Chapter 27: Della

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We both had finished with our breakfast when something occurred to me. I looked up at Cal as he grabbed out dishes and brought them to the sink. I got up and followed him. "Cal. How are you going to do it?"

He looked over at me as he began cleaning the dishes. "Hm? What do you mean?"

I stopped next to him and leaned against the counter. "How are you going to kill him? Like what's the plan?"

His eyes widened. "Oh." His movements stopped. He sighed. "When Malakai was still here, I confiscated poison from him. I still have it. I didn't know how to dispose of it without looking suspicious."

I gulped. "You're going to poison him. How?"

He dried his hands. "I want you to ask for tea. I will prepare some for the both of you and poison his drink. That's only plan A."

My brow raised. "What's plan B?"

He put the hand towel down. "I took an explosive from Malakai's bag after I killed him. I thought it might come in handy if you decided to get another bodyguard and they turned out like Malakai." He looked uncomfortable as he spoke. "I was going to plant it in his bed if he didn't drink the poison."

As he explained his plans, this all became so real to me. This wasn't just something we were imagining and daydreaming about. This was real. This could either make out lives, or end them. And even with Chloe. If we succeed and win our own futures, we take her own away. Not only her. But all of the other bodyguards that belong to Elliott. We don't even know if transferring ownership is possible. No one has ever tried.

I looked back at Cal, really worried. "Are you sure we should do this? What if it goes wrong?"

Cal's eyes widened and he stood up straight. It was as if he were remembering his place. "If you don't want to do it, then we won't. It's up to you!" He spoke fast like he was correcting himself.

I shook my head, rubbing my arms. "No, Cal! I want you to do what you think is right, but I just need reassurance about it. I'm just worried. If we succeed, we'll be free. Won't we?"

He relaxed his posture and smiled at me. "It's going to be fine, Della. We're going to succeed and get the life that we want. I can stop worrying about my bodyguards rules, and you can stop worrying about living up to Yan's expectations."

I nodded. "Okay." I sighed, long and hard. "Then I'm ready. Let's get dressed to go to Elliott's mansion."

He nodded back at me. "Okay." He followed me up the stairs and then we both went to get dressed. I put on a big, green turtleneck sweater that covered half my thighs. I wore black pants and black boots with green laces. I waited in the hallway for Cal.

When he came out, he was wearing the basic bodyguard uniform. It had a long sleeve shirt with thick fabric and a white outline of an eye on the back. The pants were a little more thick and were more like cargo pants. They were also black. The boots were thick and steel-toed.

I blushed when I saw him. He looked good in the uniform. I looked down, trying to hide my face and get it back to normal. He walked next to me. "Come on."

I grabbed his arm as he started moving forward. He looked back at me and I looked up at him. "Did you remember the stuff"

He nodded. "Yeah. The poison and explosive are both in my pants pockets. The stuff isn't that big, but it's powerful."

I nodded and let go of his arm. "Okay. Let's go."

We both walked down the stairs and toward the front door. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. What if it doesn't work? What if Elliott kills us? Or what if one of his bodyguards does? What if Chloe is already dead and caught by Elliott for planning this? I noticed that my breathing had sped up after I had sat down in the vehicle.

I clenched my fists next to me. I'm scared. I felt something touch my hand and I looked up at Cal. He was smiling comfortingly at me. "It's okay, Della. It's going to work. Don't worry."

I nodded and looked down. "Okay. Thanks."

I blushed as I realized that he didn't move his hand. I didn't want him to. I was comfortable that way. I didn't have to worry about feeling alone. He was right there. His words repeated in my head. It's going to work. It's going to work. It's going to work. I nodded my head. It's true. It's going to work. It has too.

My heart sped up more and more as we got closer. Then we pulled up to his house. I got out with Cal and I could feel my heart in my throat. We walked to the door. It's going to work. It's going to work. It's going to work. We knocked on the door and it opened. It's going to work. Elliott came down the stairs with Chloe. It's going to work. It's going to work. It has to work. And then I was led to the meeting room with Elliott. There was my cue.

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