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Unfortunately, my uncle and his family were already gone by the time I had woken up the next day. Obviously, Viserys didn't want him in the castle and sent him back to Dragonstone. I had hoped to see my dear uncle again, sooner rather than later.

The drama never ended here. My mother and father argued more after my name day. My brother's uncle began to bully Aemond even more, even gifting him a pig with wings tied to it as his dragon.

My lessons began to get more serious as the marriage requests came flooding in from every house in the kingdom. I hated going to my lessons, especially when I started to learn about the male and female body. Learning how it worked gave me an ick, but because I would be married in a few years, I had no choice but to listen and learn.

Unfortunately, I soon got my wish about seeing my dear uncle Daemon. His wife, Lady Laena, had died while in childbirth. She had ordered her dragon to burn her alive, and my poor uncle had witnessed it. We all travelled to Dragonstone to attend her funeral, standing beside our mother and father as they grieved their sister. We watched silently as her body burned, with her babys small body beside her, not having survived long after his birth.

We all sat inside the castle to mingle after the funeral, my mother looking after my father as he mourned his dear sisters death. " There's my favourite niece." Daemon gave me a small smile, I instantly hugged his waist tight. " I'm so sorry, uncle, I know you're going to miss her." " Thank you, my little dragon. " He held my head in his hand." I will miss her dearly. Will you stay with me while I mourn?" " Of course I will, I'll stay as long as you need me to uncle."

" Unfortunately, that can not happen," Father spoke up as he took my arm in his and pulled me from my uncle. " She must return home with us in the morning, " She is more than welcome to stay here, as long as she likes. " Daemon smiled. " Daemon," Father's voice gave off a warning. " She is my daughter." " Is she?" Daemon asked. " Aemma, it's getting late. Find Anni and go to your chambers. We have a long trip tomorrow. "

" But I want to stay with Uncle," I protested, " Not now Aemma, do as you are told," Father argued with me. " You sound angry, Laenor," Uncle teased him. Mother rushed over and held my shoulders. " What is this commotion? Do you forget why we are here?" Mother scolded the two men, " You're uncle wants Aemma to stay here with him Dragonstone. " Laenor spat, mother turned to uncle with a surprised expression.

" I was just informing him that our daughter would be returning with us." "Daemon, as much as I treasure the close bond between you and Aemma. She shall stay in Kings Landing with me and her father. " Uncle Daemon looked furious, " Her father, I see. " He hissed, " Then I shall wish you farewell Aemma, hopefully I will see you again soon." Daemon gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead before he walked away without another word to my parents.

" Have a word with him before I do," Father threatened mother, storming off with a scowl on his face. " Did I do something wrong?" I asked, upset and confused. " No, sweet girl. You have done nothing. Your father and uncle are just upset. Come let us get you ready for bed."

I had fallen asleep rather quickly, the long ship journey, and the sad emotions from the funeral had really taken it out of me.

I woke up in a panic when I felt someone grab me, I looked around confused to see my brothers and cousins. " What are you doing?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. " Vhagar is flying around!" Luke yelled." He is a dragon, go back to sleep. " " Someone is riding him!" Jace spoke next." Vhagar is mine, go claim, and someone is stealing him!" Rhaena yelled.

I quickly threw my shoes on and ran with my family to the dragon pit to see who it was that was riding Vhagar. I could see Vhagar moving throughout the sky, his roar as loud as ever, but I couldn't make out who was riding him.

As we reached the dragon pit, we all stopped in shock when Aemond  emerged from the dragons side, staring at us. " Aemond?" I asked, confused." You stole my dragon!" Rhaena stood forward, " She was mine to claim!" " Then you should have claimed her, " Aemond spat at her. His eyes slowly fell to me, a smile spreading across his face. " Aemma, I did it! I finally claimed my dragon!" " You stole a dragon!" Jace stood forward, blocking my path to Aemond.

" Vhagar is mine now! I have the largest dragon in the world!" Aemond grinned. Rhaena ran forward to attack Aemond, but he easily pushed her out of his way to the ground. Landing a punch to her face as he did, Baela ran at him next. Then Jace and Luke.

" Stop it!" I yelled, trying to break up the fighting,  I pulled the cousins to the side before going back for my brothers. Jace had picked up a rock to bash Aemonds head when I pulled him off, landing on the ground hard.
" Get off of me!" Jace yelled, " Not till you stop!" I yelled back, throwing him to my cousins.

" Aemond, are you okay?" I asked, standing beside him, noticing his nose was bleeding. Luke suddenly yelled as he ran at Aemond, slicing a knife up Aemonds face, catching my arm as I threw it in front of Aemond to protect him. Aemond fell to the ground and screamed in pain as I fell to my knees beside him, holding my arm as the blood began to flow down it.

" Aemond!" I cried, the guards running into the dragon pit to see the commotion. Some guards held my brothers and cousins back, while others ran to us to see if we were okay. " Keep pressure on Princess," a guard told me as he examined my arm and the blood. " By the gods," a guard gasped as he held Aemonds face, " Get the maester!" He yelled.

We were all taken to a room as the King and our parents were informed of what had happened. I let out small tears as one of the maesters sewed up my arm. My mother threw the door open as she ran into the room, her eyes falling to my brothers who were dirty and bloody.

" What happened?" She asked as she saw them, " Where is your sister?" Mother looked around in a panic before she found me. " Aemma!" She panicked, running to my side and looking at my arm. " Someone tell me what happened!" She yelled.

" That is what we are trying to figure out." Kings Viserys began to speak, " Now all of you tell me what happened." Everyone began yelling, but our King stopped it immediately. " Aemma, you are the only one not yelling. Tell me what happened." We saw someone was riding Vhagar, so we rushed to the dragon pit to see who it was. Aemond had claimed her, Rhaena wasn't happy about it, and they argued, then began to fight. Yelling cruel names at each other. "

" He called us bastards," Luke spoke up, " Where did you hear these vial accusations?" Viserys asked Aemond before yelling at him. Aemond looked at his mother before quickly saying Ageon had told him. Viserys turned to Aegon, fury clear on his face. " And where did you hear this?" " Look at them. They're clearly bastards. The only Targaryen among them is Aemma. "

" The next person who spills such lies about my grandchildren will have their tongue removed!" The King screamed. " Now, Aemma. What happened? How did Aemond and yourself get hurt?". " I tried to stop the fighting, I pulled everyone away except for Luke and Aemond. Luke had a dagger and cut Aemond, I tried to protect him and got hurt in the process. " I had never felt so scared in my life as everyone's eyes were on me.

" So it was an accident, we shall leave it at that," King Viserys said, shocking everyone. " My son has lost an eye," Queen Alicent spoke up, " Children fight Alicent." " Our son has lost an eye, please Viserys. He is your son, your blood, " Alicent begged. " I will hear no more of this." " If the King will not seek justice, then the Queen will. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon." " Alicnet!" The King warned her, " You are sworn to me, Ser. " " As your guard, my Queen, " Ser Criston denied her request.

Alicent suddenly pulled a dagger from Viserys belt and ran towards my brother. My mother grabbed her wrists and stopped her from hurting my brother, who was screaming in fright. Alicent and mother mumbled back and forth as they struggled, " Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It has trampled under your pretty foot again. My son has lost an eye, and even to that, you feel entitled. "

" Exhausting, wasn't it? Hiding in the cloak of your own righteousness, but now they see you as you are, " Mother spoke. Before pulling away from Alicent, a slice on her wrist from the blade Alicent had in her hand. Everyone stared in shock as they saw the blood flow down her arm. The Queen had cut the princess.

Aemond stood up and held his mother, " Don't worry, mother, it was a fair exchange. I lost an eye, but I gained a dragon".

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