Thirty Three

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I felt someone stroking my arm, " It's time to wake up, my love." A voice mumbled before I felt a kiss on my neck. I let out a soft groan as I turned to face the voice, my eyes fluttering open, a gentle smile spreading across my face when I saw Aemond.

" Good morning, husband." I smiled. " Good morning, my beautiful wife." Aemond smiled, making me laugh as he began to bombard my face and neck with kisses. " I love hearing that sweet laugh of yours."  Aemond hummed against me. " Must we leave the bed?" I asked, " Unfortunately, so, we must face our family now that we are wed.". " Are you sure?" I asked, my fingers grazing Aemonds arm. " I was thinking we could perform our duties once more before we see our family.". I smirked mischievously.

" What kind of husband would I be if I refused to pleasure my wife?" Aemond asked with a small smirk, diving on top of me, making me laugh as he began to devour my neck so we could replicate the pleasure of last night.

My new hand maiden, Arina, came in after Aemond and I had had our fun, filling up a bath with hot water. I stepped into the boiling water and sighed in relief as my body ached from Aemond's roughness. Arina came into the bathroom with a towel for me, letting out a scream, causing Aemond to run into the bathroom. " What's the matter?" Aemond asked in a panic.

" The princess is burning herself," she shrieked. " That bath water is fresh from the fire!" She cried. Aemond turned to me, his eye examining the bubbles of the boiling water before noticing my skin was untouched. " Are you sure? Aemma looks fine to me.". " Arina is right. This water is boiling hot. But I like it this way. It feels comfortable.".

Arina helped me dress for the day, a red dress that cut off at the shoulders, with gold beading and long flowy sleeves. My hair braided around my crown before being left down to blow in the wind. Aemond kissed my lips when I was ready. " You are beautiful, Aemma." He complimented me before taking my hand and escorting me to the dining hall for breakfast with our family.

As we walked through the door, our family began to cheer and clap as we sat down beside each other. " So, how does it feel to finally be married?" Father asked with a smile. " It feels wonderful." I smiled, taking Aemonds hand in mine. " And the bedding ceremony?" Mother asked nervously. " Perfect in every way."  " He wasn't too rough?" Otto Hightower asked." No, he made sure I enjoyed every moment of it, and I did.". " You refused the Sept into the chambers."  Alicent spoke up. " Of course I did." Aemond spoke.

" I have waited years to spend a night with Aemma in my bed and I wasn't about to let that perverted cunt of an old man make her uncomfortable by watching her.". " He is not perverted Aemond, he has to watch the bedding ceremony to make sure you consumate the marriage.". " Like I said, I have waited years to have Aemma in my bed. You should have known I would fulfil my duty and pleasure her in every way I know how.". Aemond smirked. " Enough Aemond," Alicent sounded disgusted.

" The next step for you both will be children then.". Otto spoke again.  " Making sure house Targaryen has plenty of heirs should a tragedy arise.". " In time, it will happen, for now I do not wish to share Aemma with anyone.". " When will her things be moved in?" Alicent asked my mother. " Soon, we have most of her dresses, but we didn't bring everything since we were in a rush to get here.".

" Of course, though. I saw Aegon and Aemma return from Dragonstone with her dragon." Alicent pointed out. " I missed my dragon, your grace. My family and I were fighting, and I wanted the comfort she brings me.". " Of course," Alicent smiled. " Well, you and Aemond have a lot to do today.  You must show the people of the Red Keep that you are happily wed.". " Of course, your grace.".

Aemond and I were forced to parade around and show the people of the realm how happy we were to be wed. We were gifted many flowers from the people, which we greatly appreciated. But once the sky turned black for the night, that was when the real business began.

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