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Mother made sure we were all in place, nodding to the guards to open the doors. The guards pulled the large metal doors open, announcing our arrival. "Your Grace, we present Princess Aemma of House Velaryon, Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Prince Daemon of House Targaryen. Prince Jacaerys of House Velaryon, Prince Lucerys of House Targaryen, Lady Baela of House Targaryen, and Lady Rheana of House Targaryen".

Everyone bowed their heads as we made our way inside. A pit of nervousness growing in my stomach as we stopped in front of the King, Queen, and their children. King Viserys sat on his throne, a weak smile on his face as he looked down at me. " My dear granddaughter, you look so beautiful," " Thank you, your grace." I bowed to my grandsire.

" I welcome my family whom I have not seen in many years and my guests who have travelled from all over Westeros to be here today to celebrate Princess Aemma's sixteenth name day. Not only will she be celebrating her birth, but she will also choose her future husband tonight. Although she has not spent much time with you future Lords, I know my granddaughter will pick the perfect one to match her. For now, we shall begin the feast and leave the political nonsense for later."

Everyone cheered as the King finished his speech, taking a gasp of breath as he relaxed in his seat. " Princess," Cregan Stark approached me with a smile, " You look beautiful tonight,"" Thank you, Lord Stark, you tidy up well yourself," I teased. Cregan was dressed his house colours, fancy grey leathers, and a white cloak fixed across shoulders. " May I have the honours of your first dance tonight?" " I would be honoured," I smiled, placing my smaller hand in his.

Cregan walked me to the centre of the dance floor, people gathered around us as the band began to play. Cregan and I stood facing each other. As the song began, we took a step back, then a step forward. I stepped to Cregan's right, then his left before we slowly circled each other. Repeating the steps until Cregan grabbed my hips and hoisted me up into the air, dropping me back on my feet and taking my hand.

We repeated the previous steps of the dance, this time faster as we held each others hands. Cregan twirled me around, my back now pressed against his chest, his large hand resting on my stomach. Cregan was much taller than me, I felt like a child being held by their parent. I stepped forward as Cregan stood back, then stepped back into our original spots. Stepping side to side, circling each other before the dance came to an end with his hand on my lower back.

Everyone around us cheered and clapped for us, " You are quite the dancer." I smiled, " I had a good partner, and I would love to have another dance. For now, I shall let the other Lords have their turn. "  Cregan kissed my hand before making his way to his father to feast and enjoy the night.

I spent most of my night dancing and speaking with the future Lords, but I grew rather bored, and none of them had taken my interest. " Might I have this dance?" I turned, an amused laugh escaping my lips as Jace stood in front of me. " The future King of the realm wants a dance with me?" I chuckled." I'd be honoured your grace, " I bowed to Jace as we both laughed.

Jace took my hand, resting his other on my waist as the slow song began to play. " You feel tense, Jace," I noted, feeling the tension in his shoulders. " I wish to tell you something, Aemma, but you must not react or mother and father will see." He whispered. " Of course, what is it you wish to tell me?" " We have been speaking, our parents, Aunt Rhaenys, Baela, and I." " About what?". " If you have taken no interest in any of these Lords, mother and father will ask grandsire to wed you to me."

I stared at Jace in confusion. " Why?" Is all I could get out. " At dinner the other night, our grandfather said he would wed you to Aemond. They wish not for this to happen." " Why wed me to you, Jace? Who came up with this plan?" " Our parents, Aunt Rhaenys and Baela." " Baela? But she seemed so happy to wed you?". " It was a fusade. She wishes not for an arranged marriage. Something Daemon has granted if the King gives us his blessing."

" I'm not sure Jace, you are my big brother." " Has any Lords take your interest?" Jace asked." One or two, but I am unsure." " If we wed, then you will stay with our family, and we will return to Kings Landing and rule as King and Queen. Our family will stay together." " Do you wish to wed me?" I asked, looking at my older brothers face." You are my best friend, Aemma. We have been by each others side since the day of your birth. We know everything about each other, by the gods when we lived in Dragonstone we were inseparable."

" That is not an answer to my question." " Yes," Jace said, taking me by surprise. " It is Targaryen tradition to wed siblings together. Over our families' history, many siblings have fallen in love or found each other attractive and wed to keep the Targaryen blood pure. None of us have done so since the grandsire married the mothers wife." " Aegon and Healena are married." " But they are Hightower blood, you and I are Targaryen blood."

I thought for a while as Jace and I continued to dance, " What if grandsire denies this request?" " Then I will not push further, I will only ask this once, " Jace smiled at me. " I'd much rather take care of my sister than have her shipped off and treated in a cruel manner. This way, I can protect you, you stay with the family, and we shall claim the throne after mother." " Okay," I nodded. " If I choose no one and the King accepts, then I will marry you, Jace."

" I shall inform Mother." He smiled. The dance slowly came to an end. " Do not worry, Aemma, if all goes well, then I shall treat you with the utmost respect. Everything will work out. " I nodded my head," I know. " Jace kissed my hand and made his way to mother and father, whispering amongst themselves.

I began to pick at my fingers as I made my way to a servant, asking for a cup of wine. I thanked them and poured the red liquid down my throat as the nerves began to overcome me. I wanted to marry Aemond, but my parents will not give him their blessing and want me to marry Jace. It felt like my head was spinning, that after weeks of being told, I had a choice, the right to choose was ripped out from under me.

" My dear niece" I turned, my eyes widening slightly as Aemond towered over me, " Might I have this final dance with you?"

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