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I sat across from Aemond as we enjoyed lunch in the gardens, the beautiful summer flowers in full bloom as we stared out at the ocean view. " How was training with Ser Criston?" I asked." Easy, he puts up little challenge. I've outgrown him. " ," Maybe we should find you a sparing partner then?" Aemond smiled." How thoughtful of you. I heard there was a commotion in the childrens room this morning."

" With Aegon?" I asked, Aemonds eye went slightly wide." What about Aegon? I was told you made my sister and her children happy for the first time in a few moons.", " I did, I brought tea and cakes for us, and then we played with the children. Their laughter was addictive. " I smiled, " What did Aegon do?" Aemond asked, annoyance clear in his voice. " Nothing I couldn't handle," I responded, sipping my tea.

Aemond gave me an amused look, " And what was it that you handled?", " Aegon came to the room stumbling like a drunken fool. He then spoke about how he liked my dragon scale dress. " Aemonds fist tightened. " The worst part is what he said to poor Heleana. He told her to go with him while he was still drunk enough to fuck her." " That-" " I stopped him quickly" I said interrupting Aemond.

" How?" Aemond asked, " I struck him so hard he fell to the floor. I told him what I thought and sent him to his chambers. He apologised to Heleana, and I told him I would make sure he never spoke to her like that again." Aemond gave me a smirk." That sounds like my Aemma, alright." I gave Aemond a furrowed brow, not understanding what he meant." You always could take control over someone.", " I don't understand what you mean."

" No one has been able to control Aegon. You did. No one has been able to control me. You did. Nobody has ever made all the Lords of Westeros shut their mouths. You did. You have a power within you, Aemma. Without even trying, just by your mere presence, you can control a room, a person, or anything you want. I'm not sure if it's your beauty or your tongue that captures everyone's attention, but you have more power than you think."

" I do not wish for power, I wish for peace." I smiled, turning to look at the ocean view. " I wish for my family to mend its bond so we can move forward happy. Our house can not stand if it is divided, that leaves us open to attacks.", " You mean Lord Vaemond, " Aemond smirked, " He tried to hurt my family. He called my mother a whore, my brothers bastards-" " I don't give a shit about what he said about your family" Aemond cut me off.

I turned to Aemond in a shocked manner, his eye staring at me intensely. " The only thing I cared about that day was what he said about you." Aemond stood up, towering over me as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. " How he asked for you to marry him, how he said he'd fuck you." The anger in Aemonds eye made me shiver, " I wanted nothing more than to put my sword through his throat."

" Aemond" I mumbled, " I don't care about our families bond, I don't care about my eldest sister or what happens to the realm. You are all I care about, all I want, and nothing is going to take you from me, do you understand?"" Yes, " I nodded, my eyes never breaking contact with Aemonds. " Good." He smiled. " You will be my bride soon, and I plan to pleasure you in every way possible.", " Aemond, " I hushed him, " You can not speak like that in public.", " I shall speak any way I like, private or not. I am Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, you princess."

Aemond leaned in forward, his lips against my ear. "By tradition, I can not take you yet, but that won't stop me from teasing you until I can feel you on my cock." He smirked, running his fingers down my neck to the top of my breasts. " Aemond." ," How I wish to taste you again like I did before. Show you how much I enjoy your flavour." I felt my body shiver," Aemond, please, " I begged, hoping he would stop making me flush in public. " Don't worry, niece, I'll have you begging louder for my cock on our wedding night."

" Aemond" we turned in surprise to see Queen Alicent and Ser Criston staring at us. Aemond stood straight and glared at them slightly. " Mother," Aemond acknowledged her. " Might I have a word with the princess?" Alicent asked. " Of course." He turned to me and smiled. " Until our next meeting, Aemma." he turned and walked away.

Alicent sat in Aemonds seat, " I must apologise for my sons. It seems they both wish to have you. " Alicent looked at me, trying to hint what she really meant. " Yes, it's becoming quite clear what they want from me." ," You are the most beautiful woman in all the seven Kingdom princess, can you blame them?" Ser Criston smiled at me. " Ser Criston, if you speak to her like that again, I'll have your tongue." The queen spat at him. " She is a child, and you are old enough to be her father, I will not have any more disgusting words. I spoke to her. Do I make myself clear?".  " Yes, your grace. My apologies, your grace."

" Good, now leave us. I wish to speak to my new daughter alone." Ser Criston bowed and left us alone, a small awkward silence over us. " Thank you, your grace.", " I've had enough of the disgusting men in this place. I was forced to marry an older man. Forced to bare his children so the realm would be at peace, but all it has done is bring more chaos." Alicent grabbed my hands and looked me deep in the eye, " The King treasures you above all else. Aemma, you are a beautiful woman with a great mind and sharp tongue." " Thank you, your grace.", " Please, call me Alicent."

" Is something bothering you?" I asked, noticing her clouded eyes. " Heleana, she speaks about you a lot." " She is my dear aunt -" " No, not like that." The Queen spoke up, tapping her fingers off the table. " Heleana is a dreamer," Alicent explained, " She saw Aemond losing his eye before it came to be." ," That's amazing, I haven't heard of a Targaryen dreamer since Ageon the conquer." ," She speaks a lot about you, Aemma, about your future." " What does she say?" I asked." It is not my place to say, but know that I fear for you."

" Fear for me?" ," You are not safe here until your family returns do not leave the castle. Do not go to the courtyard, don't walk among the people. Stay in the castle, no matter what." " Your Grace" " Please Aemma, I fear to think what would happen to our family should something happen to you." I nodded my head." I will stay within the castle walls, your grace." ,"  Good." she nodded." My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you."

" I understand, I think whatever is left of our families bond would be gone if something happened." Alicent nodded." It would." Alicent stared at my hands for a moment before noticing the small scar on my wrist. Alicent carefully pulled my sleeve up, exposing my large scar. " I never thanked you that day," she mumbled, looking up to meet my eyes. " You defended Aemond." " He was my friend. My family, I knew what occurred was wrong. What truthfully happened and who was in the wrong, and it was not Aemond."

" You have always been there for him, Aemma. I couldn't have picked him a better bride." " Thank you, Alicent." I gave her a small smile." I have wished to marry Aemond since we were children. I still can't believe it's happening." , " It is, and you two suit each other very well. No one else would be able to control his temper like you." , " Thank you."

" It's true what they say about you, Aemma." Alicent smiled at me." You truly are a Targaryen beauty and not just in your looks. Yes, you have the Targaryen silver hair and the beautiful lilac eyes. You are always beautiful inside. Your heart is the most beautiful thing about you, and I hope you never lose that." I smiled at Alicent, a small blush on my cheeks." Thank you, "" Come to my chambers tomorrow, we shall start the preparations for the wedding." She stood up and turned to me." We'll give you a beautiful wedding dress, one that all the ladies of court shall speak about for years to come.", " I would love nothing more than a simple dress, your grace. Jewels and gold don't tend to suit me. " ," Trust me, they do. But we will prepare non the less. I will see you at dinner, " Alicent smiled and walked away.

I turned to look at the ocean, wondering how my family felt since they had arrived home. Maybe mother was right, maybe I can save what's left of our family.

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