Twenty Nine

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I ran to Aemond with a huge smile on my face, Aemond picked me up and wrapped his arms around the back of my legs. Holding me in the air as he kissed me passionately in front of our whole family and the people of court.

Aemond pulled his lips away from mine and turned to everyone in the room. " Aemma Targaryen will be my Queen, and I vow to be by her side from this day until my last day." I smiled at Aemond as he carefully put me down and grabbed my face in his large hands, pressing his lips against mine again.

" That is true love." King Viserys smiled at us. " Let everyone bear witness to the love of Aemma and Aemond Targaryen. The realms lovers."

" Prepare the castle. They shall be married tomorrow morning." The King announced," My King, " Anni spoke up again." They are already wed." The whole room gasped at the news." They wed at dawn this morning.", " We did, " Aemond smirked proudly." I married her before anyone had the chance to take her from me."

Aemond caressed my cheek gently. " I would die before I saw her marry another.", " My King, this is treason," Queen Alicent spoke in anger. " You will marry again tomorrow morning, so everyone can bare witness to your love." He smiled. " Now go and finish the preparations. I wish to see my granddaughter married."

" Alicent, take our son and prepare him, Rhaenyra take my granddaughter and do the same. I wish for them to look their best tomorrow."

We went our separate ways as we exited the throne room. Mother dragged me to her chambers, the whole family following behind us.

" What is the matter with you? You were supposed to ask the King to marry Jacaerys." Mother scolded me." I do not wish to marry Jacaerys. He is my brother.",  " And I am your nothers uncle, we Targaryens wed one another."

" I am marrying another Targaryen, I will marry Aemond.", " That hand maiden of yours, she said you married Aemond at the break of dawn." Father stepped forward. " I did, I wanted my right to choose my husband, so I married him without any politics getting in the way."

Father glared down at me. " Politics?" He let out a fake laughed before he struck me. I held my face in shock, letting out a gasp as he grabbed my arm roughly. " You told that Hightower cunt you were a bastard, you have ruined any claim any of us have to the throne."

" I told Aemond before our wedding to see if he would still accept me! I didn't know my hand maiden knew." " You stupid girl, " Father struck me again. I let out a small cry as my fathers hand made contact with my cheek.

" Daemon," Mother tried to speak up. Father grabbed my shoulders and glared down at my frightened form. " You had one job, marry Jacaerys and give him heirs. That is the job you agreed to when you let him bury his cock inside your cunt." " I refuse. I was given permission by the King to marry for love, and I will do just that. If you wanted me to marry Jacaerys from the start, you should have betrothed us as children."

Father struck me a final time. This time, I fell to the floor with its force. A small cry fell from my lips as my hands were pressed against the hard wooden floors of my mother's chambers.

" You are a disgrace of a daughter." Father spat before he stormed out of the room. " Daemon!" Mother yelled after him, a sigh escaping her mouth as she looked down at me.

My brothers and sisters stayed still, not knowing what to do as my father had never hit any of us before. " Everyone return to your chambers and stay there until I say so. Daemon and I will try to clear this mess up quickly."

Mother put her hands out for my siblings, a sign for them to leave and let me stand to my feet alone. I sighed as I slowly stood on my feet again. The taste of blood on my tongue as father's rings had made contact with my mouth, cutting my lip in the process.

I looked at myself in the mirror of my mother's room. Her servants stared at me in worry, not knowing what to do.

I fixed my hair and straightened my back. " Would one of you be so kind to inform my mother that I will be with the people of the redkeep should she need me?" " Of course, princess.", " Thank you." I smiled to them before leaving the room.

I walked past many servants and guards, each one of them staring at me as my cheeks were bruised and the blood I had in my mouth covered my bottom lip.

Ser Criston glanced at me before he turned his head fully to my attention. " Princess!" He yelled to stop me. " Yes, Ser Criston?". I asked, stopping in my tracks.

My hands held one another as they rested against my stomach. " I was just on my way to walk among the people before the wedding." " What happened to your face?" He asked, his eyes examining the injuries.

" Nothing that involves yourself, Ser Criston. I assure you I am perfectly fine." I gave him a small smile before making my way down the stairs and out the front gates of the castle.

Ser Harrold ran to my side. " Princess, you need to inform me when you are going to walk among the people so I can protect you.", " I feel safe with the people. It's the people inside the castle that frighten me."

Ser Harrold stopped me in my tracks and gently held my face. " Who did this to you, Princess?", " I can assure you I'm fine." ," That isn't what I asked you. I asked who did this to you.", " Nobody touched me, ser." I gave him a small smile.

Ser Harrold stared at me in shock. " Don't tell me it was Daemon." I sighed in defeat and began to play with my fingers." It seems I am a disgrace to my father. In his eyes ,I am a stupid girl who angered him.", " Has he ever hurt you before?", " No.".

I sighed and put a smile back on my face ." I am fine, Ser Harrold. I can assure you that." ," Before we walk among the people, we should cover the bruises. If the people see their beloved princess hurt, there will he quiet uproar."

I nodded and took Ser Harrolds arm as he guided me back inside. I paid no attention to where Ser Harrold was taking me, knowing wherever he brought me would be for my own good.

Ser Harrold stopped and knocked on a door, opening it after a few seconds. " Forgive me your grace." My eyes widened as Ser Harrold walked me into the chambers of Queen Alicent, Aemond stood beside her as they went over some material for her wedding suit.

" Princess Aemma, Ser Harrold? What do I owe this pleasure?" Alicent asked, confused. " Ser Harrold, please remove me from this room." " I'm afraid I can't do that, princess. I've been your sworn protector for years now, and I can't let this slide."

Aemond and Alicent stated at us, confused. " Prince Daemon has bruised the princess, your grace." Alicent turned to me confused.

Aemond stormed over to me and grabbed my face, making me wince. " Your face, what did he do?" Aemond demanded. " He struck me for not picking Jacaerys."

" Her cheeks are bruised, and her bottom lip has been split open. She still has blood on her teeth. I thought I could bring her to you, your grace." " Fetch the maester, Ser Harrold.".

Alicent took my hand and forced me over to a seat by the window. Her eyes examined my face as the sun shined through her windows. " Daemon, did this?", " I am fine, your grace. Nothing ,some sunlight and a good night's rest won't fix."

" Has Daemon ever struck you before?", " No, your grace.", " He did this because you chose me?" Aemond asked, the anger radiating from his skin. " He said my one job was to let Jacaerys bury his cock in between my legs and to produce him heirs. I told him he should have betrothed me to Jacaerys if that is what he wanted, and he struck me. Called me a stupid girl and a disgrace of a daughter."

" The King will hear about this.", " No, my father struck me out of anger for my decision. Leave it be, I'm sure my father will be his usual self after he has calmed down.", " Aemma " Alicent spoke. " No, your grace. I wish to leave it, I will not let my father's anger distrupt my wedding."

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