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Ser Harrold escorted me to the Queens chambers, leaving me as soon as I arrived at her doors. I knocked and opened her doors, bowing to her as I came into the room. " There you are, I thought you had forgotten about our lunch.", " Not at all your grace, I was simply out for a walk in the fresh air." The Queen smiled before guestering for me to sit." Please, we have much to discuss."

I sat on a small bench and smiled when a cup of tea was handed to me, " Forgive me, your grace, but shouldn't we postpone planning until my mother arrives?" I asked. " Your mother is carrying a babe. She is only in her first trimester, but I wish not to put stress on her shoulders during this time. I figured we could discuss the less important things for the moment, like what colours you wish to have, " she smiled.

I nodded my head. " Of course, I just hope my mother is here for our discussion of my wedding dress. I wouldn't want her to miss that. ", " Rhaenyra wouldn't miss that for the world. It is the mothers job to stress and make sure your day is perfect, so all you have to do is enjoy it."

The Queen and I discussed a few things, the food, some of the guests list, and so on. We had been speaking for hours, and it was almost time for dinner by the time we were done. " That should be enough for now. When Rhaenyra returns, we will discuss what is left." "Thank you, your grace. I didn't know planning a wedding would be this difficult" I smiled " It can be a tidies task, but that is what your mother and I are for. Now go take a walk or rest before dinner this evening." ," I will, thank you, your grace," I bowed before taking my leave.

I walked around the castle halls, my legs numb from sitting for so many hours. I made it to the east hall of the castle, smiling when I stopped outside of Aemond and my old hiding room. I stepped inside the room and smiled, looking around at all the things we had left in here. All the memories of our private talks and our laughter filled my heart with joy. I stood in the middle of the room, smiling like an idiot when I heard someone come up behind me.

I turned, expecting to see Aemond but was met with a strange man. The man grabbed my throat and squeezed, I grabbed onto his hands to try and get his grip off of me. The man pinned me to the ground, my head hitting off the old stone floor. I heard the door slam and saw another man had entered the room. " What are you doing? We were hired to kill her, so kill her already, " the second man's rough voice spoke up. " I thought we could have some fun with her first. Haven't you ever taken a noble ladies' purity?" He asked with a disgusting grin, " She's the princess of the Seven kingdoms" the second man argued " So her cunt is worth more than Kings Landing in gold!" The man with his hands around my neck argued " Have your way with her and I'll watch the door, when you're finished I'll have my turn."

The man let my throat go as his friend ran to my side, I tried to fight the man as he grabbed my dress and ripped it, exposing my corset under my dress. " Let go of me!" I yelled as he ripped my skirts, exposing my private area. " Shut up, you stupid girl," he spat, striking me across the face. I let out a small cry. The first man came over and held me down, so his friend could undo his trousers.

" Someone help me!!" I screamed out, knowing the guards would be walking by any minute on their rounds. The man holding me down clamped his hand on my mouth. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched the second man force my legs apart, and gripped his cock.

" Let me show you how a real man fucks a princess" He grinned as his friend laughed. The door to the room was forced open, Ser Criston Cole, and some guards ran into the room and stopped when they saw the situation. The knights pulled their swords from their sides and held them at the men. " Let the princess go and step back!" Criston yelled at them.

The men let me go and stood up before guards grabbed them and tied their hands behind their backs with a thick rope. Ser Criston and Ser Harrold ran to my side, Ser Harrold ripping his white cloak from his back and covering my body with it. Ser Criston helped me sit up. " Princess, are you hurt?" He asked, I shook my head as the tears poured down my face.

Ser Harrold grabbed my face gently. " She has blood coming from her mouth. One of these bastards must have struck her." ," The one in the hat," I spoke up. " He struck me, so I would shut up." I stood up, Criston and Harrold helping me. " Princess, you can sit if you are hurt." ," I'm okay," I spoke up, swallowing a lump in my throat.

I turned to the two men and took a deep breath, " Bring these men to the throne room and send for the Queen. They will be trialled and punished tonight." I ordered . Princess, you should change before we have the trail.", " No, I want everyone to see what horrid men do to young women."

Within ten minutes, the Royal family, the city watch, the kingsguard, and the people of court were in the throne room wondering what was going on. Otto Hightower sat in the Iron Throne as I walked into the room, dry blood that had run down my chin, and Ser Harrold's white cloak wrapped around me.

" Princess Aemma, what has happened?" Otto Hightower asked when I stopped in front of the throne. " I wish to report a crime, Lord Hand.", " A crime?" He asked." Might you explain, princess?", " Of course, " I turned to Ser Criston. " Ser Criston, Ser Harrold, would you be so kind to bring them in?", " Of course, princess."

I stayed silent as Ser Criston and Ser Harrold dragged the two men into the room and had them kneel on the ground not too far from me. " Who are these men?" Queen Alicent asked, " We are not sure yet your grace. We found them attempting to rape the Princess." Ser Criston spoke up. Everyone in the room gasped, " That can't be true. We had more guards on watch tonight."

I dropped Ser Harrold's white cloak, letting it pile on the floor as I stared up at the Queen. She held her mouth once she saw my dress. " What happened?" She asked, "We heard her scream for help your grace, and when we kicked the door in, they had her held down. This one, " Cristin pointed to the one without a hat on, " Had his cock in his hand and had forced her legs open. We stopped them before anything happened."

" Princess Aemma, did the men do anything to hurt you?" Otto Hightower asked. I turned to Otto with an annoyed face. " They trapped me in a room I used to play in as a child. One of them stranaged me, then they held me down. Ripped my dress to try and expose my breats then ripped my skirts so they could rape me. Those spoke about taking turns with me until they did the job they were hired to do."

" Hired?", " They said they were hired to kill me.", " If I may speak on something before we hear from these men. You are quite stable for a woman who was almost raped by two men, " Otto spoke. " I am here to plead my case to court and state the facts that have happened. I am not a child who is going sob in front of the Queen, the hand and the court when something this serious needs to be dealt with."

" Aemond." The Queen tried to stop him, but Aemond stormed down the steps and pulled a dagger from his side and held it to one of the men's necks. " Which one of you pulled your cock out?" He asked, his body was shaking with anger as he tried to somewhat keep his composure. None of the men answered, " It was the man with the hat." I spoke up. Aemond grabbed a fiat full of his hair and forced his head up. His throat exposed, " You were going to rape my bride," Aemond spoke to him.

" Did you think I would let you get away with that?". "I didn't rape her!" He argued." I didn't get the chance to, so I'm innocent." I took the knife from Aemonds hand and stabbed the man in the throat. His eyes widened as he began to choke on his blood. " You are what is wrong with this world," I glared at him. I pulled the knife from his neck and turned to his friend. " Are you going to tell us what you know, or should I just kill you now?" I asked.

" I'll talk! I'll talk!" He yelled out." I don't know her name, but it was a bastard woman from the Harrenhal. She hired us to kill you." " Why?" Ser Criston asked." She didn't say she paid us a bag of silver coins each and gave us your name. That's all I know, I swear!" He begged. I turned to Aemond, who stared at the man, I couldn't tell if he was in shock or if he was just angry.

Aemond pulled the knife from my hand. " You tried to rape my woman and kill her, so I will Carey out your punishment." " Stop!" Otto yelled, " Send him to the dungeons, we will question him further in the morror." The knights took the man away as the Queen looked at her father. " Princess Aemma, I am deeply sorry for what has happened to you tonight. Rest assured, I will have this mna sharply questioned so we might find this woman and keep you safe." ," Send a raven to her parents about what has happened here. Together, we might work together to stop this from happening again."

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