Twenty Seven

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I had called my hand maiden Anni to my chambers. I felt guilty calling her to my service so late, but I needed her to help me prepare.

" My princess, are you alright?" Anni asked as she rushed into my chambers, checking me for any injuries. " Did someone hurt you? Were you injured in Flea bottom?", " No, I'm perfectly fine, Anni." ," Then why have you called me so late, Princess?", " I need you to prepare a bath for me, I will explain it all to you while I bathe, but for now, I need you to hurry."

Anni ran off and came back with pots full of hot water to fill my bath, putting my usual lavender scent in my water. I sank into the boiling water and sighed in relief as I began to wash myself, Anni handing me my soap for my hair as the water was too hot for her to touch.

" Princess, please tell me what's going on." I turned to Anni and took her hands." You must vow to never speak a word of this to anyone, Anni, not to my family, not to any servants or guards or family of your own. What I say will stay between us until you take your last breath." ," I vow to keep this between us, princess. I will not share this conversation with anyone. I swear it on the gods."

I took a deep breath and smiled. " Aemond and I will marry tonight in secret. I need you to help me prepare." Anni's face seemed to be in shock." Princess, you can't marry Aemond. Your husband will be decided by the court tomorrow.", " I do not wish to marry my brother Anni. I wish to marry for love. ", " You can not do this, Aemma." ," You do not have to support my decision, but you will help me prepare for this, and you will tell no one."

Anni didn't speak another word as she helped me prepare for my wedding to Aemond. She took a baby blue dress from my wardrobe and helped me dress into it and tied the small belt around my waist, and braided my hair into a simple yet beautiful braid.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smoothed out my dress, tying the locket Aemond had gifted me around my neck to finish off the look. As I stared at myself, there was a knock on my chamber doors. I turned towards the door, anxiety filling me up inside as I worried about my mother or father coming to check on me.

Anni opened my door and stepped back, shutting the door quickly as Aegon smiled at me. " You look beautiful, Aemma." Aegon smiled, his eyes swelling up with tears as he stared at me. " I can't take my eyes off you." He chuckled as the first tear fell down his cheek.

I smiled at my uncle as my hands ran down my dress. " Do I look okay?" I asked." You look like the most beautiful woman in the world. Aemond is the luckiest man to be born in Westeros.", " Where is Aemond?" I asked." He is waiting for you, I am here to walk you down the aisle and present you to my brother."

I stared at Aegon in shock. " You're going to give me away?" " Of course I am. I have seen first hand how in love you and my brother are, I was in the tavern when he asked for your hand and I am the one who helped Aemond gather everything he needed to wed you tonight. It seems only fitting I give you away."

Small tears began to fall down my cheeks. " Shhh," Aegon smiled as his thumbs softly wiped my tears from my cheeks. " A bride shouldn't cry on her wedding day." I closed my eyes as Aegon leaned forward and kissed my forehead gently." Come on, we can't leave the groom waiting."

Aegon held his arm out to me, which I gladly took and began walking me to my chamber door before he stopped and turned to Anni. " You are coming to be witness to their marriage. We don't need traitors trying to ruin this ceremony."

Anni followed behind us as we quickly made our way to the Weirwood tree that sat next to a river. Aegon smiled at me as I spotted Aemond with the high septon. " The bride has arrived," Aegon called as he made his way to Aemond.

Aemond turned to us, freezing as his eye examined me head to toe. A smile spread across his face as his hard eye softened. Aegon stopped in front of Aemond and smiled, kissing my hand before taking Anni's arm and holding her at his side.

Aemond held my face carefully, as if I was a fragile doll that would break in his hand if he held me too tight. " You came.", " I vowed to marry you." I smiled.

" Is this everyone who will be in attendance?" The high Sept asked." Yes, " Aemond answered as we both turned to the priest.

Aemond and I held each others hands as we looked at the high sept. He took a white cloth from his pocket and began to tie our hands together. " Repeat after me." He began " Father, Smith, Warrior. I am hers, and she is mine from this day until the end of my days." Aemond repeated after the priest.

" Mother, Maiden, Crane, stranger. I am his, and he is mine from this day until the end of my days." I repeated after the Sept as I stared up at Aemond.

" You are now one mind, one heart, and one soul from this day until the end of your day's." The high Sept spoke as he untied our hands.

Aemond and I turned to each other and looked upon one another. No longer a niece and uncle or family or friends. Now we looked upon each other and saw husband and wife.

Aemond held my face gently and pressed his lips against mine in a soft and loving kiss. The sun had just begun to rise as we kissed for the first time as husband and wife. The new day broke in as we began our new day as one.

We slowly pulled apart and smiled as we held our foreheads against one another.

Aegon raised his hands and clapped for us, tears slowly falling from his eyes as he tried hard to keep his happy cries quiet so we could enjoy our special moment.

" I shall file this document in secret my Prince, my princess," the high sept bowed to us before leaving us with Aegon and Anni.

" I am truly happy for you both," Aegon spoke up first. " My brother," he smiled and hugged Aemond tight before turning to me. " My new sister." He smiled and kissed my cheek. " You deserve each other."

Aemond smiled and glanced down at me. " I have never felt this happy before." He smiled, kissing my head. " I told you I would choose you, Aemond." I smiled, holding him as I held my hand against his chest.

" Unfortunately, I don't think you have enough time to consumate your marriage tonight. It's only a matter of time before our sister awakes to get Aemma ready for court today."

I sighed. " You're right. My mother will be coming to get me within the hour or so to prepare me for court. I should return to my chambers.", " I will escort you. You are now my wife, and I will spend every second I can with you while I can." Aegon took hold of Anni." I will make sure this one gets to her room and says nothing. If she does, I will feed her to my dragon, " Aegon growled at Anni.

" Princess, are you going to let the prince speak to me this way?" She asked. " Normally, I would defend you, Anni. However, you were very hostile while helping me prepare for my wedding. Unfortunately, at this moment, I do not trust you, so you will do as Aegon says."

Aemond and I made our way back to the castle, holding one another as he escorted me back to my chamber doors and sighed. " I wish I had more time to spend with you tonight," He stroked my cheek. " I will fight for you in court. Nobody will have you but me." ," I will fight for you as well, Aemond. I will not allow anyone else to be my husband but you." I gave Aemond a quick kiss on the lips." I will see you at court. " I smiled before heading inside and slipping my dress from my head and changing into a nightgown.

I slid underneath my bed covers and pulled the braids from my hair so I could get some sleep before my mother came to wake me. I needed some rest before this court mess came about.

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