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Anni finished braiding my hair, latching the necklace Aemond had got me for my name day so many years ago.

" Are you nervous about today, Princess?" Anni asked while she finished helping me dress for the day. I looked at myself in the mirror, moving my hand down my black and red dress my mother had requested me to wear. " Of course I am, my little brothers birthright is on the line." " Your mother will never let anything happen to her children." " She usually has a chance at winning when my grandfather sits the throne, but I hear Otto Hightower and the Queen will be the judges today."

I made my way to my mother's chambers, the rest of my family already there. I hugged Lucerys and gave his head a small kiss." You have nothing to fear, Luke. Vaemond will not take your claim. " " But -" " No buts, the sea snake himself has named you his heir since you were a boy, one grown man's tantrum will not change that." " Come, we can not be late," Mother ushered us out of her chambers and to the throne room.

I stood beside Jace and my father as Mother stood next to Luke, holding his hand.

Otto Hightower sat the throne, explaining to the room of people why we were all gathered today before telling Vaemond Velaryon to go first. We listened carefully as Lord Vaemond began to state why he should be the next in line after his brother before Otto let my mother speak for Lucerys.

Mother stood forward and began to speak. " I'd like to remind the court that nearly 20 years ago -" she stopped and turned her head when the doors to the throne room opened. We all turned to see who was interrupting the court but froze when we saw King Viserys walking into the throne room.

He walked at a snails pace, refusing help from his guards, using only his walking stick to help him. King Viserys stopped in front of the throne, turning to Otto he let out a gasp, " I will sit the throne today."

I bit my lip, seeing my grandfather struggle, I stepped forward, but my father stopped me. I looked up at my father, seeing the sadness on his face as he watched his older brother in pain. Father soon stepped forward and helped his brother sit on the throne, placing his crown on his head after it had fallen off during his struggle.

King Viserys sat down and looked around the room as he caught his breath, " The claim to Driftmark has already been settled. Why are we here today?" He gasped out. Vaemond Velaryon stood forward. " My brother was wrong. He loved his son too much to see what was right in front of him, I have come to put myself forward as my brothers successor when he passes on."

" That will not be needed, my grandson, Prince Lucerys will be Lord of the Tides when your brother passes on. You see, he is my true born grandson, and you are nothing more than the second son of Driftmark." " My house survived the Doom, and countless more battles since. We have built our house up from scratch, and I will not see it ended by this. " He turned to Lucerys and stopped.

" Say it," Daemon whispered, " Her children are BASTARDS!" Vaemond yelled out, " And she is a whore" He turned to the King. " The only child of Rhaenyras, who is pure blood, is her daughter, Aemma. " They are my true born grandsons." The King began getting angry.

" I will make you an offer, King Viserys." Lord Vaemond stood forward, staring at the King. "Right your wrongs, make me Lord of the Tides after my brother and wed Aemma Targaryen to me."

Lord Vaemond turned to me and smiled, I froze up as he took my hand and forced me to stand beside him. My heart was racing as he held my arm with a tight grip. Presenting me to the King as if he had already arranged the marriage. I took a shaky breath as I looked up at my grandfather, terrified that he would agree. " Wed Aemma to me, make me Lord of the Tides, and together we can fix the wrongs Princess Rhaenyra has made. We will make legitimised children and save both of our houses the embarrassment that has plaged us for far too long."

" You call me a whore, call my children bastards and now you want my daughters hand in marriage" my mother spat in disgust. " She is only a child." " A child who can fix the mess that you have made. We can finally have what House Velaryon was promised, a Targaryen wed to us." Lord Vaemond turned to me with a smile " You'll be a lady worthy of me" I closed my eyes as I felt him lean in closer, his lips against my ear " I won't be too rough your first time Princess, after that I can not guarantee."

I turned my head to the King and his family as they stared at us, I glanced to Aemond, his eye was sharp as a dagger, piercing it into Lord Vaemond. " You want me to let you take my sons claim and fuck my daughter?" Daemon stood forward staring at Vaemond. " Fucking your daughter is the least House Targaryen and give House Velaryon."

I jumped in fright as the blood sprayed over my face, Lord Vaemonds grip from my arm gone as he lay on the ground. My breath was heavy as the shock of the situation ran over my body in waves. Mother ran to me, holding my face as silent tears began to fall down my cheeks. " Disarm him!" Otto Hightower yelled, " No need, " Father spoke, cleaning his sword before standing in front of the King.

" My apologies for my actions, your grace. However, I could not let him stand there and speak about my family like that, especially my daughter." The King nodded in understanding." I'm sorry for the grief Lord Vaemond has given your family Daemon, please look after Aemma."

Mother took my hand and dragged me with her to her chambers, the family following us as she did. She sat me down on a bench in her room and grabbed a wet cloth, cleaning the blood from my face. " Aemma, I'm sorry," Lucerys cried. " I didn't mean for Lord Vaemond to be so horrid to you." " That was not your fault, Lucerys, none of us knew what Lord Vaemond would say in court."

" I'm sure Lord Corlys won't be too pleased when he hears what happened." " It was Vaemond's own fault, speaking about my family like that. Trying to take my daughter as his own personal fucking play thing. I should have cut him down before he spoke those vile things." " I thought grandfather was going to agree," I spoke up. " I was so scared at the thought of him saying yes. The thought of having to be shipped off with that man made me sick."

" You are his only granddaughter. He would never ship you off somewhere unless you agreed." " We need not speak of it now, Lord Vaemond is dead. Lucerys is the heir to Driftmark, and you will have your ball tomorrow night for your name day and to find a husband." I nodded my head." How could I forget."

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