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I laughed with my aunt Healena as we looked down at the men below. Our brothers were sword training below with Ser Criston and Ser Harwin. We giggled from a balcony just above the boys, especially when Ser Criston hit one of the boys on the bottom with his sword. " I see the princesses are having a good time, " Ser Hawrin smiled up at me.

" Why wouldn't they?" Ser Criston smirked." They're watching the future knights of the realm," earning a small glare from Hawrin. " They're watching Kings and Princes Criston. What I would like to know is why the princesses are not at their studies?" Ser Hawrin asked me with a knowing smile. " The lessons are such a bore Ser" I responded " They are your lessons, never the less" " How would you feel if you were told to learn of all the different stitches, how to dress properly and how to make yourself more presentable. You, Ser, would be just as bored as I am. "

" You are so much like your mother." Ser Harwin smiled at me, " I'll make you a deal, Princess. " " I'm listening. " " If you watch the princes lesson in silence, then I will tell your mother you were never here." I smiled at Ser Harwin's deal, " It's a deal. " I smiled before bowing my head to him. " That means no giggling princess." " I swear on my father, Laenor Velaryon. I shall not make a sound. "

I watched quietly as the boys of our family continued on with their lessons. I leaned on the stone balcony as I watched how they used their swords, how Ser Criston showed them how to move their feet. For ten years, I had to suffer with my boring lessons. Father, always telling me a sword is not for a lady. But for a princess, it is out of the question. " I continued to look down at my brother's and uncles, smiling at Aemond as he looked up at me.

He gave me a small smile in return before turning back to his lesson, my brothers not looking too pleased by our small interaction.

I let out a small scream as I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pick me up. My father was laughing as he placed me back on my feet, " Father, why would you do that?!" I yelled at him." You should have been paying attention to your surroundings."You scared me to death." " Princess Aemma, I was very clear about our deal," Ser Hawrin smirked at me. " That wasn't my fault!" I argued." What agreement was this?" Father looked down at me with a smile." Let me guess, was it about you skipping your lessons again?" " Maybe."

" Unfortunately, that is why I've come for you, Aemma." Father sighed." Your mother wants a word with you. " I sighed as my father placed a hand on my back, forcing me to walk to his chamber's where my mother sat, an angry look on her face. "Any last words?" Father joked as he closed the door behind us.

I stood in front of Mother, her hand on her swollen belly. " Aemma, I have talked with you too many times about this," I know, mother. " Then why do you still rebel against me? Why do you refuse to attend your lessons?". " I don't like them. They bore me, and they teach me nothing. " " And what is it that you wish to be taught?" Mother asked." I want to join the boys, I want to learn to swing a sword, to fight.

" We have been over this Aemma, a sword, and fighting is no place for a woman," Father spoke up. " That's not true, Aegon the conqueror fought alongside his two sister wives," I argued. Mother sighed. " Aemma." " No! I don't want to be like every other woman in this world. I refuse to have my legacy be about my husband or the children I bore. I want my own legacy. As a Targaryen, I deserve to make my own path. "

" My love, you are a Princess of the Targaryen's. You will have a legacy. But not with a sword. " " I don't want to just be known as a wife or sister of great kings and swordsmen, surly you understand this mother?". I asked, a begging look on my face. " I do. However, if it wasn't for the King naming me his heir, I would be just like you. " " You get to be Queen when grandsire dies, Jace gets to be King after you. What do I get? A lord husband and a bunch of children? That's not me, " I cried before running out of the room.

I ran until I had reached the secret room I always hid, especially when I wanted to get away from my mother and father. I hid in the back, crying into my arms out of frustration. Why can't they understand I want to be known for more than just the family name? I want to be known for great things, just like my ancestor Visenya. I didn't want to be sold off and forced to bear children for a man I don't care about.

" Aemma," I jumped in fright as a small hand touched my back. " Aemond." I smiled, wiping the tears from my cheeks. " What are you doing here?" " The training was cut short today, apparently your mother has gone into labour, so all knights need to be around her chambers in case of an emergency." I nodded my head, " Soon I'll have a new brother or sister then," I smiled.

" Why are you crying?" Aemond asked as he sat beside me. Aemond and I had made this secret hideaway, and we both felt unseen by our parents, compared to our siblings. We felt at ease together, so as a way of escaping our duties, we had each other in our own place. " My mother and father were discussing my lessons with me." " I see," He mumbled.

" Are they mad?" " I think so, I may have offended my mother," I smiled. " How so?" " I told her I wanted to be known for something other than my family name. I want to use a sword, battle like our ancestors. That I didn't want to be known for marrying a lord and baring his children. " " They'll come around." Aemond tried to cheer me up, " No, I'm a woman. I'll never be allowed to wield a sword. "

I sighed as I lay my head on Aemonds chest, " Maybe I should just attend my lessons. That way, I'll at least learn something. Even if it's boring." " At least we have our hidden room, " Aemond smiled." Yeah, where all our secrets get to stay".

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