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The next morning, I sat with my family as they packed to leave for Dragonstone to gather my things and prepare for the wedding. It was quiet as I helped them pack up their things, " You really choose him?" Lucerys asked, breaking the silence. " I do," I replied. " Why? Have you not forgotten the things he has said and done to us?" He argued." I do, as I remember what you have said and done. " I smiled, holding up my wrist and showing the scar that ran up my arm.

Lucerys face dropped, " I didn't mean to get you."," No, but you did while fighting Aemond. Call him whatever you like, but you were all just as bad when we were children." " He called us bastards. " " And you stole his eye for that, " I snapped, turning to Lucerys in anger. " You're petty fights end now, I will not have my marriage ruined because of it." " Aemma," Jace took my hand, giving me a look.

I sighed. " I didn't mean to yell." " I know," Lucerys mumbled. " It has been six years. We are grown now. We have our partners picked out, our titles made. Can we please move on and be a family?" I asked, holding Lucerys face. He nodded his head. " For you, sister." " Thank you." I smiled, kissing his forehead gently.

" You really love him?" Father asked, mother by his side with her hand on her small bump. " I do," I smiled. " Since I was a girl." Father sighed " I don't like the cunt" He spat before turning to me " But if he makes you happy, then I guess I can allow it." I grinned, throwing my arms around him " Thank you father". " If he ever hurts you I'll take his other eye out and serve it to you as a gift."

" I'll be okay father, besides you will return in a few days" " A few days I wish not to leave you alone with these Hightower cunts." " Father" I warned him with a look, making him break out in a smile. " Your mother gives me the same look when she's heard enough." Father pulled me in for a tight hug, his arms holding me as if he was scared to let me go. " I shall return as fast as I can. If you need me, I'm only a dragon ride away."

" I'll write to you father." " I look forward to your letters." Father kissed my head. " I love you." " I love you too, Father." Mother was the next to hug me, holding my face in her hands, " My father always said there would be one of us strong enough to mend our bond, I'm hoping that will be you sweat girl." I smiled and leaned into my mother's touch, " I always do the best I can for my family. " " An action I am so proud of you for."

I smiled and held my hand to my mother's stomach. She giggled as I rubbed it through the fabric. " Any guesses?" I asked playfully, " Consindering I can only seem to have boys and one mighty girl, I think it's a boy." " It's a girl." I smiled at her, " Visenya, the little girl you've been waiting on." " Maybe we shall get to share a pregnancy?" " Don't say that," Father snapped, making us laugh. " I'm not sure I'd make a good mother, not like you."

" Nonsense, you look after your siblings all the time. You treat Lucerys like he's your son. " " He's my little brother, " I smirked." Someone has to point him in the right direction when our parents are performing their duties. I shall do the same for this little one. " " When the time comes, I will teach you all I know." We were interrupted by a Knight coming to the door, " Forgive me, your boat awaits. " " It's time to go." Mother sighed and hugged me tight. " We will return soon," " Have a safe journey, all of you."

I waved them goodbye from my window as their carriage took them from Kings Landing. I sighed, a slight feeling of loneliness overcoming me. " Princess, are you alright?" Anni asked." This is the first time I've been away from my family, I feel a bit lonely. " I gave her a small smile. " Prehaps I can fix that." I turned my head and smiled when my eyes lay upon Aemond." Aemond, " I beamed, making my way towards him.

He smiled, a genuine smile I had not seen on him since he was a boy. " Aemma," he hummed, kissing my cheek. " Come, watch me train. Prehaps I can teach you a move or two." " I'd love to, but I wanted to have tea with Heleana and the children. We were close as children, and I haven't seen her for many a year." Aemond smiled." She would like that. It's not like Aegon is a good husband or father."

" Can we have lunch together?" I asked, " Of course, I'll come get you when I've finished my training." I gave Aemond a quick kiss before nodding to Anni to follow me. We made our way to the children's room, and it made me excited to meet her children.

I knocked on the door and quietly came in, smiling when I saw everyone. " Heleana," I grinned, running to her and hugging her tight. " Look at you, you've grown into such a beauty, my dear aunt." " Aemma," she smiled, hugging me back. " It's so nice to see you again." I turned to her children and held my hands together." They are precious! May I?" I asked Heleana, who nodded in return.

I sat on the floor beside the twins and introduced myself to them. "What are their names?" " Jaehaerys and Jaehaera," she smiled. " Beautiful names, I'm sorry I could not be here for your wedding or their birth." " You were sent away, but I had mother and Aemond to help." " I hope you don't mind my intrusion. I thought we could have tea together. " I smiled as Anni came in with Heleanas hand maiden with tea, small sandwiches, and cakes for us.

Heleana nodded. " That would be wonderful, I never had someone to have tea with." " Not even the Queen?" I asked, sitting down beside her. " Not since father has been ill, she takes care of the Kingdom." " Well, now you have me." I smiled, pouring some tea for her.

We talked for a while, most of the food and treats were gone, and a new pot of tea had been ordered. Heleana laughed and jumped around with Jaehaerys while I had Jaehaera on my hip. The room was full of laughter and joy. Even the hands stood to the side, clapping and laughing.

The door to the room opened, and the Queen came in with a surprised look. " Oh hello mother" Heleana smiled. " Would you care to join us, your grace?" I asked, " What's going on in here?" She asked. " I wanted to catch up with Heleana, so I brought some tea and cakes. Then we were playing with the little ones. Were we too loud, your grace?" I asked in a small panic, not wanting to upset her. " No! No, " she yelled." It's just been so long since I've heard Heleana and the children so happy."

" Well, Aunt Aemma is going to fix that, isn't she?" I laughed, blowing into Jaehaera's neck, making the sweet girl laugh. " She's so precious," I pouted. " What's all this?" We turned, Aegon walking through the door. " Aegon," Alicent looked at him, confused. " I heard all the laughter and wanted to see what all the commotion was about." Aegon came in and smiled as he saw me." My dear niece Aemma, " he cheered, stumbling towards me. He had clearly been drinking.

I handed Jaehaera to her career, " It's nice to see you again, uncle.", " It's good to see you too, thought I liked you better in that dragon scale dress." He smirked. " Aegon," Alicent warned him, " But we should catch up another time. I'm here for Heleana" He smiled " Come wife, while I'm drunk enough to fuck you."

Aegon fell to the floor, staring up at me in confusion as his cheek turned red. " Don't you ever speak to her like that again." " Aemma" Heleana mumbled " She is your sister-wife not some whore from the brothel, you should be ashamed of yourself speaking to her like that in front of the children." Aegon stood up, a sadness crossed his face " I didn't mean any harm" he turned to Heleana " I'm sorry."

" Anni" I called " Fetch Aegon a hot bath and some water to sober him up" " As you wish princess" she bowed before running off. " Aegon," I called, catching his attention. " I used to help you with your drinking when I was a child, it seems it has only worsened since my leave. I assure you, I won't let you stumble into your children's room and talk to their mother like that again. Do you understand?" " Yes. " " Good, now go to your chambers. I'll send Ser Criston for you when your bath is ready ."

We all watched as Aegon stumbled back out of the room, holding his face as the doors closed behind him. " How did you do that?" Heleana asked." Aegon has always needed a firm hand, " I said, taking Heleanas hand in mine. " Forgive me, the slap wasn't necessary, but I won't let him speak to you like that again, nor will I strike him again. That was just so he would learn his lesson, after this all he needs is some love and attention."

" Do you suggest we don't love him?" Alicent asked, " Of course not, but you and I both know he wasn't the best as a child, especially when he began his change into a man. Those were stressful times for all of us, I think he acted out back then in a cry for King Viserys' attention." I looked at Alicent." He never did show him that he cared, which is why now I will. I'll give him that little extra attention as his new sister. Maybe it can help him grow into a good man."

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