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I sighed as my mother brushed my long hair, " What troubles you, my sweet girl?" Mother asked, " I don't want to marry Aegon, " I finally said. It had been troubling me all day. If I had to marry, Aegon would be the last person on my list of choice. " I know, the King only said it if you don't choose any of the other boys." " But if I choose any other boy, I'll be shipped off to their homes. I want to stay here with you, with my father and my brothers." " It isn't something you need to worry about now, love. You still have many years until you will be married," " Anni told me that I will be married when I turn sixteen or when I start to bleed. "

" That's right. However, I won't let them take you from me before you're ready. " " If I don't like any of the boys, is Aegon my only choice?" " Is there another boy you'd prefer to marry? We always take your considerations as well. " " I'm not sure. " " Take your time to decide. Of course, all of those boys will be here tonight for your name day. " I sighed." All you have to do is speak with them, share a dance with the ones you prefer. " " Do I have to?" " Yes, as a princess, it is your duty to represent your house well. "

Mother finished braiding my hair and smiled as she wrapped her arms around me. " You look perfect. Now hurry, I'm sure everyone is waiting for us." We made our way to the throne room, Father and my brothers stood outside the doors waiting for me. " By the gods, can you stop growing?" Father asked as he kissed my head, " You look beautiful. How do you like your dress?" Father had gotten my dress specially made for me.

It was a black dress with red flakes along my corset and skirts. There were three dragon heads embedded onto my skirts, my hair was braided around my crown, my long white hair flowing down my back. " I love it, thank you, Father," I smiled, " We must go in. They're waiting for us."

Father took my hand in his before walking through the big doors. Everyone turned to look at us. Smiling and bowing their heads before me made it to the grand table where the King and his family were waiting for us.

" Today we celebrate my granddaughters eleventh name day. Princess Aemma, you are becoming a young lady before our very eyes, Targaryen and Velaryon blood runs through your veins, and I'm sure you'll make both of your houses proud as you grow. To Princess Aemma!" " Princess Aemma!" The room cheered.

The King urged me to go to the dance floor to mingle with the young lords whose fathers had asked for my hand in marriage. I made my way to the young Lords, putting on my prettiest smile as I began to speak with them. They were all annoying, though I had to keep telling myself they were only boys, but even then, I couldn't see myself marrying any of them when I was old enough.

I had spoken with them for a while before I finally had enough and excused myself. I sat in my chair beside my mother and sighed as I slowly began to eat some of the feast. " Were they that bad?" Father asked, " They are boring brutes, I don't see myself ever marrying one of them. They don't act like future high lords, " I sighed. " Don't worry, Aemma, it's true as boys we men are quite stupid. But we do learn to be better when we come of age. " Father tried to reassure me.

" Why don't you go to your brothers? They always cheer you up. " Mother smiled before sending me off to my brothers.

My brother's and I played for a while, laughing as we talked before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Aemond nervously standing behind me, " Aemond?" I asked, worried at his nervousness. " Would you like to dance?" He asked, playing with his fingers, I smiled at my uncle and nodded." I'd love to dance, Aemond. "

He looked at me surprised before taking my hand with a smile. He led me to the dance floor as a song had just begun to play. We smiled at each other as we tried to remember our dance lessons, laughing whenever we messed up a step or looked at each other for too long. Aemond held my waist before he spun me around, pulling me in close. He kept his hands on my waist as he pulled me up into the air like the other Lords were doing to the ladies.

He smiled up at me before placing me back down on my feet. Once the dance had finished, everyone began to clap. " I got you a gift for your name day." " You didn't have to get me anything." " I wanted to." He nervously opened his pocket, pulling out a beautiful silver locket. " Aemond," I gasped as he tied it around my neck. I looked down and smiled before pulling Aemond in for a hug, " I love it so much, thank you." " I'm happy you like it." He smiled.

The doors to the room suddenly opened, my uncle Daemon, his wife, and my two cousins making their way into the room. " So sorry we're late, I'm afraid ships are not as fast as dragons," Daemon smiled as he bowed his head to his brother.

" Now, where is my favourite niece?" He smiled as he looked around the room. Once his eyes landed on me, he left his family's side and picked me up, holding me in his arms as he kissed my head. " My how you've grown, you'll be as tall as me before I know it." He smiled. " I missed you, uncle,"  I hugged him tight. " I missed you too little dragon, now tell me what would you like for your name day?" " You being here is enough uncle."

I don't know why, but I always had a strong bond with my uncle Daemon, no matter how I felt, just seeing him made my day. " Whats this?" He asked, running his finger against my locket. " Aemond gave it to me as a gift, isn't it beautiful?" " It is indeed such a generous gift," Daemon said as he looked down at Aemond.

" Daemon!" The King yelled to catch his younger brothers attention, " A word. " " Yes, your grace. " Daemon kissed my head before placing me on my feet, leaving to go speak with the King. " Thank you again, Aemond. I'll never take it off," I beamed. " I think we can all agree. It is time for the children to retire to their chambers, " the King suddenly announced.

We all groaned before bowing to the Lords and Ladies who had come all this way. I even gave a thank you speech before following Anni to bed. She had brushed out my hair and helped me change into my nightgown, but I wouldn't let her take my locket off. She gave me a small smile before tucking me into bed, I giggled in excitement as I held my locket. It was the greatest gift ever.

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