49~ Never letting her go again

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"Hey! Snap out of it what's going on and where's y/n and Emma?" Asked Ray, shaking the girls shoulders. "They are helping the plan- it's a rebellion. Emma is  safe for now with the others at the base but y/ns out by herself" said Violet. "We are carrying out a plan Lucas has been working on for thirteen years. We were able to kill off one but within the next two minutes we have to....no. We have to kill them immediately. Or y/n, Emma and Lucas will be in grave trouble" said Violet. As soon as the word Lucas slipped out of Violets mouth The nameless man's face turned pale and carried a confused expression.

Ray nodded "got it". Mister loaded his gun. "We're changing plans. Let's kill that demon" said Mister. Ray turned to face Violet. "All I need to know is the number of  enemies and allies and also..." Ray began. Violets jaw dropped. "That's all you need to know?! You don't have any more questions like umm..." "I don't have to ask. You're choosing your words on the spur of the moment. So every word you say is meaningful" said Ray.

"Y/n and Emma are a big part of the rebellion. If we don't kill that demon then we are wasting time for y/n." Violet said. Ray closed his eyes for a moment. "Hey geezer-" Ray began.

Mister rolled his eyes and began to storm away from the pair. "What a pain, stay away brats. I just gotta kill him right?" The man asked, fixing his glove.

Violet shook her head "Wait! Sniping him won't work! He's already really fast. And right now he's pissed off so..." the girl trailed off. "I know. I can tell by looking" the man's eyes narrowed.

Sandys face was covered in blood and his eyes were nearly closed. The fusion of the two demons licked its lips and fixed its eyes on poor Sandy. They threw him harshly onto the floor and laughed. "Should we finish the job already, Nouma?" "Yeah! Do it Nous" the demons talked amongst their corrupt self.

The nameless man hid behind a small bush keeping his eyes glued to the mess of a demon. "So that's Nous...he's practically a beast. He's not normal. If I just shoot him he's going to see me. I need to hide. I need to disappear. Hide my presence in everything else" the man whispered to himself under his breath.

The demon dragged Sandys weak body off the ground and held him high in the air with one hand. "She's somewhere! The remaining one...I can feel them...the intent to kill. Their presence. Impatience. Anger...it's not just one there are others...it doesn't matter how many there are. While Nouma is still present I'm going to kill all of you! So go ahead! Try to shoot me! I will know- we will know!! Come one! Shoot me! That's when I'll find you" Yelled the terrifying demon.

The nameless man narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger of his gun causing a loud bang to be heard echoing the forest. Sandy fell to the ground face first as Nous/Noumas body splattered blood.

"I was shot? No way...from where?!" The demon fell with a loud thud to the ground, lifeless. Mister stood up and walked out from the bushes to get a better look at the demon.

"You killed him?! How the heck-" Violet yelled. "That's how you snipe" said Mister with a tired sigh. Violet emerged from the bushes along with Ray. "So, where is she?" Asked Mister. Violet tilted her head. "Rapunzel, where is she?" He repeated as he rolled his eyes. "He means y/n" said Ray. "Y/n is...well..." began Violet as Rays eyes widened in worry and fear.

"Well...it's almost been ten minutes". None of your friends have arrived, y/n" Leuvis grinned, a horrible grin. Y/n smirked "well neither have yours" said the girl. Leuvis began to cackle. "So that's your take on it? But I'm not surprised...all of them are properly dead by now. Their presence disappears, and a whistle is blown. That happened twice already. The first was perhaps Luce and the second Bayon? I felt Nous's and Nouma's disappear too. The third whistle should echo soon" said the demon.

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