to keep her safe, and keep her company.

I then remembered about tomorrow. I have to kill Elliott. And Della is going to help me with it. I'm nervous. I don't know how it's going to go. I don't know if I'm even going to succeed. Maybe I will be stopped by the other bodyguards. Or maybe Elliott will stop me himself.

Before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep.

What is this place? The room seemed all lit up. There were two elegant looking doors in front of me. I couldn't control my body, but I walked through them. I ended up being in a big, spacious bedroom. There was a girl sitting in front of a big, holographic globe. She was looking deep inside it and looked happy. The person that I was looking through spoke in a deeper voice. "Hey, Epimora, do you wanna-" He stopped.

The girl got up and looked at him quickly. She didn't have any eyes. She was a god! She was Epimora! She looked... almost exactly like Chloe. Her hair parted in the middle and was white. It was a bit longer than Chloe's. But Epimora didn't have any eyes.

Epimora's brows creased in anger. "Oden! What are you doing in here? I told you to leave me alone!"

I didn't know what was going on, but through the man's eyes, I'm guessing it was Oden, I could see myself frowning. "Are you looking at that guy again! I've given you so much and you keep going for him?! He's a human Epimora!"

Epimora shook her head. "I don't care! I like him! I want to at least watch him live his life!"

Oden's fists clenched. "What does he have that I don't?! You have even started to dress like him! What's the point?! He'll never actually love you! He might not even believe in you!"

Epimora looked furious. "I don't care what you think, Oden. I'm not going to listen to you. Why don't you go cry to Sarah about it? I'm sure she listens. She ALWAYS listens to you!"

Oden stormed out, slamming the door behind him. He walked down a long corridor, walls glowing. He opened another door to a big empty space. He walked to one of the hundreds of doors and opened it. There was a big room with a red carpet. It led to a big, golden throne which had a man sitting on it.

The man was fit and wore nothing. His skin, which had no genitals, was pale white. He had no hair, and his head was smooth. He had no eyebrows either. He didn't have a nose or a mouth either. He had absolutely no facial features.. He was tapping his index finger on the side of his throne.

Oden spoke to get his attention as he stood in front of him. "Father, Juda. I would like to speak with you."

The man, who I'm guessing was Juda, tilted his head down. White mist appeared where his eyes would be. The mist also replaced his mouth as well. I then heard him speaking in a low, booming voice. "What would you like, my son?"

Oden looked up at him with determination. "Epimora had become oblivious to right and wrong. She has no idea the trouble she is causing in the world of the gods. She has started to dress like the lower lifeforms. That Elliott guy seems to interest her the most. I fear she will leave us for him."

Juda nodded. "I see your concern, Oden." He closed his eyes. "But I can assure you that Epimora will be just fine. I can foresee that you won't lose her as long as you don't act rash." He looked back at Oden. "But I am warning you about this. If you try to solve it with force, you will only lose her completely, and you will never have the real Epimora again."

I woke up to someone poking my cheek. I blinked away the sleepiness and looked up at Della. "Hey, you were really sleeping deep, weren't you? What were you dreaming about?"

My eyes widened. I sat up quickly. I blushed as well. I didn't expect to see her like that. And then I thought about the dream. What was that? It was about the gods. But why did Epimora look so much like Chloe? I shook my head slightly. Maybe it was just putting faces to a story my mind came up with. Brains can get so creative.

I got up and smiled at Della. "Let's go eat breakfast. Then we'll get ready to go to Elliott's mansion." My smile fell as I said that. I remembered what I had to do.

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