Chapter 24: Cal

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I set the tray down on the kitchen table. I leaned against the counter and looked down at my hands. Why was I so sweaty? My heart was beating so fast. Why did I feel like this? It wasn't anything I had ever felt before. It was like something was happening with our connection. Something that I had never felt in it before. Why was it acting out now? Was I losing it?

I stood up straight. I shouldn't worry too much. I grabbed the tray and threw everything away that was on it. I cleaned it and put it up. I got some cleaning supplies and went back up to Della's room. When I opened the door, she was leaning toward the bookshelf, not getting off the bed so she didn't stand on the spilled tea or loose shards of clay. She was trying to put the book back.

I had shoes on so I put it away for her, grabbing it from her hands that were surprisingly smaller than mine. I felt her flinch at the contact. She looked at me in surprise. It was obvious that she hadn't heard me enter.

I smiled as I got down on my hands and knees to clean the tea. After that, I would make sure to bring in the vacuum to get the rest of the loose shards.


I got as much as I could get and put the vacuum away. I got Della's bath ready and went into her room to tell her. I stood by the door and peaked in. She was reading one of her books. I knew the one she was reading. It was about the gods. "Della." I called her name to get her attention. She looked up at me. "Your bath is ready."

She smiled and got up, putting a bookmark in the book. "Thank you, Cal."

I nodded. She walked out of the room with me. I closed the door behind me and walked with her to the bathroom. I grabbed a clean towel for her and handed it to her. She thanked me again. I smiled as I was about to leave. "I'll grab some clean clothes and bring them in here for you in a bit too."

Della nodded. "Okay, thank you, Cal."

I nodded back and turned to leave. But before I could get out of the door, Della called my name again. "Oh, and, Cal?"

I turned to look at her. "Yes?"

She looked nervous, and I could even feel a tug at our connection. And then she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her. My eyes widened in surprise. I've read enough books to know what was about to happen.

I was pulled closer to her until she got on the tips of her toes, and put her lips to my face, and then to my ear. She whispered something to me. "Your fly is down."

And then she let go of my arm and leaned back. I was blushing like crazy. I... was wrong....

It then processed to me what she actually said and my eyes widened in shame. I quickly zipped it up and left. When I closed the door, I leaned against the wall in shock. I thought for sure she was going to kiss me! How was I wrong?!

I... I wanted her to kiss me. I put my head back and looked at the ceiling. Why did I feel like this? And about my Great One!

I felt my heart beating so fast. I tried to walk to Della's room to grab extra clothes for her. When I walked in, I walked over to her dresser and grabbed some extra clothes. But as I was about to walk out, I looked at her bookshelf. My eyes landed on the one book she freaked out over. A Pea In A Pod.

I felt the urge to look at it. I shook my head and walked out of the room. I wasn't going to disobey her like that. I closed the door and walked toward the bathroom.

A few seconds later, I was back in the room with the book in my hands. I had read it before so I knew exactly what it was about. What kind of annotations did she write in it that she didn't want anyone seeing?

I sighed, wondering if I should just put it up or not. But I decided otherwise and opened it, a paper immediately falling out. I put the book down on the bed and knelt down to grab it. I looked at it closer and saw that it had sketches of me.

One of the sketches was of when I was getting dressed when I had just gotten here. The scars on my back were very detailed. Another picture was of me cooking. I had a small smile on my face. And when I looked at the outfit, I saw that it was also when I had just gotten here. Another sketch was of me kneeling at the front door. The shading was perfect.

I looked at the back of the page. My eyes widened. There were sketches of me laughing and smiling. Others had a lively glint in my eyes. I could barely even believe that it was me. And I realized that all of these sketches were actual moments that happened. I... was happiest here.

I put the paper down and picked up the book again. I flipped through some pages with normal annotations until I got to another loose page. It had more sketches of me being happy. I turned the page around. More amazing drawings. I put the paper down and looked at the annotations. On one of the pages where the Great One was talking about her love for her bodyguard, there were a lot more annotations.

As I read them, I could feel my heart beating faster. It shocked me. It compared how the character felt about her bodyguard to how Della felt about me. She... has feelings for me. Della has feelings for me!

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