Thirty Four

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Aemond, Aegon, and Ser Criston ran after me as I walked through the castle nude. " Look away from the princess!" Ser Criston yelled as the servants and people of court and council turned away in fright. " Aemma, where are you going?" Aemond asked." To show my family my new dragons." I smiled down at them as they nestled into my arms. " Shouldn't you get dressed first, sister."  Aegon pleaded as we turned the corner that led to the dining hall. My two new dragons climbed behind me and held onto my long hair as it flowed behind my back.

" I will in a few moments," I called before I turned and walked straight into the dining hall. As I entered, everyone turned to me and stared. Their forks hit the table as they stared at me like I was crazy. " Aemma!" Mother yelled as she stood from the table." You are indecent!" ." I claimed two dragons.". " What?" Mother asked, " Rhaenyra, cover your daughter and bring her to her chambers. Our children do not need to see her naked.". " What are you talking about?" Mother asked.

" Aemond, Aegon! You let the princess walk around the castle like this?!" Queen Alicent yelled. " Mother, it was amazing, I'm still not sure I even know it to be real.". Aegon stood forward. Ser Criston slammed the doors closed. All the servants stayed still as my family stared at me. " What happened?" Father asked, covering his eyes but getting clearly annoyed. I smiled when I felt my dragons climb up my shoulders, resting on them as they stared at my mother.

" For God's sake, someone fetch the princess something to cover herself with!" Queen Alicent yelled as a servant quickly left the room. Mother stepped back and turned to Father. " Daemon, look at your daughter." ." I refuse to look if she is indecent.". Ser Criston ripped his cloak from his back and wrapped it around my body. My father glanced at me, and his eyes widened. " You have two baby dragons.". " How is this possible, Daemon?" Mother asked. " It's not. We only claim one at birth." Daemon stood.

Alicent and Otto stood as well, both just as confused as my parents. King Viserys smiled. " I knew it would come true." " What would come true?" Mother asked. " Aegon had a dream that there would be one of us born to hold more than one dragon. One who could not be touched by fire.". Everyone turned to me. " That's impossible." Alicent mumbled.

" It isn't, we witnessed it, mother," Aegon spoke. " She was locked in the heating chamber with the eggs. A soldier locked her in and set a dragon on her. We watched as the dragon spit its fire and filled the chamber with its flames. Yet when the smoke died down, Aemma stood there naked as the day she was born with two baby dragons on her shoulders, and she was untouched.".

" Why did a soilder try to kill her?". " Because I killed Anni," I spoke up. Everyone turned to me in shock. " You what?". " I killed a tratior, and she had a plan put in place that if I killed him for betraying me, then that soilder was to kill me.". One of the servant girls let out a cry. " You killed Anni?" " Yes." I said, turning to the girl. " She betrayed me. She promised to remain loyal to me, and she spilt my secrets to the whole Kingdom in hopes of tarnishing my name. She was a danger to the realm and to my house, so I rid her of her life before she could betray me again. Any else who follows in her footsteps shall meet the same fate.".

The servant girl wrapped her arms around me in a hug, taking me by surprise. " Thank you, Princess!" She cried." Anni was abusive to all the staff. She would punish us if we did not follow what she said. Thank you for freeing us.". I pet the girls head and smiled " You're welcome, sweet girl. Tell all the servants in the Red Keep that you shall suffer no more abuse as long as I breathe.".

" Wait a minute!" Otto stood towards me, but backed away when my dragons let out a screexh as a warning to him. " You are not in charge of the servants, Aemma. You have no say in how they are treated.". " I say they should be treated with the respect they deserve. They help us in our everyday lives. Should they not be given a right to not be abused while under our watch?" I asked.

Otto gave me a look before I turned to the servant girl. " There is nothing to fear, I shall not let a hair on your head be hurt again."


Mother dragged me to her chambers, my dragons sitting on my shoulders before I placed them on a table. " You have claimed three dragons," Daemon smiled. " I am so very proud of you, Aemma.". " This is serious Daemon, someone tried to kill our daughter.". " Yet here she is, tall and proud. The fire of a dragon can not harm her.". " You don't believe in the dreams of our ancestors. Why do you believe them now?". " I can prove it, mother.".

" How?" She asked." Put a flame to me, and you will see I can not be touched.". " I will do no such thing. You have gone mad, Aemma.". My brothers and sisters stared at me in silence. " Then I'll prove it myself.". I grabbed a candle that lit my mother's chambers and watched as she let out a scream when I put the candle to my skin. " I do not burn.". " This proves nothing."  ." Then how was I able to claim two baby dragons who hadn't hatched yet?.". " I don't know, but we will figure this out together.".

" Father, please, I speak the truth. I am unburnt.". " Let me prove it to you then. Let me be burnt.". " No!" Mother yelled." I will not lose my only daughter this way because she has become a fool. I will not watch as you set yourself on fire.". I turned to Father. " Fine, I'll play your game, Aemma. We'll prove it to the whole family.".

Father had summoned everyone to the dragon pits, back to the heating chambers where I had hatched my dragons. I gave my dragons to Aemond as I stepped inside the cell and stood in front of my whole family. Mother couldn't look at me. " I refuse to watch my daughter die, Daemon.". " She will not die. Caraxes!" Father called. I stood still and waited as Caraxes made his way from his cell to Father.

My brothers, my sisters, Aemond, the Queen, the King, and the guards all watched carefully as Daemon ordered Caraxes. " Dracarys!.". I felt the familiar feeling, the warm flame engulfing me as my family stared at me in horror. Once Daemon had ordered Caraxes to stop and go back to his cell, they all waited for the smoke to clear. Once the smoke had cleared, I looked up and met the eyes of my mother.

" Aemma!" She gasped as I stood forward. My dress had been burnt, leaving me naked everyone Daemon had brought to bare witness, stared in shock. " I am Aemma Targaryen, first of my name, and I am the unburnt princess!". I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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