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Bold is Velaryon

" Aemond," I mumbled out, " You seem frightened. What's happened?" Aemond asked, grabbing my face in a gentle manner. I warmed into his touch, " Oh, Aemond." I whispered, holding back tears. " Who has hurt you? I will make them pay. " " We can't talk like this. We are in the open. " " Then we shall take this conversation to the floor." Aemond walked me to the dance floor, holding me close to him so no one else would be able to hear our conversation.

" What troubles you?" Aemond whispered, " I've been informed a new man has asked for my hand." Aemonds grip on me tightened." Whom might that be?" " Jace, " I mumbled. Aemond stared down at me, not believing the words that fell from my mouth.

" My mother and father want me to choose him so we can stay together." " I won't let that happen. Nobody will take you from me." Aemond went silent, staring at me for a moment before he opened his lips again." Do you wish to marry me?" He asked, taking me by surprise.

" Yes," I answered honestly, Aemond grabbed my face. " This answer must be truthful if you wish to marry someone else speak now." " I wish for no one else. Take me as your wife before the gods and our fathers." " If that is what you wish, " " It is all I want, to be yours. " " Then you will be mine." Aemond leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine, long enough to gather peoples' attention.

" Get away from her!" My father yelled, pulling me from Aemonds grasp and standing in front of me. " You will not touch her. She is too pure and too good for you. Do you understand me? You will come nowhere near her." Aemond stared at my father with a small smirk on his face." I was merely showing my gratitude, Uncle." " Gratitude? You have defiled my daughter in front of every Lord of Westeros. You should be punished."

" What is all this noise?" The King yelled, everyone turning to him. The Queen, Ser Criston, and  my mother made their way towards us. " This is meant to be a celebration. What has you causing a scene?" Alicent spat at my father. " Your son has forced himself on my daughter." " No," I spoke up. Everyone turned to me in surprise, " Aemond did not force himself on me, father. It was his way of showing me affection, one I gladly accepted."

My parents looked at me, confusion clear in their wide eyes. " What are you saying, Aemma?" Mother asked. I took Aemonds hand and stood next to him, holding my head up high. " I choose Aemond to be my husband." Father grabbed my arm and whispered to me." I thought you agreed to marry Jace. " " Only because it was expected of me. But I choose to marry for love, I choose Aemond."

" What is the problem?" King Viserys asked, I stood forward." I have made my decision, your grace." " Excellent, please come forth and tell us all whom you choose." " Aemma," Father warned me. " If not Jace, then Cregan," Mother smiled. " They would be better suited to you." I stood on the steps below the throne, everyone from Westeros staring up at me.

" I thank you all for travelling so far to celebrate my name day. Most importantly, I thank you all for coming to offer your hand to me. I know I haven't got to spend much time with you future Lords and for that I apologise."

I took a deep breath, my mother and father staring at me in a panic. " I know as a princess I must choose a suitable husband out of duty for my house and country, for that I have chosen two men. Lord Cregan Stark. "

Cregan stood forward, a smile on his face. " You have taken my interest the most from all our guests. I thank you for being so kind to me. It was a pleasure to meet you. Unfortunately, I can not choose you, though I hope we can still be friends. It would mean so much to me." Cregan came forward, his face stern as he stared up at me.

My eyes widened in surprise as he knelt down in front of me, bowing his head in respect. " I am truly honoured that I was a choice for you, Princess Aemma. I bare you, no ill will, and I will continue to be your friend and your loyal subject, from this day till my last. You are my princess."

" M-my second choice out of duty was my older brother, Jacaerys Velaryon." Jace stood forward, his hands behind his back as he stared up at me. " You have been by my side since the day of my birth. You have protected me for years when I couldn't protect myself. You taught me many things, and you are my dearest friend. But I can not choose you either."

The guests began to whisper amongst themselves, not understanding what is happening. " I don't understand," King Viserys cried, " Forgive her father, Aemma is tired." Mother tried to hush me. " With your permission, your grace, I'd like to choose the man I love." King Viserys stared at me, a pleading look on my face." For love?" He mumbled. King Viserys turned to my mother, " My dear Rhaenyra wanted to marry for love, and I denied her of this."

King Viserys turned to Queen Alicent and nodded, Alicent stood up, " The King has accepted your request to marry for love. Whom is it that you choose?". I turned to the room, watching as Aemond stared at me, wanting to hear it come from me before he moved a muscle. " I choose Prince Aemond."

Aemond smiled, walking forward and standing by my side. Aemond caressed my cheek, " I choose you." Aemond pressed his lips against mine, the room cheered, King Viserys clapping weakly for us. " My son, my granddaughter." He smiled. " You will be married in a fortnight." " Father," mother stood forward to argue. " The King has spoken," Alicent glared at mother. " Prince Aemond and Princess Aemma will be married this night in a fortnight. Make preparations, bring her things and her dragon from Dragonstone."

Queen Alicent turned to the room of Lords and their sons, " My Lords, I invite you and your families to come witness this union. If you wish to stay, you shall stay, send ravens to your wives, and we can arrange for them to stay as well. All is welcome to this marriage. For now, this feast is over. We shall see you in the morrow."

The Targaryen Beauty जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें