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(Congrats on another chapter! Comment goal is now 20! Good luck and happy reading~}

"Ah, speak of the devil," Giran mused as he stood to go open the door. "And he shall appear." The door soon creaked open, allowing Izak to see an extremely scarred man standing on the other side of the threshhold. Giran wasn't kidding, he thought to himself. "Thank you for joining us, Dabi."

"Sure," Dabi's gaze slid over the broker, then traveled to Izak. Their eyes met for a moment before the cremator glanced back at Giran. "You sure this is the guy?"

"Of course," He smiled, turning his attention to Izak. "Izak, this is Dabi."

"...Nice to meet you," Izak's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. There was something about this person that Izak knew was going to be a pain in the ass later, though for now, he just ignored it as he stood up to offer the guy his hand as a greeting.

"I don't believe this," Dabi huffed. "There's no way a kid took down the hero killer."

"Believe what you want," Izak now knew that Dabi wouldn't accept a handshake, so he didn't offer one. Instead, he went to stand in front of him, and he almost chuckled at the dirty look the person was giving him because of their height difference. "My name is Morgan Izak, I'm a UA med student."

"Med student?" Dabi raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," the teen confirmed. "If you'd like, I can get rid of your scars."

"...You've got to be shitting me," The guy scoffed. "They're scars, they don't heal. Plus, I'd just get more later."

"Wanna bet?" Izak challenged. Instantly, Giran felt a smirk creep onto his face as Dabi's eyes narrowed at the boy. Then he too smirked.

"Alright, if you want to try so bad, go for it," He sneered. Watching as the teen in front of him lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, Dabi suddenly felt his body change. He couldn't feel his staples digging into his skin anymore, and most importantly, he could actually feel his skin. Bringing his hands out in front of himself, there were no scars, and when he touched and felt around his face and torso, there was nothing there either. "What the hell did you do?!" He demanded.

"I healed your scars and modified your quirk," The boy explained.

"You did what?!" Dabi reeled, then activated his quirk. The blue flames were just like he knew them to be, except for some reason, even though he supposed he should be feeling the heat and burn of them, there was no heat.

"Ah, not in here!" Giran yelped a bit late, since he was taking in the new sight as well, especially since his client's hair had gone from pitch black to bright white.

"How--?" Dabi let the flames die down, turning his astonished gaze to the teen.

"Today's your lucky day, Giran," Izak mused, and instantly the broker brightened considerably.

"You're actually going to tell us what your quirk is?"

"Basically," He conceded with a nod. "It's a bit of a mutation, but I can manipulate atoms."

"...Well I'll be.." Giran breathed.

"How'd you change my quirk?" Dabi asked, obviously not finding that explanation to his liking. Izak shrugged.

"I made it so that when you activate your quirk, whatever part of your body that it appears out of will gain a protective layer, so even if you surround your entire body with your flames, that protective layer will keep you from being hurt by it." He said. At first, the person just stared at him, but then Dabi threw his head back and laughed.

He laughed, laughed, and laughed until he was practically wheezing for breath. I'm not a failure anymore, he thought to himself as he grinned. No, I'm even better than his so-called masterpiece now! Haha, I don't have to rely on ice to cool down, I don't even need ice because I can get as hot as I want!

Finally, Dabi came down from his high, still smirking wickedly as he hummed briefly before stuffing his hands in his pockets and inclining his head to the maroonette.

"Said your name is Morgan Izak, right? I'll be in touch," He murmured as he turned, then glanced at Giran and tossed something at him. "Thanks for finding him so fast."

"Oh sure," The broker seemed pleased as he pocketed whatever it was, which Izak figured out was money. "Take care of yourself, Dabi."

"Yeah," Dabi said in passing, not bothering to look back as he left back towards the stairs.

"Well that was certainly a fruitful meeting," the older man mused as he looked to Izak, who just blinked at him. "Now I understand why all of the food you make is perfect," He teased, "And everything else too, Aether."

"Mm. Feel free to sell info on me, I don't care. Just keep it on the down low since the government is a bit sensitive about my existence," Izak raised a finger to his lips, causing the broker to laugh.

"Of course Izak! You can trust this old man, I've been doing this kind of thing for years," He grinned. "Now, have any other information to give me? A few clients of mine are looking at UA, so if you could give me a heads up of whose with you and who you don't care about so there's no confusion, that would be great."

"Well," The maroonette pondered for a moment. "I'm in class 1A, and so is Shinso. There are only three other people I would consider 'with me', which is Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki. I'm not really close to anyone else," He supplied.

"Perfect, thank you," Giran said. "I'll make sure to specify that a higher power doesn't want those people hurt."

"Good," Izak let his lips twitch upwards before glancing at the clock on the wall. "I think it's about time I head back."

"Oh sure, I trust that you can see yourself out?" Giran smiled, and the boy nodded. "Then I'll see you again another time. Stay safe out there."

"Will do," Izak replied, making his way out of the office. Since there were no cameras in the building, the maroonette decided to teleport himself into one of the alleys near the mall, which also didn't have any cameras. From there, he went back to the meet spot, and soon everyone in class 1A had met back up. "Whoa, you got so much stuff!"

"Totally! I'm all set for camp now!"

"So you were here, Izak?" Shinso asked as he jogged over to the group. "I was looking all over for you."

"Yeah," Izak confirmed. "I was in the bathroom for a while."

"Ah, gotcha," the purplette sweatdropped, but didn't say anything further. He had checked all of the bathrooms in the mall, and Izak hadn't been in any of them, nor had he been wandering around. Shinso had scoured the entire mall four times, there was no way he would have missed Izak had he still been in the mall.

But, he didn't say anything more, and soon everyone was heading home with their new items, and Shinso acted like he was none the wiser even while feeling the guilt of betraying his teacher. Sorry, he thought to himself as he glanced at the person who had taken him in and believed in him when no one else did, but I'll take Izak's side any day.

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