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Anni had kept her promise to me, she woke me up a few hours before dawn.

" Princess, I have your armour ready for you." " Thank you, Anni." I smiled sleepily. I climbed out of my bed and put my black armour on before heading to the training grounds with my sword father jas given me on my fifteenth name day.

I stood in the muddy court yard, looking around to make sure no one else was awake to see me. Once I had made sure the coast was clear, I placed my helmet over my head and pulled my sword from my side, and began to practice. Remembering how Ser Kit had taught me how.

I had been training for a while when I suddenly heard a deep voice behind me. " That is some skill you have there." I jumped and turned to see Aemond, hand on his sword as he stared down at me. " I've never seen you before. Who are you?" He stood forward." Nobody, my Prince," I grumbled out, trying to hide my voice.

" I'll give you three seconds to remove your helmet before I remove it for you." I stared at Aemond in fright for what felt like minutes before he took a step forward. " Prince Aemond?" Ser Criston Cole stood forward, staring at the encounter with a confused look. " Who is this?" " That is what I am trying to figure out."

The two men stood forward together, my heart raced, wondering how I was going to explain this to them. How would they react? Would they tell my parents I was training after they told me to behave as a lady.

My hand maiden suddenly stood on the balcony above the court yard and smiled down at Aemond and Ser Criston, " My Prince, Ser I wish a good morn to you both." She started to distract them, so I took my chance to run and made my way back to my chambers as fast as I could.

As soon as I had made it to my room and pulled my helmet from my head. " That was a close one," Anni laughed as she finished pouring my favourite scents into my bath. I laughed as I began to untie my armour before placing it down. " It was too close, I didn't expect to see Aemond and Ser Criston up so early."

I slipped into my bath, sighing as I felt the hot water hit my skin, the heavy scent of roses infiltrating my nose.

" Princess the King as requested to speak with you at breakfast this morning," Anni announced as she began to wash my hair. " Has the said why?" I asked." No princess, only that the family will be present for it."

Anni helped me dress for my morning with my family and the grandsire. I smoothed down my dark red dress as Anni tied my hair into a simple braid on my crown.

Anni escorted me to the main hall for breakfast, standing in the corner just as my brothers squires did. My grandfather smiled as he saw me enter the room, " Aemma" he spoke aloud, all eyes in room turning to me. I froze in place, not used to having so many eyes on me before.

I looked around anxiously, playing the rings on my fingers, especially when Aemond and Aegon stared at me with wide eyes. " Come, my dear" King Viserys held his hand out to me to take. I walked forward, taking my grandfathers hand in mine.

" My dear child, you have grown so much in these many years." Viserys reached forward and held my face weakly, " You are so beautiful, more beautiful than my own beloved Aemma was." " Thank you, your grace." He smiled at my King.

" My love" Queen Alicent spoke up, catching Viserys out of his trance. "I wanted to surprise you, my dear." Viserys smiled. " Since I haven't seen you in many years, I have thrown a name day ball for you." I smiled at my grandfather." Thank you, your Grace." He smiled at me, happy that was so accepting of his gift.

I took my seat next to my mother, smiling as she wished me a good morning. We all sat silently as the breakfast was being served.

" Princess Aemma" Alicent began to speak. " The King wishes for me to tell you that your ball is for more than just your name day. He wishes for you to find a husband so he may see his only granddaughter married before his passing." I took in a deep breath before nodding, I knew this day was coming sooner or later.

" Of course your grace, I look forward to meeting my suitors."  I gave a small smile. Alicent smiling at me in return. I took a quick glance at my uncles, Aegon had a cocky look on his face, and Aemond held his hands together in a tight grip.

" Father" mother spoke up. " Who is Aemma to marry if she doesn't like her suitors? Aegon is now married with two children."  Everyone turned to the King at mother's question.

" Aegon" He coughed out. " It was never my wish to marry him to Healena, so the plan remains the same." I felt my heart shatter at the Kings words, I thought for sure he would say the plan would move on to Aemond as Aegon was married.

I looked up at Aemond. He was staring at the table with such anger that I thought he was going to slam his fist through it. " I'm sure there is someone I will find, may I ask what houses are asking for my hand?" I asked, staring at Aemond, holding his eye.

Queen Alicent began naming a few houses as she glanced between me and Aemond. " I'm sure there will be a man for me at the ball, your grace."


I stared at the table with such hatred from my father's words, even though my stupid brother is already married he will still get Aemma's hand in marriage if she doesn't choose a man at the ball tonight.

I glanced up and noticed Aemma was staring at me, so I held her stare. " I'm sure there is someone I will find, may I ask what houses are asking for my hand?".

Once breaking had ended, Mother requested a word with me in private. I followed my mother to her chambers and waited as she closed the door behind her.

I stared down at her as she grabbed my arms, staring up at me with a curious look in her eyes. " Aemond, do you wish to make a request of me?" " No mother." She sighed." Princess Aemma will be courted by many men tonight" my mother began to speak.

My body tensed at the thought of all those men being around her, I knew she could feel my body tense at her words. " Do you wish to place your name in for her hand?" " Father would never allow it," Aemond" Mother argued. " I saw the way you looked at each other, tell me now, and I can have it done."

I stared at my mother. " Do you want Aemma?" She asked." I want Aemma more than anything, I would give up Vhagar for her." My mother stared at me in surprise." You love her?" " More than anything." Mother nodded " I shall see it done".

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