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The next morning, I wanted to train. It had been way too long, and I didn't want my skills to rust. Anni helped me dress in my armour, putting on my helmet to cover my face should anyone see me. " I've checked the training grounds before I woke you, princess. There was not a soul in sight, so you should be safe to train without anyone seeing you." " Thank you, Anni. I won't be too long. I'd love a hot bath when I'm finished. " " Of course, princess."

I made my way to the training grounds. It was quite early in the morning, so I knew nobody would be awake for hours. I pulled my sword from my side and went through the different exercises Ser Kit had taught me. I still can't believe he wanted to marry me. It took me completely by surprise. After six years of training me, I never once thought he thought of me like that. I'm more surprised my father let him try to court me.

" Well, well, if it isn't the masked Knight." I jumped in fright and spun around, Aemond, Ser Criston, and a few more of the white cloaks were with him. I looked around for a quick exit, but I was surrounded. " You ran out of me last time, I won't let it happen again." Aemond smirked as he pulled his sword from his waist.

" I want to fight you. If I win, you will remove your helmet. If you win, you can leave. " I took a deep breath, fuck I mumbled. I nodded my head to Aemond, who smirked in return. " You don't speak, are you mute?" I shook my head, " It doesn't matter, I will have your helmet and see who lies within."

Aemond and I got in place, circling each other slowly as Ser Criston watched us carefully. Aemond attacked first, I put my sword up and matched his speed. Our swords clashing against each other, the sound of metal ringing throughout the morning air.

Aemond stood back and smiled. " You're harder than I thought you'd be. This should be interesting." Aemond and I were equal throughout our entire match. Matching each others speed, I kept my brain as calm as I could. My footwork and balance were what was important at the moment.

Aemond swung his sword at me, I threw myself to the side, avoiding his attack. I clashed my sword against his as he came at me again. I thought I was going to win when Aemond suddenly kicked me in the chest and watched as I fell to the ground.

Aemond stared down at me with a smirk, " Now let's see who's under that helmet." Aemond pulled my helmet from my head, dropping it in the mud as he stared down at me in shock. Ser Criston and the rest of the white cloaks stared down at me in complete shock. " Princess?!" Criston yelled." What are you doing?". Aemond grabbed my armours chest plate and pulled me up, " Aemond, I can explain."

My eyes widened as Aemond pressed his lips against mine, all the knights staring in confusion. " I thought I couldn't be more attracted to you than I already was. You are full of surprises Princesses." He grinned at me. " Princess Aemma, I need you to come with me," Ser Criston stepped forward. " The Queen will want to know about this."

" My mother will learn about none of this," Aemond turned to Criston, " The Queen has ordered all of the white cloaks to protect the Princess until her family returns. We are to report anything the princess does that we see as unsafe.", " She was perfectly safe," Aemond argued. " She was sparing with the Prince and white cloaks without making herself known. You could have cut her with your sword." Ser Criston argued." You also kicked her in the chest, my prince, " another Knight spoke up.

" If Aemma is to speak with my mother, then I shall go with her." We followed Ser Cristion to the Queens chambers. Walking into her room after knocking on the door and announcing who it was. Queen Alicent stood in the middle of the room, pacing as she turned her head to us. Alicent rushed over to us and grabbed my face. " Are you hurt?" She asked, panic written all over her face.

" I'm not hurt," I mumbled as she emailed me. The Queen then turned to Ser Criston, " What has happened?" ," We found the princess in the training grounds dressed in her armour. We did not know it was her, and Prince Aemond challenged her to a match.". The Queen held her head as she turned to Aemond. " Did you hurt her?"" I didn't. She matched my skills easily. It was a different fight."

The Queen turned to Criston, " He kicked her in the chest, your grace." Alicent turned to us, " Ser Criston, fetch the princesses hand maiden and request she makes her a hot bath. Aemond, go to your chambers. I shall speak to you once I am finished here."

Aemond bit the inside of his lip before turning and storming out of the room. Queen Alicent turned to me once we were alone. " I thought I told you to stay inside the castle.", " I left my chambers with my helmet on. No one would have known it was me." " Yet you were cornered and fought against Aemond. You could have seriously hurt Aemma." ," I would have taken the blame your grace. I haven't been able to train since I arrived in Kings Landing, and I wanted some time to myself to train. I wasn't expecting anyone to catch me."

" Does your chest hurt?" She asked, unhooking the armour chest plate, my white shirt underneath now exposed. " A little, but I will be okay." Anni came into the room with other hand maidens, going into the Queens bath room and filling the bath with boiling water. " You will bathe here, and I will exaime you for injuries. If I see something I don't like, then I will have the measter check you."

I nodded my head. " Yes, your grace.", " How long will it take for the water to cool?" Alicent asked Anni, " Five minutes your grace. " Alicent nodded." How long have you known about the princesses' activities?", " The whole time, your grace. I am the one who helps her into her armour." " Then you will be charged with harming the princess.", " No!" I yelled, standing in front of Anni, " Anni is my servant, she does nothing I don't tell her to.", " She was told about our arrangement and still let you get in harms way."

" Anni would never do anything to hurt me. If you hurt her in any way, I will get my father involved." I threatened." Then I shall speak to your parents when they arrive about the matter before we decide what action to take." Alicent turned to talk to her handmaiden, Ser Criston Cole standing at the door to guard it.

I stared at the water, watching the heat rise from it as small bubbles ran throughout the water. I stepped forward and pulled my shirt from my body, dropping it on the floor and exposing my naked body to everyone in the room. I could see Ser Criston staring at my naked body, his eyes lingering over my breasts as he watched my exposed form walk towards the bath.

Anni stared at Ser Criston in confusion as to what he was looking at. I took a step into the bath water, Ser Criston yelled in panic, causing everyone to look at me. I sank into the water, my body already engulfed. " Not again, princess!" Anni yelled as she reached for my hand. I pulled my hand from hers, " I won't let you burn yourself again, Anni." I gave her a look.

Alicent gave us all a panicked look, " What are you doing? Someone take her out of the water before she burns!" She yelled. " She doesn't burn," Anni spoke up. Queen Alicent turned to her. " What?"" She doesn't burn. This has happened once before your grace, and she came out fine." Alicent turned to me and watched me carefully as I ran the water through my hair.

Anni turned to Ser Criston and gave him a disgusted look. The Queen noticed this and turned to him. His dark eyes never left my pale skin. " Leave us, Ser Criston," the Queen spoke, catching his attention. " The princess is exposed, and with your record, it is not wise to have you near her." Ser Criston looked at the Queen in surprise before bowing and taking his leave.

Alicent turned to me, " Aemma, please get out," she begged. I stood up from the water and made my way towards the three women. Alicent grabbed my arm and exaimed my body with her eyes, looking for any burns, blisters, or injuries. " I- I don't understand. You should be burnt or blistered. How is your skin undamaged?".

" I don't know" I answered honestly, the Queen looked at me confused before letting my arm go. " Return to your chambers and prepare for the day, we will discuss the wedding preparations."

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