Vmin- {Incubus}

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Top: Jimin
Bottom: Taehyung

"Alright Taehyung, that's everything. Think you'll be able to handel it from now?" The chief officer spoke diligently after going over some rules and regulations. He was the new prison guard to work the morning and night shift, quite a dangerous job. "Yup! I'm sure this will be burned into my brain in a few days. Can we check out the prison floors now?" The chief nodded and they both made their way to where they kept the prisoners.

"So they are 4 floors in total. Floor 1 is for people who are armatures like car jackers, drunk people and small thieves. Most of them are just dumb teenagers. The 2nd floor is where we keep the murderers and some bomb makers. Have some that can use a spoon to make a bomb. The 3rd floor is where we keep the mafia members and yea, those are all the important floors." Said the chief before guiding Taehyung to the elevator. "What about floor 4? You forgot that one." A visible gulp was seen on the chief's face, that was the dreaded floor.

"Kim...on that floor we hold the most dangerous being ever, Park Jimin. We do not know what he is or where he came from but 3 years ago when we found him, he was covered from head to toe in blood. His eyes were blue as the ocean, he had big claws and a toothy smile. In his hand he held a corpse which we assumed he ate. Taehyung for your own safety boy, Stay  Away. From. That. Floor."

Shivers and jitters flowed down Taehyung's body, whatever that creature was, he sure can give u a good scare. "I'll leave you now. It's time for me to do my evening patrol and it's feeding time for these cell monkeys." After they said their goodbyes, Taehyung made his way to the kitchen and carried on doing his job. He brought food to the cell mates on each floor, ignoring the cat calls he got. "Looks like we got a cute one boys. Why don't you come in here for some fun?"

Taehyung cringed at the animals here but he was glad that they'll be able to rot in their cell. "Shut your trap hole. You're lucky I'm merciful or I would have let you starved." The inmates laughed at the scene, even Taehyung let out a small chuckle once he saw the killer's face. "Damn...i'm tired. One more cell to go." Once Taehyung got to the kitchen, he picked up the food try and the last file which had the inmate's name and identification number.

"Okay...who is my last stop?" He thought to himself while walking into the elevator. Once his eyes caught the name, he began to panic. "No...no no why me!" The last inmate he had to feed was Park Jimin. Great, just fucking great. First the chief told me to stay away from that floor and then I get assigned to bring him food. What the fuck? "Why did they give the new worker Jimin? They could have given it to anyone else!"

After Taehyung's little tantrum in the elevator, he reluctantly pressed the button to go to the 4th floor. Every second passed by, Taehyung's breathing pattern increased until the door opened at the 4th floor. He stepped out with a hesitant look and walked to the only cell on this floor. It had a peep hole where you could look in to the cell but Taehyung saw nothing except a dark,  empty room. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out but got no answer, not even a faint yes was heard. That got Taehyung a bit worried, what if he escaped?

Taehyung got the key from his pocket and opened the cell, he stepped in and placed the food try on a small table. "Jimin?" He called out again, taking his flashlight out and pointing it into the room but made a stupid mistake to walk to the center of the cell. Suddenly, the cell door closed shut and a loud scratch was heard behind him. "Oh shit-"  Taehyung pointed the flashlight to where the sound came from and stood there in fear. In the corner of the ceiling was a figure.

It had on busted up clothes like if it grew so large that it tore it up. "Fresh prey~" The figure spoke before jumping off of the wall and onto Taehyung. He landed on the floor with a thump and with the creature on top of him. Fear was radiating all over the boy's body, this wasn't how he planned his first day on the job to be. Taehyung opened his eyes weakly and stared at the creature. It indeed had blue eyes like the ocean, dusty silver hair and such pale skin with black veins.

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